January 20, 2010

New York gets weaker on crime; wild times, here we come

This is just the first, barely perceptible change in the letting-up-on-crime direction, but New York is softening up on teenage criminals, emphasizing detention less and therapy more. Crime rates won't start shooting up again until at least 2017, maybe as late as 2027, but this shows that crime and responses to crime oscillate in cycles.

On the plus side, the wilder culture we will soon have will give us exciting rather than boring popular culture, just as rock music accompanied the crime wave of the late '50s through the early '90s.

1 comment:

  1. "the wilder culture we will soon have will give us exciting rather than boring popular culture, just as rock music accompanied the crime wave of the late '50s through the early '90s"

    Tell me about it. The music after around 1995-ish until now has been god awful.


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