July 23, 2014

Will creepshots erode the demand for exploitative pornography?

A comment I left on this Uncouth Reflections post/debate about "creepshots" -- pictures taken of girls in perfectly public places, without their knowledge, and possibly shared digitally:

Someone should troll the feminist sites, along the lines of creepshots being a blessing in disguise — with creepshots easily and freely available to young males, the demand for pornography will dry up, and so put an end to mankind’s most patriarchally exploitative rape industry.

From the comments at Jizzabel, they seem to think the opposite — that creepshots are not a substitute for porn, but a separate vice of getting off on violating a girl’s privacy / consent without her even knowing. They glibly conclude that this is the obvious motivation, since otherwise they’d just be watching porn.

It never occurs to them that maybe the creepshot takers and consumers are turned off by tattooed sluts, feel pathetic relying on fake paid women to jerk off to, can’t tune out the fact that the women are broken screw-ups and feel dirty watching them, are turned off by vileness, don’t feel like hearing “actresses” shouting fake orgasms like retards and taking them out of the mood, prefer a little mystery (identity and clothing-wise) to remain surrounding the girls they’re jerking off to, or any other number of reasons why they’d substitute creepshots for porn.

When you think about what their alternatives are now, and have been recently, the creepshot phenomenon looks more like a turn back in the wholesome direction. More like a high schooler pointing out to his friends the chick who’s bending over her desk, than the sad isolated middle-aged bachelor fapping to Throatfuckers 27 HD.


  1. Off topic, but interest in, discussion of the CIA seems to be generational.

  2. As you've noted before, you can't even get female nudity in mainstream movies anymore - it's all gratuitous glimpses of HGH fueled men's bodies. As far as normal heterosexual outlets are concerned, you have models in bathing suits and explicit hardcore sex and not a lot of territory being covered in between.

    This made me think of Sailer's Taki article on feminism today. From what I hear, most normal, attractive girls actually kind of like being photographed by a stranger. Angry, bitter feminists, on the other hand, will find something to get upset about in anything. No one would care except that they someone seem to get cultural power out of proportion to their numbers and this kind of thought seeps into the general public.

    Even if creepshots didn't exist, if you were ever a semi-attractive girl in your life, scores of dudes have probably imagined you while jerking off, so there's not much difference.

  3. and this seems like more of an anti-social, cocooning trend. BTW, are comments working?

  4. I don't support creepshots. I hope the trend dies out quickly. I don't believe girls enjoy having their picture taken in public by strangers either, as its an aggressive act. ? maybe some personalities do, but I doubt that most do.

    Men can check out young, clean women in public if they want to, giving them some kind of outlet like creepshots is going to far IMO.

    "Even if creepshots didn't exist, if you were ever a semi-attractive girl in your life, scores of dudes have probably imagined you while jerking off, so there's not much difference."

    Its not the same, as when some guy jerks off, he is keeping it to himself.

  5. Two of your comments went into spam for some reason. Don't know why.

  6. There's an abundance of alternatives to surreptitious photographs of random women.

    Google image search is an easy, more wholesome alternative to hardcore porn.

    At the same time, the abuse of the word creep, both as an adjective and a noun is one of the surest signs of social degradation today.

  7. Jokah wrote: "As far as normal heterosexual outlets are concerned, you have models in bathing suits and explicit hardcore sex and not a lot of territory being covered in between."

    Try Zishy : http://zishy.tumblr.com/; http://www.zishy.com/


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