February 17, 2025

The truce in the battle of the sexes during peaks of social harmony, 1940s and 1990s, halfway between peaks of social chaos circa 1920, 1970, and 2020

A topic I've been exploring lately relates to the 50-year cycle that Peter Turchin uncovered in social chaos and civil breakdown in American history, with eruptions circa 1970, 1920, 1870, missing one in 1820, and 1770. On that basis he predicted another eruption circa 2020 -- boy, was he right on the money.

He does mention the opposite values of these chaotic eruptions -- low-points for civil breakdown, or in other words, peaks of social harmony. The Era of Good Feelings in the 1820s was halfway between the breakdowns of the 1770s and 1870s. The Gay Nineties were halfway between the breakdowns of the 1870s and circa 1920.

It's misleadingly called the WWII era, since it began well before the war did (certainly before America's involvement in it), but the '30s and first half of the '40s, even the late '20s, were another such period. Woody Allen dubbed the period Radio Days. Also the period in which A Christmas Story is set. Or the contempo setting of It's a Wonderful Life. Whatever we call it, it was halfway between the breakdowns of circa 1920 and 1970.

Well, we just went through another breakdown circa 2020, which leaves the halfway point between it and the previous one before that, 1970, circa 1995. And really, harmony had been on the upswing by the late '70s, lasting throughout the '80s, and peaking in the first half of the '90s.

Chaos, breakdown, disorder, riots, etc. -- far more attention-grabbing for historians. The phases of greater harmony, stability, order, and calm, tend to go unnoticed.

Because this cycle pertains to such a foundational aspect of society -- order vs. disorder -- it affects so many domains of societal life. Riots vs. calmness is an obvious one. I'm interested in surveying how broadly this cycle touches our lives.

A perennial topic of discourse is the battle of the sexes, which has reached a fever pitch in the last 5, 10, 15 years. I think we're past the worst part of it, but it's still raging.

And before focusing on the harmonious phase, it does help to start with the chaotic phase, since its symptoms are so much more intense and easy to discern.

During the most recent chaotic phase, circa the late '90s through the early 2020s, and exploding during the woketard 2010s, there are too many symptoms to list briefly. #MeToo, Slutwalk, toxic masculinity, incels, gay BFFs / fag hags, fujoshi fanfic (girl imagining herself as a male in a homoerotic male-male fantasy), redpill, Game / pickup artists, porn based on degradation or humiliation (for either sex), and on and on down the line. Guys and girls could not have inhabited more separate, and more mutually hostile social environments.

In terms of waves of feminism, this is associated with the Fourth Wave.

During the previous eruption of chaos in the late '60s and early '70s, there was the Second Wave of feminism. Mostly focused on abortion, but also women's liberation in general, free love, bra-burning, equal pay for equal work, divorce, and the birth of what's called radical feminism i.e. the bitter man-hating abolish all gender roles type. That included the SCUM Manifesto, i.e. the Society for Cutting Up Men, by the whackjob who shot Andy Warhol, Valerie Solanas -- this was before feminazis sanctified gay men as their protective cockblocking eunuchs against the forces of toxic heterosexual masculinity.

During the previous eruption of chaos before that, was the breakdown of the late 1910s and early '20s. That coincided with the First Wave of feminism, specifically the Suffragette movement. Along with the chaotic social mood generally, this movement of feminism had been growing since the turn of the 20th century, it just hit its peak circa 1920 (when the US granted women the right to vote).

You may have noticed a skipped-over wave of feminism -- the Third Wave. That term applies to the '90s and the early 2000s, during a period of relative social calm rather than upheaval, as opposed to the other three waves coinciding with civil breakdowns.

Well, Third Wave feminism doesn't really exist, and feminists admit it -- its hallmark was its lack of cohesion politically, and lack of coherence conceptually. It's more of a placeholder term for "whatever feminists were up to in the '90s". And it's premised upon women of the '80s and '90s having won so many things during the previous two waves, so what was left for the '90s?

One of the major books of the Third Wave, Susan Faludi's Backlash ('91), is more about the past than the present -- the backlash against the Second Wave after the peak of social chaos had been reached, by the late '70s and throughout the '80s and into the early '90s.

The other major book, which *was* more about the present than a backlash against the previous wave, was The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf (also '91). Like the Third Wave in general, its premise is how many material, legal, and other gains have already been won due to the First and Second Waves. Now with women seemingly having it all, they find themselves searching for that last little bit of perfection that cannot be allocated to them by laws or corporate policies -- beauty, namely cosmetic surgery, fashion victimhood, eating disorders, and the like. The idea was, let's try to liberate ourselves from that self-imposed / mass-mediated oppression, and focus more on our worth as people who are not paragons of beauty.

OK, if that's feminism, then there was a Third Wave of it in the '90s. But it's not a movement, not political, and not seeking to up-end society like the other three waves did. Crucially, it was not man-hating or man-blaming or seeking a redress of grievances from the offending male sex. All feminists are at least somewhat man-hating and man-blaming, but the Third Wavers were pretty tame and calm, relative to the radicals of the Second and Fourth waves on either side of them.

The most you could point to in the '90s was in its second half, after the peak of social harmony had been reached, and the pendulum began to swing once again toward chaos and breakdown -- but had only just begun to shift. These developments were the embryonic forms of Fourth Wave feminism that would rear their ugly heads for real during the woketard 2010s.

Things like The Vagina Monologues ('96) and the associated V-Day ('98) which warped Valentine's Day into a day of raising awareness about violence against women, and even the whole Girl Power phenomenon ("chicks before dicks", to counter "bros before hoes"), associated with the Spice Girls and their Millennial audience.

Also the rise of gay BFFs, gay eunuchs, fag hags, and fujoshi fanfic -- Will & Grace, Sex and the City, and by the early 2000s, the first gay kiss in primetime in an episode of Dawson's Creek (2000), and in the music video for "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera (2002), and the bitter emo girl + messy gay BFF duo in Mean Girls (2004).

Suddenly, boys and girls were beginning to split apart, although this rift would not reach its yawning maximum until circa 2020. But it was quite a gear-shift or phase-change compared to the first half of the '90s, the '80s, and the late '70s.

So, one of the hallmarks of that harmonious phase was the relative absence of a feminist movement, especially of the man-hating and man-blaming and man-lobbying type that we usually require for something to be a true feminist movement.

The last time there was such a relative absence of feminism was the second half of the '20s (after women's suffrage was fait accompli, as well as discredited by their lobbying for the 18th Amendment to ban alcohol, which got repealed by the 21st Amendment in '33), all of the '30s, and at least the first half of the '40s.

You know the WWII era was barren of feminism when all they can point to, desperately, is the Rosie the Riveter ad campaign, or the fact that women joined the military as WACs and WAVES in their cute wool nurse's capes, to support the men in the war effort, in their typical female capacity. This was not man-hating, man-blaming, or man-lobbying for societal upheaval. So women could join the emergency war effort -- big deal, that's not radical at all, and tellingly it was not won by protests, violence, or other forms of coordinated confrontation against the power structure.

Much like the second half of the '90s, the second half of the '40s saw the very embryonic forms that would eventually become Second Wave feminism, like the 1949 publication of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, followed some time later in '63 by Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique.

I will go into greater detail on other cultural correlates of these harmonious phases, when the battle of the sexes ground to a halt. But for now, just to get the ball rolling, this brief overview of the timeline of various waves of feminism should give you the overall picture.

I promise those details will be more exciting and relatable than the history of feminism! But we have to start somewhere uncontroversial, like organized man-hating, man-blaming, and man-lobbying. And of course, the pair movement of womanizing, woman-hating, woman-blaming, and woman-hectoring. But the male version is not an organized or academic affair, so it doesn't leave as rich of a paper trail as the female version.

And in any case, females are the choosy sex in human beings, so generally speaking, what they say goes, regarding how close or distant the sexes will be with each other. The fine-detailed surveys will also focus more on how women change or cycle over time, although I will note how men change or cycle over time in the same ways.


  1. Cece and the Koronator played classic games today! I've only watched the first hour of each, and can't wait to finish them later.

    Cece is getting into Super Mario World -- a contender for best Mario game ever, along with Super Mario 3 and I'd also say Mario 2 USA (which is very different from the others, but has lots of vertically oriented level designs, as 3 and World do).

    She says she hasn't played a 3D Mario game -- she doesn't have to bother with them, they don't even come close to the 2D side-scrollers. ^_^

    And Korosan played an obscure Taito arcade game from '88 -- Jigoku Meguri, literally Hell Tour, but translated as Bonze Adventure outside of Japan (Bonze being Nihongo for a Buddhist monk). It's an action platformer where you play as a Buddhist monk battling various ghosts and monsters from Japanese mythology, in a series of hellish landscapes. Very cool -- not surprising, it's from Taito!

    To return to a point I've made several times, Japan remains a culture that is pervaded by Buddhist influences, notwithstanding the attempts by the Meiji Reformation to demote the Buddhists and revive / re-invent a Shinto religion.

    Video games were invented in Japan, they remain a national pastime, and even young girls play the classics from the canon.

    In this medium, there are quite a few examples where you play as a Buddhist figure, in this case a monk whose weapon is shooting a hail of prayer beads.

  2. Korone knows the term "bonze" for monk. When a god-like figure appears to shower you with power-ups, she refers to him as "Shaka-sama" -- the term for the historical first Buddha himself, i.e. Siddharta Gautama, as opposed to other figures who attained Buddhahood later, following his example. Japanese "Shaka" is derived from the term Shakyamuni (Sage of the Shakyas).

    She recognizes the statue of Jizo, and calls him by that name. He's an important bodhisattva in Japan, and his statues are EVERYWHERE -- including in this video game, as well as in Super Mario Bros 3 (when you're Tanuki Mario, you can transform into a Jizo statue for temporarily invincibility).

    There are certain blocks with caricatured faces on them, which remind her of ningyo yaki -- baked dolls, a kind of confection whose cake exterior is shaped in a mold that stamps it with a face, body, etc. Originally made in the early 1900s, they were shaped like the Seven Lucky Gods in Buddhism, and later as fish and other shapes. From the early days of the Meiji war on Buddhism, to the present day, these popular symbols of Buddhism remain recognizable and appreciated.

    One of the levels is Sanzu no Kawa -- Three-World River -- which is part of the Underworld in Japanese mythology, and was borrowed from an Indo-Aryan variant (Vaitarani) of the River Styx concept in Ancient Greek mythology. Both are obviously from an older Indo-European or Proto-Indo-European origin. Japan borrowed this concept when they adopted Buddhism, which also came from the Indo-Aryans, albeit by way of Tang China.

    She also recognized Sanzu no Kawa in another video game, whose name I forget, which also has a Yuki-onna (Snow Woman). It's retro-styled, but I think from the 2000s.

    She has a special costume as a Celestial Maiden, who takes away the worldly desires of her listeners after they confess them to her. In today's game, she said something about taking away desire. Very central concepts for Buddhism.

    The point is -- she knows all sorts of specific references and terms and practices relating to Buddhism. And I don't think she's very religious. Most Japanese people are not regular visitors to Buddhist temples anymore. And yet, Buddhism still pervades their culture, and they are aware of their roots as a Buddhist culture, rather than a Christian or Muslim or Confucian culture.

    Even a meme-y comedian gamer girl Millennial, who uses an anime avatar, is aware of all these Buddhist symbols in her nation's culture. That's how pervasive the influences are!

    It's certainly the main religion that foreigners think of when it comes to Japan -- specifically, Zen Buddhism. But ever since the Meiji Reformation, there has been a massive effort, largely unsuccessful, to rid the culture of Buddhism.

    You might as well try to erase Christianity from French culture, or Islam from Iranian culture!

    Glorious Nippon, emphasizing their Dark Age cultural roots even in a modern hi-tech medium like video games -- and streaming and vtubing! ^_^

  3. My Japanese grandmother was raised Buddhist, but I don't think she practiced it much when she moved here after marrying my American grandfather. She didn't try to transmit any of it on to her grandchildren, and from what I can tell, to her own children either.

    I wonder if that makes it hard for Japanese-Americans like Irys and Coco / Kson when they move to Japan. It would be like being an American of French descent, but whose family had since given up Christianity, then moving to France, and not being familiar with all the ways that Christianity pervades French culture -- even for the liberals and non-religious French.

    I could do both of those challenges, since my grandfather was originally of French (and English) descent. I would have absolutely no clue how to integrate into Japanese or French society and culture, even if I spoke the languages (which I do not). You have to be raised there for it to be natural.

    Well, if either of them happen to be lurking, that's one piece of advice I can give -- developing an understanding and appreciation for all the Buddhist influences in Japanese culture, from ideas and concepts like reincarnation, to morality like removing worldly desires and not getting too attached to things that are in a state of flux, to practices like the funerary rites involving putting coins on the eyes (like the River Styx) so they can make it through the Sanzu no Kawa.

    And the aesthetic influences of Buddhism as well! Like wabi-sabi, or the tea ceremony, bonsai, ikebana, sand gardens, and so on and so forth.

    Just as you don't have to be a devout Christian to celebrate Christmas, to use an Advent calendar, etc., you don't have to be a weekly visitor to a Buddhist temple in order to know what a Jizo statue is, how Zen Buddhist morality can be applied to your everyday life, etc.

    In Japan, you can't escape Buddhism -- so don't try to fight it! ^_^

  4. Perhaps related to Japanese Buddhism? I remember one thing my grandmother had as a decoration in her home -- a large bowl filled with various plastic fruits. They were pretty realistic, some had furry texture, others more waxy texture, the grapes were more rubbery and hollow so you could squeeze them like real grapes.

    Apparently this has been elevated to a refined craft in Japan:


    I always thought they were cool, although it's not seen as a refined craft in America.

    I wonder if this has a Buddhist influence -- like, what's the best example of a material thing you can desire, which is in a state of flux and will quickly pass out of existence, so that there's no point in you getting attached to it? Perishable food! Especially fruit.

    The Dutch painters focused their still lives on flowers and fruit, as a memento mori message. The painting may last, but the real-world items they are portraying will not.

    Is it similar with Japanese food models? The plastic models will last a long time, but not the real-world items they are imitating.

    You can get somewhat attached to a work of art, or a craft product, since it will last somewhat. But a piece of fruit? That won't last long at all. No point in attaching your worldly desires to fruit. By making an artwork or craft product that portrays fruit, however, you can appreciate it over a longer time-period, without developing an intense worldly desire for it -- you know that the oil painting on canvas doesn't contain any fructose, nor does the plastic fruit model that only serves as decoration. Not as desire-stimulating as a real piece of fruist, with actual fructose in it.

    Just a thought... ^_^

  5. I need to buy a plastic replica of a Ben & Jerry's pint, with the lid opened and highlighting all the various goodies inside -- I'm really going through them lately! But they're so cheap, only $1 and change for a pint, that I can finally afford to indulge myself on them. Not for long, though, I think this store is just about finished clearing out their inventory.

    I almost went through an entire pint of Impretzively Fudged tonight. It's got a chocolate ice cream base, that's what gets me. I had two pints of Netflix and Chill'd, which I did not come close to finishing in a single sitting -- they have a peanut butter ice cream base. It tastes great, but I don't feel compelled to keep digging away at it until there's nothing left, when it's PB ice cream.

    Last one I have is 4 small quarter-pints of Cherry Garcia, each of which was literally just 42 cents apiece, adding up to only $1 and change for a whole pint. I'll never see prices this low for B&J ever again in my life. I had to scoop them up! ^_^

    On an "end of wokeness" note, we can claim another nail in the coffin when B&J gets rid of the libtard propaganda branding for some of their flavors from the 2010s, like The Tonight Dough (Jimmy Fallon) and Americone Dream (Stephen Colbert).

    Just stick with non-political, non-media / propaganda references like the Grateful Dead, Phish, and the movie Half Baked (they claim this is not a reference to the Jim Breuer / Dave Chappelle movie, but the audience would certainly hear it this way when the flavor came out).

    Up in Smoke-o-late... although the audience would have to know how "chocolate" is pronounced in Spanish, where "choco" and "smoke-o" rhyme, as opposed to English "choco" which has an "a" rather than "o" stressed vowel.

    Chocoleidoscope -- very hippie-dippy. Multiple bright-colored ice creams swirled together, with chocolate brownie chunks suspended in them.

    Molten Chocolate Lava Lamp -- has pieces of fudge cake in it, and ooey-gooey blobs of chocolate suspended in vanilla (or PB or whatever) ice cream, like a lava lamp. For a more realistic version, maybe Strawberry Mango Lava Lamp, with red blobs of strawberry ice cream / syrup / actual strawberries, suspended in a yellowy orange mango ice cream.

    Magic 8 Ball -- tinted black chocolate ice cream, with blueberry-flavored chunks in the shape of pyramids, with some white cream swirls.

    Anything but libtard propagandists!

  6. I think this song from the new Mean Girls quite signifies a vibe shift regarding relations between the sexes:


  7. There's also the feminism in the 1870s as well. The Susan B Anthony types and campaigns for women's suffrage in the western states.

  8. That video game also has Enma-O, or King Enma (from Indo-Aryan Yama), a lord of the Underworld in Buddhism, who decides whether a soul goes to Heaven or Hell (as we would understand it). He's the final boss of the game.

    Korone knew his name as well. He also appears in Dragonball, One Piece, and perhaps many other modern Japanese pop culture works.

    In Japanese culture, Buddhism has not only provided much of the moral framework and aesthetic philosophy, it has furnished many of the cast of characters relating to the supernatural. There are some pre-Buddhist, distinctly Japanese figures like Yuki-Onna. But for the most part, these figures are from Buddhism -- Shaka, Enma, Jizo, and so on. Their names and images are well known by Japanese people, even if they're not regular temple visitors.

    The larger point is that Japan is not a Confucian or a Daoist culture, which are the other two international religions from China that could have expanded into Japan, but did not. Only Buddhism did -- and ultimately that came from India, by way of China, not an indigenous Chinese religion like Confucianism or Daoism.

    This relates to the relative strength in Japanese history of the monks and clerical class, as well as the warrior class, and the relative weakness of the scholar-bureaucrat class or the eunuch class, which were far more influential in China and Korea, along with Confucianism and Daoism.

    That's not to say there was no Confucian influence in Japan, but on the whole, it is primarily Buddhist, not Confucian (or Daoist).

    Glorious Nippon.

  9. Japanese people LOVE the song "To Be with You" by Mr. Big! At least the ojisans do. I just looked through the comments to the YouTube video, and the only non-English comments are Japanese -- and there are quite a few of them!

    Usually there are comments in Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, whatever else. But on this song, it's only Japanese. I don't think it was a global hit, and even in America it's more of a deep cut these days, although it was massively popular when it came out.

    Looks like it was promoted in Japan as well, and became a huge hit there too.

    Glad to see that great minds think alike.

    Now the fans of Hololive JP girls know which song to blast while holding up a boombox in front of the Cover studio, to get their oshi's attention and declare their love. ^_^

  10. Actually, "To Be with You" *was* a global hit, topping the charts in many many countries outside America -- but did not chart in Japan at all.

    Perhaps it was used in a Japanese movie or TV show sometime later, and became popular that way?

    I'm not sure how, but it's pretty popular in Japan to this day, whereas all those other countries where it hit #1 are not chiming in on the YouTube video to reminisce.

    Just another example of Japan being America's soulmate, where so many things are wildly popular in both countries but not in others.

  11. One of the most common complaints in the current battle of the sexes is that girls won't approach guys, won't ask them out, won't confess their feelings first, and so on. All those duties fall on the guys' shoulders.

    But far from this leading to some imaginary trad-topia where guys suck it up, take on their masculine duties, and everyone winds up happily ever after, thanks to men taking the lead -- guys mostly just keep their feelings to themselves, and nobody gets asked out or confessed to, in either direction.

    Strictly physical random hookups may occasionally happen (far less so than before, however -- more on that later). But that's not confessing feelings, asking someone out / to be your bf or gf / to go steady / to get engaged or married / etc. It doesn't imply you have an emotional soft spot for the other person, and therefore doesn't reveal a weakness on your part. It's just saying you have an itch you want to scratch, and will the other person be willing to scratch it for you.

    It doesn't build toward a social-emotional attachment between two people. And that is what's missing these days -- in addition to far fewer people having even casual sex. I'd describe it as casual sex has severely declined, while confessing feelings of love and attachment has vanished entirely.

    Why don't guys simply take on their masculine duties, and lead / initiate, so that the girl can choose whether or not to follow? "It's their role as the male!" has not persuaded them, no matter how many decades this message has been blared at them. So something larger is going on.

    Trying to contrast it with the good ol' days of the '80s and first half of the '90s (and late '70s), it seems like the difference is that guys were happy to ask out girls during that period cuz girls were also willing to ask out guys. It wasn't so lopsided in who was shouldering the burden.

    Now, if there's an inherent biological difference between the sexes, then maybe men will do a lot more of it -- like lifting heavy objects, opening difficult jars, protecting from violence, and so on. And if it requires fine motor skills, guys will do a lot less of it, like sewing and other small-scale crafts.

    But both guys and girls get romantic feelings. Both guys and girls feel the urge to convey those feelings to the object of their affection. And both guys and girls want to hear that person say back that they feel the same way! There is absolutely no physical, biological sex difference in the ability to do any of these things.

    It's just opening your mouth and talking, sharing your feelings -- aren't girls better at that than guys, anyway? If anything, the sex difference theory says that girls should confess their feelings to guys.

  12. This has nothing to do with females being the choosy sex in human beings, which just says that females will tend to have more restrictive tastes than males will. In other words, the average girl might be open to less than 50% of the male population, when developing and conveying her romantic feelings, whereas the average guy might be open to more than 50% of the female population.

    What I'm talking about is, regardless of how choosy a person is in their mate selection -- who they have their eye on, and a soft spot for -- conveying that information to the target is not a male specialty.

    Plus, guys tend to over-estimate how romantically intereseted girls are in them. Guys are more emotionally clueless / autistic. Guys are more verbally and emotionally awkward. If anything, this situation is tailor-made for the girls to do, and for the guys to react with either a thumbs up or thumbs down.

    Then again, guys are more risk-taking, and confessing a personal weakness in a way that the listener has some kind of power over you, is a real big risk. So guys have some advantage over girls in this aspect of confessing feelings.

    The point is: there is no major sex difference favoring either one, regarding the confessing of feelings. Both men and women are equally likely to write lyric love poetry, for instance, among writers. If anything, again, women are more inclined toward that kind of poetry than, say, epic or third-person narrative poetry.

  13. Enter the Sadie Hawkins dance phenomenon of the late '30s and '40s! During the period of increasing social harmony, from the second half of the '20s through the first half of the '40s, American youngsters adopted an entirely new way of asking someone to a school dance -- how about the girls ask the guys? At least half of the time, and the other half of the dances, guys would ask the girls. Fair is fair.

    The dance was named after a similar plotline in the Li'l Abner comic strip in 1937, where a race was held, in which the unmarried women chased after the unmarried men in the area, to capture a suitable husband.

    Asking a boy to a school dance is not the same as hunting him down to marry him, but close enough. The craze was at its height in the first half of the '40s, i.e. the maximum of social harmony, although it did linger into the second half of the decade, before slowly fading away in the decades afterward. See the Wiki entries for some contempo photographs:



    Here is a scene of the Sadie Hawkins race, from the 1944 cartoon version of the Li'l Abner comic:


    And a similar depiction, from the 1959 movie adaptation of a musical based on Li'l Abner:


    We will be returning to pop culture depictions of assertive and confident and initiative-taking women from the late '20s through the mid-'40s later. But to start off, it's better to have a real-life widespread phenomenon like the Sadie Hawkins dances, which were only inspired by a pop culture product, and took on a life of their own IRL.

  14. The Sadie Hawkins dance is not akin to a free-love / women's liberation era girl propositioning a guy for some casual sex. Asking a boy to a dance, or on a date, or in the comic / cartoon / musical / movie, roping him into marriage, is about establishing a longer-term social-emotional attachment. Not just hooking up one night to scratch a physiological itch.

    In fact, romance-free physiological reductionist behaviors are more common during the periods of civil breakdown (circa 1920, 1970, and 2020, and on the rise during the two decades preceding each breakdown). They don't show a personal weakness or aim to establish a social bond, so they're compatible with a climate of anti-social competition, jockeying for status, trying to gain the upper hand, fearing exploitation so much you emotionally clam up, and so on and so forth.

    It's not that girls totally shouldered the burden of asking out boys to dances, on dates, for marriage, etc. During the Sadie Hawkins era, boys still asked girls out to the established dances like Homecoming and Prom. They simply balanced that out by holding dances where the girls asked out the boys.

    By making each sex responsible for opening up to the other, at least some of the time, it made everyone feel more safe and comfortable when they had to undertake the risky role of confessing their feelings -- cuz the other half of the time, they could rest easy as the person being confessed to, and only have to worry about how to react to the other person's confession.

    In the opposite climate, where girls never ask out guys, that sends a very intense signal to the guys that there is an atmosphere of "don't expect me to ever open up, make myself vulnerable, or take any risk, for fear I might get rejected". If girls aren't going to make themselves vulnerable by asking out guys -- at least half of the time -- then *what else* are they unwilling to do, for fear of being vulnerable, getting rejected, etc.?

    It sounds like they're clamming up, which means they're unwilling to form much of a social-emotional attachment *even if* the guys do all the approaching and confessing of feelings. In that case, why bother approaching them in the first place? They're too focused on preserving their own personal fortress walls. They're in zero-sum or negative-sum mode, guys vs. girls, never show your weakness, take advantage of the other or get taken advantage of by the other, etc.

    So, rather than a message of, "We girls are totally willing to let our guard down, form long-term social-emotional attachments, etc., but we just want the guys to initiate this process," the true message is that they're unwilling to do those things, and are therefore unwilling to confess their feelings. If the guys want to take a stab at confessing their feelings, let them go ahead and try, but no, we don't guarantee any of us girls will feel the same way back and start a long-term bonding process with the risk-taking guys.

    It's like if a bunch of guys and girls show up to a dance, not as couples, and the girls claim that no one is dancing cuz the guys are supposed to be the ones to lead in a dance, and the guys aren't initiating.

    Well, maybe... but given how romantically inclined guys are, especially if they showed up to a dance, they're probably not just refusing to initiate. The girls are more likely sending them signals that they don't actually want to be asked to dance, don't want to follow the lead of the initiating guy, don't want to dance with boys in general. Rather, the girls showed up to dance with their female friend circle, or by themselves, or whatever -- not to be asked to dance by boys, after which they'll say yes and follow their lead.

  15. In the LGBTQ era, it's worth noting who the girls will and will not take along with them to a danceclub, or invite over to a house party where there's music and dancing, etc.

    They have no problem dancing near or with fags, and may even prefer them for the company. This has nothing to do with being pro-LGBTQ, open-minded, tolerant, etc.

    Why not? Cuz they socially exclude lesbians from accompanying them to these places. I'm not talking about a straight sad girl who says she's non-binary and asexual. I mean an honest-to-goodness, "I fall in love with girls and want to cuddle them in bed and move in with them" lesbian.

    So there goes all the woketard BS about wanting to include sexual minorities or whatever.

    The difference is that a fag can never "catch feelings" for a girl, let alone seek physical intimacy with her. So if you're all about protecting your personal fortress walls, as a girl, having a fag nearby is totally safe.

    But having a lesbian around would threaten that security -- she might catch feelings for another girl, seek physical intimacy or cohabitation and social bonding, etc. So she must be excluded.

    This also shows that it's not about a battle between the sexes per se. Clearly some kind of guys are given a free pass by girls, while some kinds of girls are strictly excluded despite being fellow girls.

    The common factor is protecting your individual self from external threats, in this case, "people who could catch feelings for me". Generally those people will be from the opposite sex, and this hyper-active self-defense looks like a battle between the sexes. But when girls wave the fags right on through, while keeping lesbians at arm's length, we can see it's not about girls battling guys per se, but about ego protection and social-emotional isolation.

    It's about putting the self above others, and to the exclusion of others. No wonder these behaviors only emerge during periods of increasing social tensions and outright civil breakdown.

  16. But enough about the present battle, I'm trying to focus on what the opposite phase is like. But occasionally, it is worth reminding ourselves how insane the current moment is -- or at least, was, up through the early 2020s. I really think it's past its worst level, and like the other times, will start getting more pro-social in the coming years, until another maximum of social harmony in the first half of the 2040s.

    I'll provide some examples that mirror the Sadie Hawkins craze, from the first half of the '90s, later. It wasn't the exact same phenomenon -- I went to a bunch of middle school dances then, and none involved girls asking boys to the dance. Girls might have initiated a dance with a boy once they were inside, but they didn't ask a boy *to* the dance, as though they were going as a couple for the whole night.

    But there were similar phenomena, from both IRL and pop culture, of girls taking the lead in the confessing of romantic feelings -- at least, half the time. Maybe more than half the time, if he was cute!

    How many girls confessed their feelings to Jordan Catalano, vs. how many did he confess his feelings toward? Well, that's all part of the risk the girl is taking by confessing her feelings to a pretty boy.

    But it wasn't just hot girls making moves on hot guys. That's cope from the present battle of the sexes. Nerdy girls like Delia Fisher also confessed their feelings to nerdy guys like Brian Krackow.

    I'll have to investigate who confessed their feelings first between nerdy couple Screech and Violet on Saved by the Bell. He motivated her to dump her neglectful bf, but that could've been white-knighting from just-a-friend, it doesn't imply he confessed his love for her as well, like "I would be better for you". I'll have to see whether he went that far, or whether she realized his superior potential as a bf after he inspired her to tell off her bf, even though he was content being just a friend.

    1. Previous phases of male female animosity did not have anywhere near the level of pornography and other permanent reminders of how anti-social women's behavior can become. Nor was tattooing and other signs of women giving up on anything like decency widespread. The rot is progressive and not of the reversing sort. The battle of the sexes only gets worse from here on out.

  17. Cher confesses her feelings to Josh first in Clueless, BTW. Even the super-popular, well-to-do, mega-hotties were willing to initiate, back in the '90s. And that's not even mentioning her role in The Crush -- talk about taking the initiative! My friend and I rented that tape when it first came out, and I'm still hopelessly in love with her over 30 years later! ^_^

    Yep, that's the potential downside or side-effect of confident, initiative-taking women -- femme fatales. They know what they want, they're going to do whatever it takes to get it, and watch out if you try to obstruct them!

    A total staple of '90s erotic thrillers and neo-noir, as well as in classic film noir movies from the '40s.

    Yeah, it's a crazy having her way with us, but we'd be crazy to have it any other way...

  18. To briefly preview some further topics, without going into detail. Boys and girls being friends -- whether it's "just friends" or potentially more. That was so common in the good ol' harmonious days.

    But one thing now, that really stands out -- we stayed friend no matter what our romantic relationship status was. Meaning, if one of us got a bf / gf, that person didn't just drop off the face of the Earth and leave the friendship in a suspended state.

    My best girl friend from middle and high school had a boyfriend at some point, but I couldn't even tell you exactly when, or what his name was. It was a parallel existence or role she was playing -- she didn't stop calling me and talking to me on the phone for hours, didn't stop sitting next to me in class, didn't stop doodling on my binder or on my shoes or whatever, didn't stop joking around with me, etc etc etc.

    Neither did I stop doing all those things when I got a girlfriend during out friendship. In fact, I think we both developed a stronger social-emotional bond with each other than we did with our bf / gf! She's still one of the few people I would just about insta-marry, even after all these years of not having communicated, if I really felt like settling down, and making sure I could trust and depend on the person.

    Same with Zack and Jessie from Saved by the Bell -- both of them had an S.O. during the show, Zack with Kelly, and Jessie with Slater. But that didn't stop them from being friends with each other. Jessie didn't drop off the face of the Earth when she started dating Slater -- she stayed close and active friends with Zack, and with the whole rest of their social circle.

    That's another very common complaint these days -- girls vanishing from friends when they get a boyfriend. But it really was not like that during the last period of social harmony. It's so disrespectful and anti-social, and self-focused -- only going to happen when the social climate is trending toward chaos and disorder rather than order and harmony.

  19. A final brief example, without going into too much detail -- male-female partner or buddy roles, in TV or movies. Not romantic -- not at first anyway, there could be / is a "will they or won't they?" vibe. But they're not actually bf + gf.

    I'm thinking of Mulder and Scully from the X-Files in the '90s (show began in '93, and I just scored the first two seasons on DVD from a thrift store, though I won't start watching them until I'm done with the current season of Star Trek: TNG).

    But also, the detective duo on Silk Stalkings -- a very similar vibe, and that show began in '91.

    And also, the title characters from Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, which began in '93.

    And also, Audrey Horne and Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks, which began in '90.

    I'm sure there's a ton more, if I looked further into it. But this kind of male-female partnership that wasn't romantic, was very common in pop culture of the last peak of social harmony.

    They weren't all femme fatales -- like I said, that's just one side-effect of the harmonious climate. The flipside of femme fatales are these partner-confidante types, short of being bf + gf although still with some romantic tension between them.

    I'll have to look further into examples from the '30s and '40s.

  20. I don't count Benson & Stabler from Law & Order: SVU in this pattern, since there was never any romantic tension, "will they or won't they?" etc. Not surprising, since Stabler IRL is closeted gay, and there have always been lesbian rumors about Benson IRL.

    And that show began in '99, mainly from the 2000s. It was past the point where they could have the semi-romantic tension between the mixed-sex partners. Sad.

  21. As for IRL in the early '90s, my first girlfriend asked ME out... via her friend, of course, who called me on the phone, on her behalf. Awww, so shy! Well, not once we started dating -- she was also the one to initiate our first kiss. ^_^

    Voluptuous latina with by far the biggest bouncers in the whole middle school, and she was only in 6th grade. I'm not a boob guy, so the other boys were always way more into that aspect of my gf than I was, but she had an hourglass figure and a decent ass, too. And a sparkly smile. ^_^

    She was either a recent immigrant or daughter of recent immigrants -- looking back now, I wonder if they misstated her age for whatever reason when they came here, perhaps by accident, and she was actually a few years older than the rest of us 6th graders. I mean, she was just so voluptuous and horny for a 6th grader. But who knows...

    Later in 8th grade, one of the top 10 hottest girls also asked me out via a mutual friend, but although I'd had a HUGE crush on her for the previous year, I couldn't shake the feeling that she was out of my league. Her friend didn't say that she was pondering the idea or anything -- she said "reeeaaaalllly likes you!"

    We stayed friends and flirted still, but I never did pull the trigger with her. One of the biggest regrets in my whole life, I still think about it. Not for the physical loss, but the fact that I'd already had a huge crush on her, and this was seemingly a dream come true, an answer to my prayers.

    I guess I was cute, cool, or something -- she must've seen something in me, since she had whatever options she wanted. She was a total babe. But I hadn't had much experience in girls letting me know about my worthiness as a bf, so I didn't have an intuitive feel for my own value vs. a very clear intuition of her value. It just seemed ill-fated, too good to be true, out of my league, etc.

    If by some miracle you're lurking my blog over 30 years later, D-------, please know that I wanted you more than you wanted me, I was just an insecure 8th grader, and I hope you didn't take it the wrong way back then.

    The supple pressure from the outer palm of her hand against the back of my neck, as she was writing cute things and doodling on the canvas of my skin, with slow gliding strokes of a ballpoint pen, where I couldn't even see what marks she was leaving... I had to trust her. It was during a movie day in English class, the lights were off, we could sit wherever we wanted, and she had me right where she wanted me -- and where *I* wanted me!

    I don't know how much more convincing she could've given me, but it was too early in my development. I just couldn't believe it! It had to be too good to be true.

    ...The point being, girls were way more confident and willing to open up and take a risk by approaching boys back then. These two cases were from '92-'93 and '94-'95.

  22. I have to reiterate I'm not talking about random hookups, but something with a medium-to-long-term social-emotional attachment implied. Asking a boy to be your boyfriend, or to start dating, or saying you love him, or something like that -- not just dry-humping him at a school dance to scratch your itch.

    Wait a minute! There was another time, probably around '95, when some girl, who I couldn't even see cuz it all happened so fast, was in a car driving next to mine. My mom was driving me somewhere, and some girl saw me and told her friend or older sibling who was driving -- I can't believe she would've done this if her parent had been driving -- to pull up close to our car, and since it was warm out, both cars had their windows down.

    With absolutely no warning that anything of this plan was proceeding, my mom and I heard a girl scream "I LOVE YOU [AGNOSTIC'S FULL NAME]!!!!!!!" before speeding away! My mom was dumbfounded, but laughing out loud at the same time, like "Who was THAT???!!! Do you know who that was???" I literally had no idea, the car sped away before I could get a look at her, and I didn't recognize the voice since there was ambient traffic noise, and again, it all happened so fast.

    Whoever she was, she never did let me know in school or via her friend calling me on the phone, to follow up on her little drive-by confession of love. Even though she didn't reveal her identity, that still took A LOT of guts to pull off right there on the spot. It's not like she was following us or anything, she just saw me in a car and decided to seize the opportunity.

    In contrast to the catcalls that I heard later on, in the 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s, which were always physical -- since I didn't know these stranger girls at all, they just saw a random hot guy and felt like letting out a mating call. This girl knew me, and did not say "Omigod, [AGNOSTIC'S FULL NAME], you're so CUTE!" She specifically said "I love you!" That's emotionallll, not physicallll....

    I've been surrounded and pursued by confident, initiative-taking girls my whole life -- how can I not love them? ^_^

  23. I won't go into all the details, since they're not as relevant to the main point, but I will say that girls were also way more likely to initiate strictly physical flirtation back then as well. It was initiative-taking in general, that they were comfortable with. Not just a girl who knew me already, had an emotional attachment in mind, and was using physical flirtation to test the waters of whether I liked her or not.

    I mean, as in, a total stranger cutie who was sitting a couple seats away from me, when my friends and I went to see Rushmore in the theater, and we started exchanging glances, and then started playing footsie and touching our legs across two or three seats -- but in a dark theater where no one could see us. ^_^ That was one of the hottest things I've ever experienced, even if it didn't lead to full-on intercourse. Wow!

    She came alone, too, and usually that makes girls clam up. They're more emboldened when they can feel like they're acting as part of a mob, crowd, clique, etc. That took some real guts!

    Zoomers will never know what that's like, having gone through adolescence during a time when movie theaters had already died. I doubt most Millennials know what that's like either, but you never know. Some of the earlier ones may have experienced that in the late '90s, when I did.

    Some things cannot be experienced via online streaming services, or even the beloved video rental store -- only in the seating rows of a darkened theater. They were the good ol' kind of seats, too, the metal ones with the upholsteryed seat and back, where the seat part flipped up and down. It'd be a lot more difficult with those high-back chairs arrayed in the stadium / amphitheater format, let alone where everyone is in an oversized recliner positioned 20 feet away from their neighbors.

    Not only were the seats the right type, they were arranged the right way -- all along a mostly even height, not where the "floor" slopes up like a friggin' mountainside. In order to kick up your feet on the seatback in front of you, which is how we started touching -- angling our legs toward each other and resting our feet in the same valley between two seats in front of us -- the row in front has to be the same height as your own. In a stadium arrangement, the row in front of you has like a 10-foot drop. You can't kick up your feet and lie back in your seat.

    Remember what they took from you! ^_^

  24. As an epilogue, I will admit that there was one time well after the '90s when a girl confessed her love to me first. I will never forget that either -- it was the summer of 2006, and she was a nearly 16 year-old student at the tutoring center I worked at. Absolute babe, yes even at that age it was clear, alpha-female / queen bee / popular type. Exotic Persian hotness. Normally very cocky, always trying to tease and scandalize me sexually, and so on...

    Then one night, she dropped the irony-poisoned provocateur act, and called me by my first name in an upward-intoning way like a curious child.


    Yes, what do you want?

    "How old are youuuuuu?"


    "Oh... well... I think, when two people LOVE each other... it doesn't matter how old they are... like, age is just a number..."

    I didn't respond verbally, just looked her in the eye, raised my eyebrows slightly, and nodded along, like "Hmmm, interesting hypothesis, maybe it's true." I didn't shoot her down or shut her down, just left it neutral-to-accepting, and I'm sure I had a slight smile that didn't escape her attention.

    We stayed friendly afterward, she didn't take it the wrong way, and I didn't encourage her further, although that would have easily been one of the most memorable episodes of my life. She was a student, and she needed to feel safe and secure in order to open up her feelings like that to me... it would have ruined that rare special security if I had told her I thought she was a mega-hottie, so why don't we meet up sometime outside of tutoring?

    Purely physical approaches -- oh, I still got tons of those throughout the 2000s and 2010s and 2020s. Just last year, an alt-girl at a thrift store cold approached me, heavily complimenting my outfit, asking me my sign, "Oh, well I know [that sign] are always very handsome..." and pressing hard for my phone number, social media, email, anything.

    But I honestly told her, I don't do email, don't have social media, and don't have a cell phone. We still hung out in the store, but I didn't pursue it -- can't hook up with every random cutie who cold approaches you. Any specific one of them would be fine to hook up with -- but if you do that with all of them, all of a sudden you get corrupted by High Body Count Syndrome, whose corruption is just as spiritual / psychological as it is physiological.

    Point being, after the mid-'90s or so, a girl confessing her love first was damn rare, and even that later exception was in the mid-2000s, which was nearly 20 years ago by now. It went from emotional to physical declarations.

    And as I said before, random hookups are way less common these days than in the '90s. It's just that casual sex has severely declined, while confessing your romantic love first to someone you don't know will respond with "I feel the same way" -- has vanished entirely.

  25. I also don't want to give the impression that gender roles were inverted or anything. I asked out / declared my romantic feelings for girls, before they did so to me. The girlfriend I had around the same time my best girl friend had her boyfriend, I asked out first, made the first physical move on her, etc. I asked out a lot of girls in college, mainly during the early 2000s.

    Back in the early '90s, I gave the mother of all secred admirer gifts to a girl I had a crush on, for the last day of school.

    Remember that yearbook I mentioned, just for 5th graders, with entire profiles of our preferences? Well, I flipped on over to her page to see angle of attack I could pursue, and she listed her hobby as "Collecting stuffed bunnys" -- so why don't I just pay a visit to the local mom & pop high-end toy store at the mall, and pick out a couple of stuffed bunnies from their plushie section? A pink one and a white one!

    I had to hide those for what seemed like a thousand years, before I bundled them up into a paper grocery bag, with some kind of basic letter on top of them, like "From your secret admirer" or something basic like that.

    On the last day of school, we always went to the pool next to the school, so I knew everyone would be out of the building then. I pretended to have left something swimming-related back in the classroom, and that's when I snuck that present-bag over to her classroom (she had a different teacher -- it was like breaking into a stranger's house, not even my own classroom!), looked for her desk, and placed it there on her chair.

    Then after we got back from the pool visit, I walked past her classroom door right as she discovered the gift from her secret admirer, and she was OVER THE MOON! She had one of her girl friends next to her, and she was ecstatic, bouncing or jumping up and down, wide-eyed, like "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS???!?!?!??!?!" to her friend, who was also ecstatic for her. Like, "Omigod, I thought this only happened in the movies!"

    Not with this guy around -- I'm here to make those fantastical moments as real as they can be.

    How many girls can say they experienced something like that? Not many, but J------ is one of them. I never revealed who sent it, my family was about to move across the country over the summer, and I would never see her again anyway. And this way, she could indulge in a little speculative fantasy of her own -- was it boy A, boy B, or maybe boy Z? The tantalizing mystery of it all! I'm sure she got quite the kick out of that, even after her initial ecstatic surprise on the last day of school itself. ^_^

    I did at least work up the courage to walk right up to her and ask her to sign that 5th-grade special yearbook. I'm looking at it right now -- she signed her full name in cursive, with an exclamation point (with an open circle, instead of a mere dot, on the lower part of it), and an undulating sideways wave to underline it all. Y'know, starting wide at the top, then narrowing lower down, then terminating in a small stroke, so it all fits inside of a triangle boundary.

    I know this doesn't mean she was also madly in love with me, she was just bubbly and friendly and probably a future Manic Pixie Dream Girl. But that -- and seeing the expression on her face, and really her whole body, when she discovered that secret admirer gift -- was more than enough for little ol' 5th grade me. ^_^

  26. So why didn't Millennials and Zoomers and Alphas do the whole "secret admirer" thing? That was totally a mainstream trope in media in the '80s and early '90s, when I made it happen for real. And I was not the only one -- I remember in middle school, sometimes people would slip a little secret admirer note into someone's locker.

    One possibility is that the girls would perceive it the opposite way as the girls of my generation -- they'd think it was creepy, or from a stalker (the favorite term for "hopeless romantic", in the post-'90s low-trust paranoid chaotic anarchic atomized shithole era). If it was not explicitly solicited and consented to beforehand, why, that makes the act tantamount to rape! Or at the very least, sexual harassment.

    The other possibility is that guys would perceive it the opposite was as I did -- it would be a "beta" move (that's rich, coming from an incel who never got any attention from girls in his whole life), white-knighting, simping, or whatever other term for weakness, which they project onto guys with the actual courage and guts to approach girls to some degree, rather than shrink back entirely and never open up to girls at all. Sorry, that makes you a cowardly little faggot who's terrified of girls.

    God, you Millennials and Zoomers are so fucking NUTS... but aside from mental illness, you're profoundly anti-romantic, anti-social, everyone is against you, you're just an innocent attacked victim from all sides. No wonder society blew up during the 2010s, if that kind of anti-social pressure had been building up for a generation.

    But, returning to the over-arching point, we're apparently past the worst of that woketard bullshit by now. I actually think the simp liberation and simp appreciation revolution of circa 2022, was the first sign of society finally moving past the battle of the sexes that had been raging since the late '90s in embryonic form.

    Millennials may be getting left behind by this revolution, this swinging of the pendulum away from girl-hating and man-hating. Well, that's just tough luck for them, they're too set in their ways, they're in their 30s by now, and there's probably no hope for them going forward.

    IDK about Zoomers, they seem pretty fucked in this regard as well, although maybe not the later ones? It's too early to tell. And they're still young, so they still have some changing and adapting left to do, before they harden into their final form. They might make it, although I'm skeptical.

    Seems more like Gen Alpha will be the first to reach adulthood in a fundamentally different state as the Millennials and Zoomers, regarding the battle of the sexes. They saw how awful it was when the worst explosion nearly destroyed society in the late 2010s and early 2020s, as they were just impressionable little children. "We don't want to grow up like THAT..."

    And with that, suddenly the next generation will dial down the battle of the sexes, to move away from the worst anti-social explosion anyone has witnessed since the late '60s and early '70s.

    This pendulum swing is just beginning, and won't reach its max extent until circa 2045. But it really can't go any further in the chaotic "to hell with everyone" direction. The max extent of social breakdown was clearly reached circa 2020, and by now that's beginning to fade away, however gradually.

    Going forward -- well, not forever, but at least until 2045 -- hopeless romantics will no longer have to be afraid. Bitter, irony-poisoned man-haters / girl-haters will become a relic of the past, aging fossils who embarrass themselves by trying to hold on to the anti-social peak rather than let it go and join the new era where daily life will aim closer and closer toward becoming a Mentos commercial and an Amy Grant song. ^_^

  27. It's worth noting that many shows from the late '80s and early '90s didn't exactly have the most wholesome intra-family dynamics (i.e. The Simpsons, Married with Children), but there was certainly better relations between the sexes.


    Don't you miss un-self-aware dolls like those?

  28. OK, two more vignettes from IRL, on the belated occasion of Valentine's Day, before moving on to other examples from a totally different domain (dance).

    Both are fairly similar, but were two years apart and show how things had already started to shift by the late '90s.

    For Valentine's Day of '96 (practically still '95), two friends and I got the idea to pass out Valentine's cards and candy throughout the school day. This was freshman year of high school, and the ritual of bringing cards to school, and having the box to collect them on your desk, was long gone.

    But we felt like reviving that same spirit, just with us handing out all the goodies instead of trying to organize a schoolwide revival of the elementary school ritual, where everyone would participate. This way, it was just up to us -- easy peasy.

    So we walked over to the nearest shopping center, bought a ton of Valentine's cards, including a dozen that were large-sized -- for a handful of our close friends, which would be addressed to them specifically.

    The others would not be addressed to anyone in particular, much like the elementary school ritual -- I don't remember using a class roster to address them to each member of the class and then make sure I put the right cards in the right person's box. They just said who it was from, not who it was to.

    I think we even bought one rose apiece for those dozen close friends, from the florist in the same shopping center. And then we bought some typical Valentine's candy -- a whole bunch of the usual stuff to hand out in general, and then like a full size candy bar for each of the special friends.

    These two friends and I had formed a joke / meme group based on scat singing -- as in, the nonsense syllables in jazz, not immature potty humor. This was right after "Scatman" by Scatman was a huge mid-'90s hit, mixing scat jazz singing with spoken rap and techno music, part of the broader Midcentury revival.

    Our name was The Ornaments -- that had an ol' timey Midcentury sound to it. So the cards read "From: The Ornaments". Again, not a real band, we never practiced or came up with full songs -- it was purely a joke, we'd scat for like 10 seconds and try to harmonize, and that was it.

    We also had a gurrrrrlllll there with us, one of the top 10 hottest foxes in the whole school. She was a real sentimental sweetie, and was totally into the idea of reviving this ritual too! The trope of the super-hot popular girls all being a bunch of frenemy mean girls is from Millennial and Zoomer world, not Gen X world -- our girl-who-everyone-wants was friendly, bubbly, exciting to be around, maybe even a little spunky!

    Not just in pop culture portrayals like Kelly and Jessie from Saved by the Bell, or Cher from Clueless, but IRL. I mean, do people really think those shows were plucked out of nowhere, the actors portraying characters who were the opposite of IRL / against their real-life experiences, and so on? No way. They may not have been documentaries, but they were closer to that than to a randomly conjured up hallucination whose correlation to reality was 0.

  29. I think she also offered to help out cuz we didn't want only dudes' handwriting to be on the cards, in case we gave that card to another dude (no homo). We had to have cards with babe-alicious handwriting on them too!

    I don't think we told them which girl was signing them, though -- imagine if they found out who it was, they would've asked for a hundred of them. If they asked, we might have told them. But we didn't advertise it, which would've felt exploitative toward her -- like they'd only care if they knew that one of the mega-babes was signing it. They didn't need to know, in order to enjoy the ritual!

    This effort was an absolute smash hit, every single person we walked up to in the halls or classrooms eagerly took the card and some candy, had a pleasant smile and chuckle, like "Hey, glad someone's keeping up the tradition!" Pretty sure we had a couple other girls to help pass them out to guys -- also popular cuties.

    Again, how bad would it feel to get a Valentine from another guy? And they could tell we were passing them out to everyone, it's not like the girls would have to worry about guys taking it the wrong way, reading any sexual interest into it. It's called being romantic!

  30. Now fast-forward to Valentine's Day '98. I had the same inclination to keep the collective buzz alive on that day, even into high school (junior year). But instead of passing them around the school, which had already been done, I thought I'd up the stakes a bit.

    The student government association, or the Key Club, or one of those groups, ran a Valentine's Day operation every year. During 6th period, they would deliver a card and a rose to anyone you chose, for I think a dollar. They had a little table set up in the cafeteria in the week or so beforehand, where you took the blank card, filled it out with who it was for and which teacher they had for 6th period, and handed them the dollar.

    Well, I figured -- why not send these cards and roses to my whole 6th period class?! It's the loneliest thing in the world to see the club volunteers enter the room, and you're wondering if it's going to be for you -- and of course, it never is. It's always just couples sending them to each other, there's no real surprise or chance or mystery or tension.

    And they would keep re-visiting the room each time, they didn't have them all organized by teacher. And evvverrryy time one of them entered the room, you're thinking, "Is that one going to be for me? Or at least, one of my friends, or someone who isn't expecting it? Is something cool going to happen?" And it never did, it was just couples sending them to each other.

    Nothing wrong with that in itself, but it kills the Valentine's Day spirit for everyone else -- that's why everyone got the cards and candy in elementary school, and in our revival of it in 9th grade! Spread the love around. Major holidays are supposed to be ones that everyone participates in, looks forward to, and feels that sense of collective effervescence while they're happening.

    Imagine if only committed couples, or some other small minority of the population, could write letters to Santa Claus, go on Easter egg hunts, watch the fireworks on the Fourth of July, dress up and go trick-or-treating, and so on -- what a terrible excuse for a holiday that would be!

    That's why the vtuber girls just got done singing love songs to 10s of thousands of people watching live on Valentine's Day -- so everyone gets included in the holiday, and not just committed couples. Or why I drove down the main drag serenading whoever was there to listen. That's keeping the collective spirit alive, too!

    I certainly didn't have enough money to send the entire school a card and rose, but for my own class, there were only 20-30 kids -- and yes, I sent one to the teacher, too! *Everybody* got one.

    And in the interest of making it feel special, I wrote some kind of poem on the inside of the card. It wasn't meme-y or jokey, it was sincere and sentimental, but not cheesey -- the kind of thing you'd see on a store-bought greeting card that has a poem.

    And to make it more special, I wrote it using a basic kind of calligraphy -- vaguely Gothic, is how I'd describe it. Cuz nothing says romantic like Gothic -- remember, this was before emo, which is angsty and self-focused.

  31. Just like freshman year, I asked a girl from the class to sign the ones addressed to the guys, so they wouldn't feel like "Oh great, a Valentine's card from a dude..."

    Again, no one was confused about reading any specific sexual interest into it -- when everyone gets one, it's clearly part of a community-wide celebration or ritual, not a declaration of personal one-to-one love. No one ever got confused about that in elementary school, why would they now? They didn't. They understood that it was a high school update to that elementary school ritual.

    Well... except for one guy, actually a friend of mine, who immediately began sneering and seething about how it was fake, contrived, dishonest, a cynical attempt to curry favor with the girls, etc etc etc. Y'know, total projection from a seething jealous hater, incel-like anti-romantic attitude, self-styled cynicism equalling wisdom but really just being a clueless autistic moron about the ritual, and so on.

    Looking back, it was a very 2010s kind of reaction. But in '98, it was only there in embryonic form -- however, it *was* there by that year, as opposed to not being there 2 years earlier.

    Maybe a few other guys felt the same and just kept quiet, IDK, but this one guy making such a big deal about it was enough to signal a vibe shift away from the maximum of social harmony, which held through the mid-'90s, and toward the current -- or recent -- maximum of social breakdown.

    But he was the only one to pipe up about it. Most everyone else was appreciative, said thanks, and generally took it in a happy way.

  32. And just before the cynic flipped out, perhaps what triggered him so hard, one of the girls sprang out of her seat, shuffled her chunky heeled shoes over to my desk, leaned over me, wrapped her arms around my shoulders, saying "Oh, that's sooo sweeeeeet!!! :))))" or something like that.

    I don't think she even gave me a smooch on the cheek, or if she did it was just an innocent kind of smooch in appreciation. I think it was more like leaning the side of her head into mine and maybe rubbing her hair onto mine back and forth a little bit, affectionately. Nothing sexual, not an invitation to date her or anything. Just her feeling overwhelmed by the spirit of love being publicly revived so everyone could feel it, just like in elementary school, and she couldn't help but show her appreciation for the ringleader. ^_^

    She was a pretty popular preppy girl -- and the lead ditz of the whole school! She was famous for that, although her best friend was also quite a ditz in her own right. The ditzy duo, those two. And as I've written on and off for over a decade, I love ditzes.

    They don't make 'em like that anymore -- totally lacking in self-awareness, therefore focused on their external environment and other people, not stewing and ruminating in their own private thought-prison, not dwelling on their inner monologue, or thinking they're the main character, or whatever other sicknesses people began suffering from one the pendulum swung in the anti-social direction.

  33. Ditzes got along with everyone -- they didn't stay within their own clique or sub-cultural boundaries, and they didn't blacklist individuals unless they had done something bad to deserve it. I was not part of her social circle at all, but she treated me like one of her own that day -- if you do something good, you deserve a reward, in her eyes, and don't bother thinking or dwelling on who it is, who they're friends with, what clique they hang out with, etc etc etc.

    Ditzes were not diplomatic like ambassadors, since that role requires a high degree of self-awareness and meticulously curating your speech and behavior in front of others. Ditzes are more like free spirits flowing from one group of people to another, based on vibes -- if the vibes are good, follow where they lead. If they're bad, turn away. It's totally other-oriented and externally directed -- not self-focused at all.

    Ditzes were the most open-minded and tolerant and socially mixing type of person -- which is how you know the woketards who consciously branded themselves as open-minded, tolerant, etc. in the 2010s were full of shit. They weren't ditzy free spirits wandering wherever the vibes were good and the people friendly. They were intensely self-focused self-promoters whose open-mindedness was just a cynical branding exercise, not genuine like that of a ditzy preppy girl from the '90s.

    So, '98 still felt mostly like the mid-'90s, but it was also clearly starting to break away from it, and that only got worse over time. It never cycled back -- until possibly starting in the mid-2020s, after the peak of social breakdown in the late 2010s and early 2020s.

    When that guy flipped out over what I'd done, everyone else saw it too, not just me -- he flipped out loud enough for the whole class to hear. That signalled a vibe shift to them as well. In the future, anyone trying to be a genuine romantic like me would become a possible target of a bitter seething hater like my friend -- and that might not be worth it, to some people, even if they would also be rewarded with a hug by a pretty popular girl. (Again, not my goal anyway, but I was happy to receive it!)

    After the pendulum swung far enough away from the mid-'90s maximum of social harmony, that kind of cynical hater attitude would become the norm, not just one guy. And that means everyone else would perceive a hostile atmosphere, even if they were inclined toward the socially romantic public ritual. Better to just keep your head down, to avoid getting targeted by the hater brigade -- and later, the cancel squad.

    Oh God, imagine if I'd done that in the 2010s! "Um, did you get everyone's explicit consent beforehand? If not, y'know that's not so different from rape -- or at the very least, sexual harassment. Not a good look, my dude."

    STFU, you seething jealous hater.

  34. You can tell, even when I think back on that episode, the overall positive vibes were quite soured by that one cynical flip-out. I never did do anything like that for senior year, or in college, or afterward.

    Maybe when I started writing fan songs to the streamer girls, starting in 2022, and serenading girls from the car window around that time, was when I felt comfortable coming out of my shell again.

    It's not just wanting to avoid a majority-hater attitude from guys, but if girls would respond similarly too -- "Oh how cute, you're trying to do that whole 'I'm such a nice guy, sensitive young man, romantic soul' act, but we all know you're just trying to get us to lower our shields so you can date-rape us. It's 2018, we're not naive little babies like Cher from Clueless anymore!" Or whatever the fuck other insane thoughts were going through their woketard brains.

    But I really do feel safe again, as of the mid-2020s, to be an open and public romantic. There's still tons of seething jealous haters out there, but their influence is waning, and girls are a lot more receptive, or less cynical, than they used to be in the 2000s and 2010s.

    Change is in the air, whether you'd know it from an aging-Millennial irony-poisoned prison like Twitter, or not. They can't fight it, no amount of lower-case puncutation-free deadpan mockery can put the romantic genie back in the bottle at this point.

    It's onwards and upwards, ascending the mountain toward its Mentos commercial / Amy Grant summit!

    Romantics have been powerless to reverse the cycle of history since the late '90s as it swung in the bitter hater direction, now finally the irony crew will be powerless to reverse the cycle of history as it swings in the sincere and sentimental direction!

    But unlike them, our thoughts do not mainly dwell on the haters, and our enjoyment doesn't derive from owning the haters. We'll be focusing more on increasing the good vibes, bringing joy to wherever we can, however we can, performing random acts of kindness, reviving dormant rituals to that effect, and in general spreading the love around to the rising share of the population that is receptive to it.

    Maybe it'll be online, maybe it'll be IRL, who cares. Wherever and however people interact, these changes will happen.


  35. IIRC, the ditzy girl did have a moment of self-awareness, but as usual only after noticing the crowd's reaction. I think some of the girls were smiling or giggling when she came over to hug me, and on her way back to her seat, I think she paused to take in their reaction, and said something defensive like, "What? It was sweet!"

    I don't think the other girls were laughing at her in disagreement, they were just giggling that she, in her lack of self-awareness and lack of inhibition, just sprang out of her seat and crossed the room to hug me. They felt the same way as she did, but she couldn't control her impulses, and that's funny to people who do control their impulses.

    Once they started smiling and giggling in response to her defensive address to them, she must've understood that they felt the same way but just didn't feel like making such an overt act of appreciation like her free-spirited self did.

    But initially, she felt socially confused -- "What's wrong with what I did? It's totally natural!" It is, it's just that everyone else said thanks instead of getting up out of their seat to hug the guy.

    Ditzes dare... or maybe it's not being daring, they just don't perceive it as a risky thing to begin with. There's nothing even remotely inappropriate about following your natural impulses, in a way that rewards good behavior, right?

    So it's more about having a lack of inhibitions, not in an anti-social or norm-corroding way, just interpersonally. Like I said, they flowed from one clique to another, one individual to another, with no social inhibitions whatsoever.

    Free spirits.

  36. In fact, she reminds me of Irys somewhat, or Vivi, one of the new Hololive JP girls. She is *very* free-spirited and ditzy, focused on interacting with others instead of dwelling in her own private thought-prison. Kind of like Aqua / Sakuna -- and also from Kansai!

    I wonder if ditzes are more common in non-standard dialect-speaking regions of a country, where people are more theatrical and uninhibited, in contrast to people in standard dialect regions, who are more about suppressing their emotions and acting proper.

    That would tie into the meta-ethnic frontier -- close to the frontier, you have to closely regulate your emotions in public, to be part of a strong team against the meta-ethnic nemesis. Far from the frontier, you are more free to be your individual self, cross social boundaries freely, and have a more uninhibited personality.

    Well, this was when I was living on the East Coast, so she was definitely not the inhibited Midwestern / out-Western type. She was an East Coaster.

    The meta-ethnic frontier in Japan is in the East and North, against the Emishi and later the Ainu. Kansai and the West / South is far from that frontier.

    Korone is another uninhibited free spirit from Holo JP, and she's from Kansai originally as well. I don't think she's ditzy, she is more self-aware, but still an uninhibited free spirit. Luv the doggy goddess. ^_^

    1. It is worth noting that people in non-standard dialect regions (especially if they speak different languages completely like Breton in France) may also be more un-inhibited because they live in a "closed clique" who cannot be as easily comprehended by the surveillance agents of a larger empire. This would be especially true of mountain people as James C. Scott, the late anarchist philosopher, has noted.


  37. "She's not gonna fuck you bro" -- that's what the cynical jealous projecting hater guy would've said in the late 2010s / early 2020s. But he meant the same thing. It just wasn't a common reaction back in '98, and there was no widespread common phrase to that effect. Not until circa 2020.

    But there's been a backlash against that phrase over the past few years, both from guys and girls. And not in the sense of a euphemism treadmill, replacing an out-of-favor phrase with a new one with the same meaning. The whole meaning and intent of the phrase has come under attack.

    I'm telling you -- love is in the air. Well, it's starting to be, anyway, this pendulum swing has barely just begun. But it's real!

    It can't get any more cynical, irony-poisoned, and anti-social than circa 2020. Slowly but surely, the social mood is slipping out of the haters' grip, and being seized by the sentimental sincere free spirits. :)

  38. Aha! The region of a country far from a meta-ethnic frontier has greater variation, not that it necessarily produces more ditzes or free spirits. Cuz it also produces more streetwise, brusque, anti-sentimental types as well.

    It's about the lack of inhibition -- you're free to be whatever your inner inclination is.

    Close to the frontier, everyone has to be on the same team, since the Us vs. Them force is very strong. You can't be whoever you naturally are -- you have to dial it down, and shape it to fit the group better. Or else the group is going to get wiped out by the nearby meta-ethnic nemesis.

    This pattern is already evident in dialects -- non-standard dialects don't just have one very widespread non-standard dialect. They have a ton of variation -- look at all the dialects just along the East Coast of America, let alone adding in those out to Appalachia.

    Once you get to the Midwest, though, it all pretty much blends into a single widespread standard dialect -- Western American.

    Same thing in Britain -- there are tons of distinct dialects across Ireland and Scotland, and even the North is easily distinguishable between the Northeast and Northwest, even to a foreigner like me (albeit one with a linguistically honed ear). Like Leeds vs. Manchester -- that's easy to tell! Just listen for the vowel in "cut" -- if it's pronounced like the vowel in "could," then that's a Northeastern dialect, like in Leeds. Northwesterners, whether Mancunians or otherwise, don't do that, although they do share other Northern features with the Northeasterners.

    Once you get down to Southern England, where the standard dialect comes from, there are far fewer distinct regional dialects.

    Same in Spain -- lots of variation in the Northwest (similar to Portuguese), across the far North, and throughout the Northeast, compared to only small differences in the Center and South of the country, where the standard dialect is from.

    And in Japan, Kanto / the East and Tohoku / Hokkaido / the North don't have quite as much regional variation, compared to the various dialects in Kansai / the West / the South.

    The presence of a meta-ethnic nemesis forces people to conform more, to homogenize more, and to centralize more, in order to form a capable team-unit that can withstand it and defeat it.

    The absence of such a nemesis allows people to be themselves -- which is not to say, norm-corroding or flouting rules, or that kind of "non-conformity". Rather, in the sense of, "not feeling intense pressure to homogenize, and not bowing to such pressure to homogenize."

    So, non-standard dialect regions far from the meta-ethnic frontier also allow for a more diverse cast of characters in their communities -- diverse, meaning personalities, not silly woketard racial diversity.

    I think most Americans have a stereotype in their minds about Valley Girls from Southern California being ditzy, but they're really not. They're mellow, chill, cool, etc. But not necessarily ditzy. Ditzes in fact seem to be way more common along the East Coast, whether Yankee or Confederate in their sub-flavor.

    Also suggests that Australians have lots of ditzes and free spirits -- they have no standard dialect, and no meta-ethnic nemesis. Free to be whoever they are, without a pressure to homogenize and centralize.


    1. On the subject of conformity and accents, I thought you might like this skit by a comedian from the Bronx noting how the local accent, which is quite Latin-ized, is enviable in adolescence for being "sexy" but less so in professional life due to not being able to be taken seriously:


      Melissa Rauch noted something similar more recently. She used to have a thick New Jersey accent, which she had to shed to be more mobile:


  39. The British dialect example is great since it rules out another source of greater regional diversity, which is that diversity is greater at the origin, and lesser far from the origin, of a speech group (or a genepool).

    Due to things like founder effects as individuals migrate away from the origin.

    In Britain, the origin of English dialects is in the Southeast, where the Angles, Saxons, etc. landed in the early Dark Ages.

    But after Britain became an empire, in response to their meta-ethnic nemesis the Viking invaders, the Southeast and the South in general became highly homogenized culturally and centralized politically.

    So as of the past 500 or so years, the greatest degree of dialect diversity is actually in the regions of Britain far away from the origin of the English-speakers -- Ireland, Scotland, and the Norf.

    Same thing in Italy -- there's lots of regional variation among the non-standard dialects of the South, vs. more uniformity or homogeneity in the Central and Northern regions. Italy did not become an empire like Britain or America, so it did not homogenize *that* much -- but it tended in that direction for awhile, mainly in response to the incursions of the French Empire on their Northwestern frontier (where the unification movement came from -- Savoy).

    But the Romance languages did not originate in the South of Italy -- there was an entirely different branch of Italic spoken there in pre-imperial Roman times, mainly Oscan. Dialects of Italian come from Latin, which originated in the Center of Italy, in Rome.

    So today, there is high diversity *far away from* the origin, and more uniformity close to the origin, of the Romance languages in Italy. Same reason as in Britain -- there was a meta-ethnic frontier closer to the Center than to the South, so the Center homogenized more than the South.

    In other countries, the two possible sources of variation-generation yield the same result, so you can't tell which one did it. Like in America or Japan -- greater variation where the settlers landed, and less variation far from that origin.

    But in countries where these two possible sources do not coincide with each other, it's the meta-ethnic frontier source that wins, not the "proximity to the origin" source.

    Genetics may show another picture, with greater diversity at the origin. But culture is subject to other forces and processes that genetics is not -- like homogenization in the presence of a meta-ethnic nemesis.

  40. All right, that's plenty for tonight, and my tiger-bear is getting more vocal about going to cuddle in bed together, so I'll return to the "truce in the battle of the sexes" topic tomorrow.

    It will have to do with what styles of dance become popular among laypeople, or normative among dancers and choreographers, during the two different phases of more-harmonious or less-harmonious.

    Surprise -- more acrobatic and gymnastic dance styles are actually favored in the harmonious phase! Harmonious doesn't mean low-energy -- it just means low intensity of social / civic warfare. There may be plenty of energy.

    And since harmony is all about trust, then dancing will take the form of playing trust games -- and when you get acrobatic, you're really relying on trust in your fellow dance partners!

    If you don't trust them to catch your fall -- literally -- there's no way in hell you're going to get acrobatic on the dancefloor.

    I've done plenty of research, but I may need to do a second pass in order to get timestamps from YouTube videos, in case you guys don't feel like watching the entire video with your eyes peeled (party-poopers).

    All for now.

    1. You can’t get much more acrobatic and energetic than the popular dance styles of the 20s-40s like the charleston, Lindy, swing, etc. Especially once you get into the late 30s through WW2. A lot of energy, improvisation but also trust required.

  41. Dang girl, you didn't have to kidnap me, duct-tape my mouth, bind my hands, hang me upside down, and push me along the rail of a meatpacking plant -- you could've just left a secret admirer note in my locker!

    The femme fatale facet of the confident, initiative-taking woman phenomenon. "Be My Lover" by La Bouche (1995):


    She got them crazy eyes, too!

  42. I'm going to make that dancing thread a separate post, it's getting way too long for a comments section. I'll probably be adding to it like crazy in the comments anyway.

    And it isn't only about the literal physical support between the two sexes on the dancefloor, since it also shows up in choreography involving just guys doing acrobatic dances. But the larger point remains -- social harmony, covering interactions within the sexes as well as between the sexes.

    This revelation must have all started germinating when I watched Xanadu recently, with its '40s meets early '80s fusion. The fusion would've worked even better in the first half of the '90s, when social harmony hit another peak, but at least the early '80s were part of the more-harmony phase, recovering from the peak of social chaos circa 1970.

    Anyway, I'm going to try to put more comments in this thread that are still on the topic of the truce in the battle of the sexes, and the dancing discussion will have to wait a little while.

  43. Briefly on the topic of race relations and social harmony, the '80s and first half of the '90s saw white rappers rise to global stardom -- without having to genuflect before the black founders of the genre, as though it were still the late '60s / early '70s Black Power era.

    Or -- as though it were the late '90s to early 2020s era of renewed schisms between the races in America, when white rappers were required to get a permission slip, blessing, indulgence, or other form of OK from an office-holder in the institution of black rap.

    The first was just part of one song, "Rapture" by Blondie (1980), at the outset of rap history. The Beastie Boys went mainstream throughout the '80s and first half of the '90s, and even enjoyed a late '90s hit ("Intergalactic").

    By far the peak of white rap that was mainstream and didn't have to prove itself or exonerate itself in some racial conflict, was the first half of the '90s. "Ice Ice Baby" by Vanilla Ice from '90, "Informer" by Snow in '92, "Jump Around" by House of Pain in '92, and "Insane in the Brain" by Cypress Hill in '93.

    Cypress Hill were mixed-race, but they were not African-American, so they also could not claim automatic protection if there had been a racially charged atmosphere back then. The lead rapper is Mexican and Cuban, the other rapper is Cuban (as in, born there), and the DJ is a white New Yorker with a Norwegian surname (Muggerud).

    Given the hostilities that have erupted between Mexicans and African-Americans in Southern California (where the group is from) since over the past few decades -- whereby Mexicans have displaced most of the African-Americans -- this group would not have had a free pass to rap in the late 2010s or early 2020s. They would have to bend the knee ethnically somehow.

    But back in '93, no such ritual was necessary -- cuz the ethnic groups and races were not in a sustained war with each other, not even after the Rodney King-related L.A. riots of '91, which were an acute flare-up rather than a chronic plague -- and they were more of an anti-police protest than an anti-white protest.

    The 1994 movie Airheads shows an all-white metal band take over a radio station to get their demo tape played on the air, prompting the police to show up. In order to rile up a crowd against the police, the metal group starts chanting "ROD-NEY KING! ROD-NEY KING!" And "Informer" is an anti-police song as well. And "Jump Around" has a few anti-police lines -- saying they just hang out in donut shops all day long, and calling them pigs.

    In a period of civil breakdown, the Rodney King riots would've been explicitly a white vs. black war. But in the early '90s, it was only partly racial, and mainly about police brutality / calling cops worthless pigs / etc. regardless of the race of the anti-cop person.

  44. One of those turning points in the second half of the '90s was "Amish Paradise" by Weird Al Yankovic, one of his typical parodies of popular songs, in this cas "Gangsta Paradise" by Coolio. The Weird Al parody came out in '96, and during a '99 episode of VH1's Behind the Music with him, he said Coolio took the parody the wrong way, the original was serious about the sorry state of black inner cities, etc., and Weird Al was making too light of that situation by making a parody set in wholesome Amish country. Coolio refused the royalties from the parody.

    Weird Al looked straight into the camera and apologized, hoping to settle the beef, which eventually did happen. But I still remember that being a bizarre moment of tension -- for Coolio to be beefing with like-able Weird Al of all people.

    By the late '90s, white rappers bifurcated in two directions -- the first was to keep doing your own thing and not seek permission, benediction, etc. from African-American rappers, but collapsing into an increasingly niche genre. This was the rap-rock or rap-metal solution, including Insane Clown Posse, Limp Bizkit, and others.

    Although having some degree of visibility, they were not chart-toppers like the Beastie Boys, whose earlier rap-rock fusion they descend from. And they no longer appealed to black audiences, whereas earlier white rappers did.

    Only Kid Rock had mainstream success, and it was a flash in the pan, and leaned more in the rock / metal direction than the rap direction.

    The other solution was to become the protege of an established black rapper, or at least get their blessing, and always make it known that you were a guest in their house. That was the strategy of Eminem, who had Dr. Dre vouching for his bona fides. His first hit was in '99, and most of his success is from the 2000s. That was a real turning point away from the Vanilla Ice and Cypress Hill era of race-blind rap.

    But because Eminem matched up with the changing social mood, he did enjoy far more mainstream success, including with black audiences, unlike the rap-rock strategy that pretended it was still the '80s and early '90s, when the mood had shifted decisively toward race-vigilant rap, depriving Limp Bizkit et al of Eminem-tier popularity.

    They didn't have the term "cultural appropriation" back in the late '90s, but that was the meaning and intent behind Coolio's beef with Weird Al and making sure Eminem had a black mentor to extend him a line of social credit. By the woketard 2010s, this term exploded, and so did the attitude behind it, targeting whoever was white and rapping, such as Iggy Azalea -- who was put under even more of a microscope cuz she's Australian, not American or even Canadian.

    Post Malone is the most famous and popular recent white rapper -- but he doesn't really rap in his major hits, such as "Circles" from 2019. He sings, albeit in a sad-boy way -- but still, singing rather than spitting bars. And the rhythm and beats from his major hits don't sound very rappy either, nor are they suited to rap-oriented danceclubs.

    I think by the late 2010s and early 2020s, white rappers had had enough of being put under such a racially charged microscope, and just bowed out altogether from the genre -- at least, in the songs they wanted to be broadly visible and popular. Maybe they would still do a little rapping on the B-sides, but not as their main draw, not as part of their defining stage presence.

  45. However, since we are now past that peak of civil breakdown, maybe white rappers will be allowed to come out of their shells and do their own thing, without having to be vouched for by an African-
    American elder statesman within the hip-hop nation.

    Like I've said before, though, American culture is dead, so going forward the vibe shift won't be so noticeable in pop culture -- cuz there is hardly any such thing left to examine. But to the extent that there are still recording artists, and audiences, "white rap" will be gradually allowed to come into its own again, however slowly at first. Probably won't become a non-controversial genre -- or as the woketards labeled it, non-problematic -- until the early 2040s.

    But the pendulum is swinging that way, so if your thing is rapping and you're white, now is the time to get in on the ground floor of the rebirth of race-blind rap.

  46. Can't neglect "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch from '91, easily the best of its time -- or since!

    Returning to the whole "cool vs. weird" vibe shift during this same time period, early '90s rap was about being cool, not weird. Weird rap happened right when weird rock / weird metal did -- second half of the '90s.

    If you were into Marilyn Manson, you were probably into Limp Bizkit, Korn, etc. as well. Weird, twisted, warped, scatological, pornographic, shocking the normies, grossing them out, and so on.

    The Eminem to Post Malone era was more about the birth of emo, which affected rap as much as it did rock and pop. Unlike rock, there was no rap counterpart to goth in the '80s or early '90s, to provide a perfect contrast with emo from the 2000s. Romantic rap was more likely to be pure R&B or soul music.

    There was a little crossover, though, like "Freak Me" by Silk from '93 -- #1 R&B / Hip-hop, and #1 on the Hot 100 overall. The verses have a pretty monotone, plainspoken, rap-like delivery and rhyme pattern, while the backup vocal and the chorus is a more soulful R&B delivery. And it's not raunchy or pornographic or shocking the normies -- it's sensual and romantic.

    Not quite as wistful or yearning or bouncy like classic goth music is, but that's the closest thing I can think of for "goth is to rock, as X is to rap".

  47. Actually, "Don't Walk Away" by Jade is pretty close to "goth but for black people". It's mainly R&B, but with some rap elements ("new jack swing"). No rapping in the vocal delivery, but maybe part of the funky danceable beats -- which you could also say is just danceclub music, not necessarily rap. It does have somewhat of a hard edge to it, like rap of its time, something for the badasses and baddies, not just innocent R&B.

    And yet it has that romantic, pining tone throughout the singing as well. And it *is* danceable.

    So, the key elements of goth -- but applied to a foundation of rap instead of rock. It's the perfect foil for 2000s and 2010s emo-rap. Romantic, pining, focused on the other rather than dwelling and stewing within your own private throught-prison.

    And with a clearly sub-cultural baddie aesthetic on the performers and in the music video, similar to goth within the broad genre of rock.

    Hip-Goth! Goth & B! Whatever you want to call it, it was there after all! ^_^

  48. The popularity of the term "wigger" is from the early to mid '90s. I think closer to '94 or '95, although maybe a few people were using it a bit earlier.

    It did not mean someone who liked black culture -- cuz back then, everyone liked everything. Preppies listened to rap, pop, rock, dance, country, Latin, you name it. If it was hot, they listened to it.

    It meant someone who *only* liked black culture and modeled themselves entirely on black people.

    Back then it was used non-ironically, and in a non-judgmental way. It was a little mocking and pejorative, but more of a roasting way -- not mean-spirited or condescending. Y'know, that was that person's quirk -- pretending they were black. But we've all got our quirks, right? No big deal.

    The fat kid was a fattie, the tall scrawny kid was a beanpole, the wannabe black guy was a wigger.

    In fact, wiggers were less shamed or ostracized than the fatties and beanpoles and four-eyeses. It was totally non-problematic at the time.

    As of the late 2010s and early 2020s, it must be used ironically as an apology -- like "I know I like black culture, and I'm not black, so forgive me for clusmily trying to enjoy it and make it my own, I'm just a goofy cornball white person."

    Or it's used in a pejorative ostracizing way by black people, which black people did not do in the first half of the '90s.

    But as the pendulum swings toward social harmony once again, maybe it will be used non-ironically in the coming decades.

  49. One final vignette for today, on race relations in the '90s. This one involves a wigger, in fact.

    This was just before the decisive turning point in the late '90s, 1995, so we escaped from it without any major drama, but the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. If it had happened a few years later, I don't know that we wouldn't have gotten our asses beaten right there in the movie theater.

    While hanging out at the mall one day, two friends and I felt like seeing a movie. What's this one about -- Higher Learning? Set in college, raw / alt / 90s aesthetic, directed by the guy who did Boyz n the Hood -- sounds cool!

    Holy shit, what an insane bunch of proto-woketard propaganda that movie was! From start to finish! Every possible angle to inflame civil conflicts was in it, dialed up to 11. Frat boys raping girls on a supposedly safe college campus. White kid who starts off innocent but becomes a full-fledged neo-Nazi. Elder Black Power-era mentor to the young black protege.

    Anything from the late '60s / early '70s era that could be dragged out again, they dragged it out again.

    And worst of all, we saw it at Wheaton Plaza mall, which was in a fairly African-American area, and we were literally the only white people in the entire audience. Could've been worse -- could've seen it in P.G. Plaza. But man, did we see that movie in the *wrong* theater...

    During one of the most inflammatory neo-Nazi scenes -- I don't even remember the particulars, cuz we just totally blanked out what we were watching, and went into survival mode -- we could hear the whole audience starting to grumble and suck their teeth and generally get pissed off. I don't think we heard any shouting of anti-white slurs or anything that bad, but the temperature was RISING. And the theater was PACKED -- we were not just the only white people, but surrounded close-by the black audience.

    So what else could we do? We had to let out very loud expressions of disbelief, condemnation, "man, that's fucked UP..." and so on. Just to let them know, we weren't neo-Nazis ourselves. Please, don't turn your anger on us, just hate the neo-Nazi on the make-believe inflammatory propaganda big screen, and let it go at that.

    And luckily... they did! Maybe one or two members of the audience looked our way, like "That's you up there!" but I don't remember getting nasty glares, insults, etc. We just went into our condemnation pre-emptively, just in case.

    One of us, more of a friend of my friend, was a wigger, too. Not like that was going to protect him -- "Hey man, I love your culture more than my own, don't hurt me!" He had to join our little condemnation as well. He didn't get to sit back in comfort like being a wigger made you somehow not-white.

    Nobody did anything to us on the way out of the theater, when the lights came on and they could see a few white kids there.

    But that was the closest I've ever been to accidentally stumbling into a race riot.

  50. Lucky for us, 1995 was right about at the peak of social harmony, so no matter how flagrantly the director tried to inflame the audience, they didn't try to lynch us -- or even insult us with words or looks. Thank Jesus, it would've been the end of us if it had been 2020 -- but in reality, we would've still lived, we just would've had to go through an even more elaborate condemnation ritual before the audience, as many white people did during the summer of 2020.

    American History X was even more inflammatory, focusing just on the white power / neo-Nazi angle. That came out in '98 -- no way I'd see that in an all-black theater, three years after Higher Learning!

    The second half of the '90s seems to have been the origin of the media's inflammatory propaganda about white people being closeted Nazis who can be summoned into genocide mode at a moment's notice and without having been born that way either.

    Earlier, there may have been portrayals of the US military vs. the German military in WWII, like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989). But setting Nazism in the present day, in America, was just totally risible garbage before about 1995 when Higher Learning came out.

    That also reflects the swinging of the pendulum away from social harmony and toward civil breakdown.

    But that swing itself has reached its max extent as of circa 2020, and the racial tension is simmering down from that unchecked conflagration of 5 years ago.

    Hopefully that means "everyone I don't agree with is a Nazi" witch hunts will die down over the next few decades, until they get re-ignited with the next pendulum swing in the late 2040s.

    1. 1995 is when Noel Ignatiev's "How The Irish Became White" came out, which really accelerated the essentialization of "whiteness" in many elite quarters.

  51. Some clarifications on how rappy some of those white rappers were, based on which Billboard charts they landed on.

    Turns out "Good Vibrations" didn't make it to the rap charts at all. It topped the Hot 100, was #10 on the Dance Club Play chart, and #64 on the R&B chart. Not being a huge fan of rap, this explains why I like it the most of the ones I listed -- the least rappy. But still strange that it didn't chart at all for rap, since the verses are nothing but rap, and there's no chorus, just a refrain that's R&B-like.

    Kid Rock never had a song on the rap charts -- Hot 100, various rock charts, sometimes country, but never rap. Audiences treated him like a rock artist with occasional country crossover appeal, not as rap-rock that could actually land on a black/urban chart. Ditto for Korn and Limp Bizkit.

    The late hit by the Beastie Boys, "Intergalactic", did not reach the rap charts either -- Hot 100, Alternative, Dance, Pop, and Rhythmic (a black/urban-friendly chart, but not Rap or the R&B/Hip-Hop chart, which are specifically about rap). Same with "Sabotage" from '94 -- Hot 100 and Alternative only. "Sure Shot" from that same album only hit the Dance chart.

    But "Get It Together" from the same album *did* hit the Rap chart, as did "So What'cha Want" from '92, and "Hey Ladies" from '89. There was no separate Rap chart in '87, when their first album Licensed to Ill came out.

    So Beastie Boys' acceptance by the rap audience lasted from the late '80s through '94, after which they were received as a rock and/or dance group -- exactly like their descendants in rap-rock, Kid Rock, Korn, and Limp Bizkit. By the late '90s, rap audiences wanted nothing to do with a white genre like rock anymore -- the widening of the social chasm was beginning all over again, after narrowing to a minimum in the early-mid '90s, when rap-rock songs could find chart success with *both* the rap audience and the rock audience.

  52. Add in 3rd Bass for a mostly white rap group from the late '80s and early '90s (two white rappers, and a black DJ). They topped the Rap chart in '91 with "Pop Goes the Weasel" -- parodying / dissing Vanilla Ice.

    One of the white rappers in the group, MC Serch, topped the Rap chart by himself in '92 with "Here It Comes" / "Back to the Grill".

  53. Now let's look over the #1's on the Rap chart over time, which admittedly misses all the close-calls that reached the top 10 but not #1. Still instructive, though. The chart begins in 1989.

    The first white-ish rapper to score a #1 was Kid of the duo Kid 'n Play -- he has a Jamaican father and Irish(-American?) mother, and everyone could always tell he was pretty white for a rapper. His partner, Play, was African-American, though. The group had two #1's, "Funhouse" in '90 and "Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody" in '91.

    Good ol' "Ice Ice Baby" was not only popular on the overall chart, it dominated the Rap chart as well in '90 -- and it was not a wimp-rap kind of environment that he succeeded in. In the same year, other chart-toppers included "AmeriKKKa's Most Wanted" by Ice Cube, "911 Is a Joke" by Public Enemy, and "Murder Rap" by Above the Law.

    Vanilla Ice was seen as cool in 1990, not as a goofy cornball -- and that included his reception by the rap audience, not just white suburbanites listening to the Top 40 radio stations. Yes he got parodied -- like all cool, popular artists do. Nirvana was parodied even more -- were they not seen as cool or badass? Of course they were.

    One of those parodies, "Pop Goes the Weasel" by 3rd Bass, topped the chart in '91, and as mentioned one their members topped the chart again solo in '92.

    Cypress Hill scored an early #1 with "The Phuncky Feel One" / "How I Could Just Kill a Man" in '92, then another more iconic #1 in '93 with "Insane in the Brain".

    Earlier in '93, "Informer" by Snow hit #1, and again it was not a wimp-rap environment that he dominated. A few weeks earlier, the chart-topper was "Wicked" by Ice Cube, and the two songs that followed "Informer" at the top were "Nuthin' but a 'G' Thang" by Dr. Dre and Snoop Doggy Dogg, and "Throw Ya Gunz" by Onyx.

    After '93, no more white or other non-black rappers topped the chart, until the early 2010s, by which point they had made the transition to house-guests who sit their white ass the fuck down and listen, only if vouched for by an established black rapper, and so on.

    In fact, Eminem didn't hit #1 solo until 2013 with "Berzerk". He hit #1 as lead artist, ft. Rihanna, in 2010 with "Love the Way You Lie". And he hit #1 as a featured artist in 2009 under Drake's song "Forever". Both Drake and Rihanna being black artists who could vouch for him in the same way that Dr. Dre had during his debut.

    At the height of his influence in the 2000s, he came close to topping the Rap chart, but got #2 with "Lose Yourself" from 2002.

    Judging from the Rap #1's, the mid-'90s is the point of reversal in the pendulum's swing. But some of that is due to the noise introduced by only looking at #1's instead of also #2's, or the top 10, etc. So I'm still going with "second half of the '90s" for when rap split from white genres -- taking into account when the Beastie Boys, the original and longest-living white rap group, were received by the rap audience (up through '94).

  54. Actually the label "rap metal" or "rap-rock" isn't even used anymore for Kid Rock, Limp Bizkit, Korn, etc. -- it's "nu metal," with no reference to rap or any other black genre.

    Everyone just wants to pretend like there's no rap influence there whatsoever, just cuz the rap-rock fusion was no longer accepted as genuine rap by the late '90s.

    If you classify it by its aesthetic elements, it has some degree of rap in it.

    But if you classify it by who it was received by, it was not rap at all, it was only rock.

    Just give it until the early 2040s, and some kind of fusion between white and black genres will make a sincere, non-ironic, unqualified, non-problematic comeback. You heard it here first!

  55. There was a Hololive EN rap contest tonight! Talk about synchronicity, I spent all day getting distracted by the history of non-black rappers, without knowing Mori hosted a rap contest for the entirely non-black Holo EN crew!

    I'm an anti-woketard, you know I don't care if you're white, Asian, or Martian. I imprinted on the cool era of rap -- the late '80s and early '90s -- so your skin color would never enter my mind.

    Just felt like expressing how cool it is when synchronicity strikes like this! ^_^

    But tellingly, race-blind rap can only take place under a Japanese company like Hololive. If it were an American company, it'd be run by a bunch of insane woketards who would force the non-black contestants and judges to bow down and apologize for their original sin of being white or Asian or whatever.

    ...Or is even the American scene starting to change by 2025? IDK, but even if it is, it's still MUCH MUCH safer to be a non-black rapper in Japan, where woketards have never had any influence. Japan never bent the knee to gay marriage, gay pride parades, trannies, the gay flag, or any of that other 2010s bullshit.

    Glorious Nippon! Creating a safe space for non-black rappers. ^_^

  56. When woketards seethe and whine about "Japan still uses fax machines!!!" they're not really complaining about a mismatch in the Western perception of Japan as a techno-futurist society and the reality of them still using fax machines and Web 2.0.

    They're just using their techno-gadgets as an autistic deflection -- what they really are trying to say is:

    "Japan never entered the woketard crusade of the 2010s and early 2020s! We kept telling them, every single year: It's 2012, It's 2015, It's 2018, It's 2020... get with the times! Why don't you allow gay marriage? Why don't you allow gays to adopt? Why don't you let trannies change their legal gender? Why don't you fly the gay flag? You're so BACKWARDS!"

    It's called being noble savages, honorable barbarians, and proud cavemen, rather than a corrupted decadent civilization, fag-wad.

    I hope Japan never stops using fax machines, it'll be a permanent reminder that they decide what to adopt from outside Japan, they aren't dictated to by American libtards. And it'll be a permanent reminder that they chose to never get sucked down the 2010s and early 2020s vortex of woketard chaos and civil breakdown, like America and much of its imperial orbit.

    Glorious Nippon! Never stop using the fax machine! Assert your independence from 2010s woketard America! ^_^

  57. It's just a lazy and retarded techno-determinist worldview. "If Japan still uses the fax machine, that must mean they're ideologically stuck in the 2000s or more like the '90s."

    "And it's not like they're unaware of America having moved past the fax machine, and also having moved past the American ideology of the '90s and 2000s, and into 2010s ideology."

    "So, why aren't they moving past the '90s along with us? They want to stay stuck in the past?"

    "If they only wanted to stay stuck in the past technologically, well that's one thing. But staying stuck in the past ideologically? Oh no no no, that's heresy -- burn the witches!"

    Of course, Japan is *not* stuck in the '90s or 2000s technologically just cuz they still use those awesome fax machines that Americans still remember fondly, if they were alive in the '90s.

    Japan adopted digital point-and-shoot cameras, then cell phones, then smartphones with built-in cameras (the exact same models we use), and then social media (the exact same platforms we use).

    If having cameras everywhere, and if having such a large share of the population (or just young people) constantly plugged into social media, were the root cause of so many large-scale illnesses in the American Empire -- then why isn't Japan sick in those ways?

    Japanese people may be lonely, some live as hikki NEETs, etc. But they aren't at each other's throats like we have been for several decades. They don't conduct witch hunts on each other. They don't destroy their heritage in iconoclastic fashion. They don't self-harm or kill themselves like we do. They don't all think they're ugly due to comparisons with girls they see online. And so on and so forth.

    American society right now being so sick, has nothing to do with technology whatsoever. It is 100% a social disease, not caused by tech changes in any domain of society. It's just a cope to blame the tech, when Japan adopted the exact same tech with none of the sicknesses that we have suffered from during that same period.

  58. South Korea is as sick as America, or even more so, but they also adopted the same tech as Japan. So why is Japan so different from South Korea? As with the Japan vs. America comparison, the answer has nothing to do with tech -- they're the same.

    America is a collapsing empire, due to falling cohesion, which is the source of most of our current sicknesses. America's vassals are absorbing that same attitude, vibe, and set of sicknesses.

    But Glorious Nippon is not an American vassal -- not culturally anyway. We defeated them militarily and have occupied them ever since. And yet they still don't speak English, while South Koreans and even Indonesians (who we do not occupy) do speak English. Good for the Japanese! It's nice that some of them learn English to some degree, but they have a healthy culture of their own, and they don't need to learn English in order to experience great culture.

    South Korea and Indonesia have very little of their own culture, at least from the contemporary era. So they rely on American or other English-language culture that is contemporary.

    Good ol' Japan makes their own manga, anime, video games, vtubers, TV, movies, and so on -- in Nihongo! If you want to enjoy it, you'd better have closed captions with auto-translate turned on, or find someone to translate it by hand, or maybe dub over it in English, or something. Cuz they're not going to learn perfect English just so the kaigai niki can understand it. They're going to stick with their native language, and either the outsiders can find a translator or not.

    For the good of the entire world, I hope the Japanese never stop being Japanese. There are already too many South Koreas, Czech Republics, and other shithole vassal cultures of the crumbling American Empire.

    Japan must be preserved as a Japanese culture, not dictated to by American woketards!

  59. You can also tell the Eurolarpers in America apart by who is still complaining today about the Rothschilds and their influence over the world. The Rothschilds were a powerful banking family in the 19th century, but in the 20th century their influence went into the abyss as the Nazis confiscated the Rothschilds' banks and investments in Austria and Mitterrand nationalised the Rothschilds' banks and investments in France. The Rothschilds failed to enter the American banking industry and so they were overshadowed by American banking families like the House of Morgan as the United States overtook Europe to become one of two global superpowers. These days the Rothschilds are only relevant in France and the UK as a minor player in their national banking industries, being dwarfed by giants like Barclays, Deutsche Bank, and UBS/Credit Suisse in Europe and completely irrelevant in America.

  60. Trump is deporting less people than Joe Biden did in his last year in office


  61. Want cute young girls to talk to you first in public spaces? It's as simple as looking cool. Being hot will amplify the effect of looking cool, but coolness goes a long way in itself, even if you're not hot.

    For example, by now everyone knows that big muscles don't get you noticed by girls, don't get you unsolicited compliments, don't make girls strike up a convo with you in public, etc. "Oh wow, what big muscles you have..." -- psych! Only other guys notice that, will spontaneously compliment on them, etc.

    But if you have a cool look, that will catch girls' attention, make them look up to and respect you at least somewhat compared to other guys they don't know, and open them up to chatting in public -- whether they initiate or you do. If you're hot, they'll initiate. If you're not, then you have to open -- but they'll be open to it.

    Last night I wasn't even planning to go out, but decided to at the last minute and threw something together. All of it vintage, made in first-world countries, from real materials, etc.

    Dark-blue slim fit but straight leg jeans (not tapered / skinny) by Wrangler, REAL Doc Martens shoes (black, low-top, Made in England -- not Thailand), white button-down shirt with navy blue stripes, apple-red v-neck wool vest over top of that, chocolate brown corduroy sportcoat with brown suede elbow patches, navy blue wool beret, large-lens glasses with dark-brown frames and slight rose tint to the lenses.

    I thought it looked pretty snazzy-jazzy -- and so did the babes! I wasn't even planning on an outfit specifically for babes to approach me, just thought it looked cool. But that's what I mean -- looking cool opens them up to chatting you up.

    And it's a very simple understated look -- only one pattern, the blue stripes on a white background, and even that was only visible on the shirt collar and upper chest area. Only one noticeable texture, on the corduroy. Otherwise, no insane level of details / ornamentation, muted textures, solid colors, and not even loud bold contrasting colors at that -- red, blue, and brown were the main combo.

    At a thrift store, there was a pair of alt-girls making what looked like a weekly or monthly pilgrimage, hauling a huge shopping cart of stuff around the store, possibly coming up from college campus. One of them called out as I was passing nearby, "I really like your outfit, by the way!"

    I turned toward her, looked her up and down, and said, "Thanks! I like yours too..." Tall-ish bubble-butt goth in all-black and winged eyeliner -- I did not have to lie for politeness' sake. ^_^ She wasn't expecting to get looked up and down in return, so that must have refilled her validation tank for the night, hehe.

    She had her long-sleeve t-shirt tucked into her pants, which is something I haven't seen since the '80s or early '90s. Usually t-shirts are left untucked and flowy, but she must have wanted to emphasize her round buns -- and it was very much appreciated! Usually goths and emos are boob girls, so perhaps she wanted to let it be known that there are bootylicious goths as well. Her friend was a butt-girl too.

  62. Before that, at another thrift store, there was a young alt-girl looking over while we were both waiting for the dressing rooms, although we were far enough apart that she didn't call out anything. She had a pale white foundation on her face, and heavy black eye make-up, and a black bob that went down to about her chin all the way around and straight-across bangs. Very classic goth.

    And then in the supermarket later, the same tall Asian honey who complimented me on my poncho / jeans / Western boots look a few weeks ago, approached me while I was standing in the self checkout line, which she was supervising.

    "I just want to say... you always have such a... curated look," she gushed as she walked up beside me. "Like everything is so..." nice and cool, or something to that effect. What, this ol' ensemble that I just threw together at the last minute? ^_^ It's more like you get things that you know will be cool no matter what else they're combined with, always part of an overall coherent vintage / cool look.

    Then she went on to say that she remembered the last time we talked, I told her the poncho and most of the outfit was thrifted, and how cool she thought that was. And I told her last night, truthfully, that just about everything was thrifted again, but how you have to go often cuz they don't have piles of treasure every time.

    Then after she was finished helping some other customers, she circled back and asked me more about what stores I go to, and I pointed out the nearby thrift stores, and had a nice little back-and-forth about them and thrifting in general.

    She had an alt-girl look as well, with her black pants tucked into black Doc Martens (?) combat boots.

  63. I emphasize the alt-ness of these girls cuz from the online presence of alt-girls, you might think they'd be the most shy or anti-social or outright hateful. But IRL, they are VERY open to chatting with guys, including strangers, in public spaces. They may not be as giggly as the preppy / popular type of girls get when there's a hot guy with a cool vintage look, but they absolutely notice you and want to talk to you and get some validation from you.

    Well, at least the ones who will actually venture outside their home. There's some selection bias, of course, but that's true for girls from all sub-cultures. These days, if someone has left the home at all, consider them a life-of-the-party social butterfly, no matter what you associate their sub-culture with.

    They left their home, when they could've stayed in bedrotmaxxing and doomscrolling all night long? They're practically *begging* to chat with someone! ^_^

    With the usual caveat that you don't make it weird, as though you were a rando from Twitter trying to insult her in typical incel fashion, or trying to score updoot points from your fellow girl-hating incel crew.

    And yes, when a girl compliments your outfit, she is clearly telling you that she looked you up and down and likes what she sees -- inviting you to do likewise! And since the topic, overtly, is about clothing -- well, that's less sexually forward than saying AWOOOOGA. It lets you strike up a little flirtatious convo in a comfortable way for both, so it doesn't get weird and go straight into body-part discussion, even if that's what you're noticing.

    I didn't tell the goth girl, "Dang girl, so that's where you been hiding all them melancholy feelings at..." Just getting looked up and down, and complimented overtly on her clothing alone, is enough to refill her validation tank.

    As I said earlier, I don't pursue every babe who is open to flirtation, but if you're a sub-super-hot guy who pursues the handful of opportunities he gets, this is a surefire way to get some of those opportunities in the first place. Just look cool and be cool, and if need be, compliment an alt-girl on her outfit / hair first.

    No negging whatsoever, or you're a gay incel. Negging for Gen X PUA types just meant playful teasing to get her to drop her shield, then acting friendly and pleasant afterward. Millennial and/or Zoomer incels took it the wrong way, meaning insulting her or dishing out mean-spirited / back-handed / two-faced compliments to try to make her insecure and self-doubting. News flash, faggot -- that just makes her clam up and want to withdraw from public view. No pussy for you -- not even flirtation or validation. Congrats on dooming yourself even more thoroughly...

    Just a pleasant smile, like "real recognizes real", showing some interest and appreciation for her looking cute and cool in a public space, rather than staying inside all the time or wearing frumpy athleisure when she does leave the home.

    Maybe work in a reference that she would know and appreciate, without it seeming tryhard. If she's alt / goth / emo, say she looks like a princess from a Tim Burton movie, or a "goth Disney princess". That pair of alt-girls were gushing over some item in the women's section giving "Disney princess", so they'd appreciate a seemingly normie compliment about Disney, too.

  64. Unless you've been told, explicitly, repeatedly throughout your life, that's you're hot, gorgeous, beautiful, sooo cuuuute, etc. -- you will never cold approach a girl and get laid that night. Especially if you behave and communicate in a way that says you're just looking for a quick fling, and is she DTF or not.

    Maybe if you were both shitfaced drunk at a house party in 2006, you could wind up in bed together as strangers. But house parties, shitfaced drunk around strangers, casual sex in general -- that's gone. Not coming back soon.

    And when it does, it'll only be because guys and girls start acting friendly and flirtatious at the outset, rather than amping up the psychological arms race in the battle of the sexes.

    I've already been given signals for the past several years that girls are willing to lay down their arms, and cold-approach guys in public without it being an overtly sexual "omg you're so hot, come back to my place tonight" kind of way. But in a more friendly, low-stakes, comfy kind of way -- which is actually more likely to lead toward casual sex in the short-term, for sub-super-hot guys.

    What they need now is a reciprocal response from guys.

  65. Not that it makes all the difference in the world, but the type of pockets on a sportcoat can make you feel less awkward if you normally don't wear them or think they look too tryhard or whatever.

    The one I was wearing last night, aside from being made from corduroy -- casual -- and having suede elbow patches -- casual -- also had hip pockets that were "patch pockets". That's the kind that are sewn over top of the outside of the jacket, so the sides and bottom are visible, as opposed to the type that are hidden behind the outside and only the top entry slit is visible.

    They also did not have any kind of flap at the top -- totally open.

    The more formal it looks, the more awkward you'll feel if you're not used to looking cool.

    Finding a sportcoat where it's just cazh, cazh, and more cazh, will make it easier to not be self-conscious about it or worry if others are going to think it looks tryhard or whatever.

    Not that a sportcoat with a more formal-looking texture, lack of patches, and jetted pockets will be poorly received by the babes or fellow cool-aspiring dudes. But to start off with -- and perhaps to stick with long-term, if it suits you better -- go for the most casual-looking stand-out piece you can find.

    For some people, that would just be the navy blue beret! Most guys wouldn't dare.

    Or just the contrasting yellow welt stitching on those Doc Martens -- woah dude, stimulation overload!

    And it doesn't have to be a sportcoat, i.e. cut to look like a suit jacket. It could be a sharp-looking hunting jacket or safari jacket, both of which have large patch pockets rather than hidden ones. Those little details make them look distinctive, and cool.

    You don't have to delve into all the micro-genres of pockets or jacket shapes or whatever. You can eyeball it on a gestalt level and tell how casual or formal it comes off. This little discussion of pocket types is just to bring your attention to something specific to look for, that you might've noticed on a gestalt level but not consciously focused on it before.

    Patch pockets! With or without a flap cover on top. Even more casual if no flap, though.

  66. The max of social harmony saw the theme of friendship take over everything. Not the least of which was the mega-hit TV show, appropriately enough titled Friends, which debuted in '94. I never watched it, although revisiting the culture of the most socially harmonious period since the '40s has made me curious about maybe watching the first season or two, which were mid-'90s rather than late '90s or 2000s.

    And of course I know the theme song, that was inescapable -- for good reason. It's insanely catchy. And the lyrics reinforce the theme of the show -- that it's about friendship, not necessarily romance, family, the workplace, etc.

    And what role do friends play, according to this theme song? They're not activity partners, or those who share a common interest -- they're the ones who support each other through the tough times in life, on a long-term basis, reciprocally.


    That's what makes friendship so central to the rising-harmony period: it's about supporting others, rather than competing against them.

    Getting along with those around you, but in an active way -- doing whatever the others need when they're going through tough times, not in a negative way of "refraining from antagonizing others while remaining socially isolated," which is how we view "getting along" in the 21st century so far.

    And, in contrast to other songs about supporting someone in difficult times, like "Lean on Me" from the last peak of social chaos (1972), the emotional tone is upbeat, carefree, and dance-y in "I'll Be There for You".

    For that matter, Club Nouveau's 1987 cover of "Lean on Me" is more upbeat, carefree, and dance-y. Aesthetically, it's a worse rendition than the original, and not as poignant, but it does show how the social mood had changed between the peak of social breakdown circa 1970 and the late '80s.

    Without having seen it, Friends strikes me as "John Hughes teen movie as TV series, but when they've aged into their 20s and early 30s, with a dash of '90s sarcasm instead of pure '80s sentimentality". In other words, more of a final trace of the '80s and early '90s mood, less of a proto-2000s mood. Well, the early seasons anyway at least -- I expect the seasons that were literally in the 2000s to be very 2000s.

  67. I'd rather stay incel than do all this. Talking clothing with women? Come on. No man in my entire lineage has ever flirted with a female. and they were all given teen virgins to marry, but I have to entertain these street hoes to get my dick wet. I will keep my dignity. Very interesting to read what it's like from the other side though.

  68. TV series whose main characters were a friend group seem to be a rising-harmony trend. Friends debuted in '94. Seinfeld debuted even earlier, in '89.

    And Cheers, whose characters are regulars at a local bar and play mostly the same role as "supportive friends" as a friendship circle that associates outside of a single meet-up space like a bar, debuted in '82 (peak ratings in the '86-'87 season, and huge series finale as late as '93). Like Friends, it has a popular theme song about having a social support group for the tough times in life ("Where Everybody Knows Your Name").

    Contemporary with Cheers was The Golden Girls, from '85 to '92, which had its own iconic friendship theme song ("Thank You for Being a Friend"). The three main characters are not related, but live in the same Florida retirement village, although one of them also has her mother living there.

    In its embryonic stage, this format goes back to 1975 with the debut of Laverne & Shirley, which does not, however, have a "supporting friends through tough times" theme song (it's more about taking the world by storm, achieving your dreams together, etc.).

    Three's Company, which debuted in '77, was another highly popular early example, but like Laverne & Shirley, its theme song was not about friends supporting each other (more like, a trio of unattached 20-somethings living a fun-filled single lifestyle).

    Mork & Mindy, which debuted in '78 -- and like Laverne & Shirley, was a spin-off of Happy Days -- filled out the proto-examples of this genre. Its theme song didn't have lyrics.

    In the '78-'79 season, these 3 shows ranked in the top 3 spots of the Nielsen ratings, showing how suddenly in-demand it was for shows whose characters were friends rather than some other relation.

    Without exhaustively going back through all TV history, I don't recall any examples of this genre from the early '70s, '60s, or '50s. It took until the rising-harmony period of 1975 onward (well, till '94 or so) for this genre to be born and take over popular consciousness.

    I don't count shows whose characters are in school as a friendship-themed show -- they're usually heavily focused on romance, or family, or "school as teen workplace, with teachers and principal as the managers". They may involve friend relations, but it's not the central premise, like the three shows above.

  69. And by the second half of the '90s, this genre stopped debuting any new series, as the rising-chaos phase set in. Hypothetically, now that that phase has ended, and the pendulum is swinging back toward harmony, this genre could spawn new shows in the second half of the 2020s -- but since American culture has died, there won't be any such thing.

    It may show up in the fragmented niches and sub-cultures, like streamers forming friend circles, perhaps like a generation of vtubers who debut at the same time.

    But the point is, since our culture has died and begun disintegrating, signals of which phase a cycle is in will be much harder to read than before, when everyone watched the same handful of shows.

    The series finale of Cheers in '93 was viewed live by 42 million households in America, and an estimated 93 million American individuals saw it -- 40% of the population at the time. Those days are long gone, so intense signals like the Cheers series as a whole, its theme song, and its finale, will not be found going forward.

    But whatever fragmented, niche-ified, disintegrated form American culture takes in the future, this theme of rising harmony, actively getting along and supporting others, and friendship circles, will become more and more popular -- in culture as well as IRL.

  70. Although not in the top 30 of the Nielsen ratings, another key entry from the first half of the '90s was The Real World, MTV's pioneering reality TV show. In the early seasons, the premise was throwing together a bunch of strangers into the same house, and watching their friendships and conflicts evolve. But it was about friendship primarily -- maybe some would become romantic, maybe that would break off.

    Friends-to-lovers was not common -- other than Rachel and Puck in Season 3 -- although some characters did feel or express their romantic feelings toward others, which were not reciprocal (like Jon crushing on Irene in Season 2). After Season 3 concluded, though, two of the characters later dated, married, and had kids together (Judd and Pam).

    Beginning in Season 5, the premise of the show changed to a gimmick where the characters were all working toward a common goal (like launching a business), making it somewhat of a workplace environment peopled by co-workers. Later seasons turned it into a party house with random hook-ups.

    After the first half of the '90s, the friendship angle of the show weakened quickly, and soon became a drama / beefing cage-match, mixed with random hook-ups -- ego-centered relations, in both cases, not friendships.

    You can watch the first 3 or 4 seasons and get all there is from the series, i.e. "Gen X-ers thrown together to navigate friendships". Again it derives from John Hughes '80s movies -- trying to recreate a Breakfast Club dynamic IRL and film it like a documentary.

  71. I've written about this genre of TV before, but I probably attributed it to the outgoing vs. cocooning cycle. However, reviewing the hit shows of the '60s and early '70s, which were also part of the outgoing phase, there aren't really any examples from this genre. They were still focused on family, romantic couple / spouses, workplace, or school.

    The only apparent exception is Gilligan's Island -- they're a motley crew who aren't related, aren't romancing each other, aren't working in the same profession or workplace, aren't at a school. It would seem to lead toward a Breakfast Club / The Real World dynamic, but they don't become supportive friends toward each other. The ones who began related to each other, like spouses or workmates, stay close, and mostly they have conflicts with each other and have to navigate and suppress that conflict.

    It was the New Deal / Great Compression / Pre-Neoliberal era, so they weren't at each other's throats, beefing, etc., as their counterparts would be in shows like Lost from the 2000s, with a somewhat similar premise. But still, they don't become an actively supportive friendship circle like they would have during the '80s and first half of the '90s.

    And some of the peak examples of the genre come from the cocooning phase of the cycle, which began in the early '90s.

    So this looks to fit the timing of the Turchin 50-year "civil harmony vs. breakdown" cycle, more than my 30-year outgoing vs. cocooning cycle (which is just about the same as the 30-year rising-crime vs. falling-crime cycle, and linked to it, as I've outlined before).

  72. Final brief video clip for now. I vaguely remember The Adventures of Pete and Pete when it was still making new episodes, but it was a little past my time for watching that kind of show. I think the target audience for those Nickelodeon shows was just a few years younger than me. I know my brother, born in '82, was obsessed with The Secret World of Alex Mack, as well as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and other staples of Millennial culture. Late X-ers were more likely watching The Real World, My So-Called Life, and earlier Saved by the Bell.

    But browsing through some of these early Millennial faves, I notice a similar focus on friendship, including between a teenage guy and girl, which they may at some point test on a romantic date / kiss, then ultimately decide to stay friends.

    But that was just like Jessie and Zack on Saved by the Bell, of the same time period, so it's no surprise to find it on Clarissa Explains It All (between Clarissa and Sam), and The Adventures of Pete and Pete (between big Pete and Ellen). And on Boy Meets World, Cory and Topanga begin as friends -- it's never "just friends," BTW, as the show demonstrates.

    The actors are all late Gen X-ers, not Millennials, but some of these shows were targeted more at Millennial audiences. They obviously did not imprint very much on these shows, since they wound up shredding the harmonious / friendship bonds, and reviving the ego-focused hyper-competitive antagonisms of the previous phase of rising chaos.

    So this shows that the TV series were reflecting current norms, rather than programming the minds of their target audience. Otherwise the 6-11 year-old Millennials would've been programmed to behave like the late Gen X-ers they were watching on these shows. But they ended up going their own way, toward society-wide antagonism and chaos and breakdown.

    But, for that sweet tender innocent moment in the mid-'90s, they were at least getting the right message, whether they took it to heart or not.

    This clip isn't set to an appropriate '90s song like "Saved the Best for Last," but it's a similar sound from a bit earlier in the rising-harmony phase nonetheless.

    Pete and Ellen not confined to being "just" friends, a compilation:


  73. Interestingly, swing type dances only blew up in the second half of the '20s.

    I thought for sure the whole F. Scott Fitzgerald, late '10s / early '20s, Lost Generation, Jazz Age, etc. environment was the origin of the Charleston, Lindy Hop, and so on. But nope, it was the late '20s onward.

    Same with scat singing, for that matter -- "Heebie Jeebies" by Louis Armstrong in 1926.

    Society was still to ego-focused, self-serving, and chaotic in the late '10s and early '20s for there to be high-trust kinds of dancing.

    And speaking of race-blind rap in the '90s, that happened with jazz, too, starting in the late '20s. It was never entirely white or entirely black, but it becoming more race-blind, less race-conscious, more of an all-American genre, is more of a late '20s thing, '30s, and '40s, with big band.

    Irving Berlin even changed the lyrics of "Puttin' on the Ritz" (published 1929) to no longer be about the flashy fashions of blacks in Harlem, to be about rich socialites and climbers.

    The nadir of race relations was circa 1920, and by the '30s, racism was no longer fashionable or edgy or intellectual, in America at least. That was more of an early 20th-C thing.

    1. Yes. The whole zeitgeist of 1917-23 and how many near-revolutions there were (including the Russian Civil War) has largely been forgotten and erased in the public memory. This is despite the fact that these failed revolutions spawned neo-Marxism which the woke cite as the supposed philosophical roots of their movements a century hence!

  74. LOL, your male ancestors weren't "given" anything, they had to work and prove themselves and compete against other males. And they had to basically get along with women -- no father would want to give his daughter away to some dead-end girl-hating porn-brain, get real.

    And yes, the focus on virgins, getting your dick wet, etc. does make you a porn-brain or fag-brain, not a natural human being.

    Incels have their priorities backwards -- you have to focus on getting along socially and emotionally with girls, then some of them will sleep with you, casually or committedly.

    You can only treat them as purely physical specimens if they would also treat you that way -- i.e., if you're super-hot. But you don't sound like that, so you're not allowed to view or treat them that way either.

    I don't mean in a moral / normative way -- just purely descriptively and objectively, cause-and-effect-ly. If you're not hot, that strategy will go nowhere forever.

    Humble yourself and compliment a girl on her clothes and her hair with a pleasant smile -- it'll get you farther than fantasizing about what their armpit feels like around your dick, calling them step-sister, or whatever the fetish du jour is.

    1. Indeed. Treat women like women not the toy of one's kink.

      Also her makeup and perfume.

  75. Getting along with girls socially and emotionally doesn't mean "becoming one of them" in those dimensions, or "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". That's also porn-brained and fag-brained -- it's what leads to crypto-tranny behavior, yuri shipping, and so on.

    The male version of a fujo, who thinks no boy would ever accept her as a girl, so she has to fantasize about being a boy who can get close to the boy she's interested in. You'll start fantasizing about being a girl, to get close to the girl you're interested in -- a la that yuri kissing scene from Cruel Intentions, probably the ground zero for yuri in the West. Not surprisingly, from the late '90s ('99), the same time that fujo fetishes took off in the West ("omg, look at those hot gay guys kissing in the 'Beautiful' video!").

    It means being male, socially and emotionally, and them being female, socially and emotionally. But those two roles linking up in a complimentary way. You do have to compromise, share some common ground, etc., but you're not going to become clones of each other in some weird sexless way -- watch that Pete and Ellen video, and observe how they're two clearly distinctive sex roles, but complimentary, and also not *entirely* distinctive, overlapping in some ways as well.

    Sexual dimorphism is not that wide in human beings, that includes social-emotional stuff as well. We're not separate species, especially when you're talking within a racial or ethnic group, as we almost always are for courtship.

    And in the craziest twist of all, the incel urge to "not be female socially / emotionally", in pursuit of some imaginary uber-masculine ideal, they don't reject the awful parts of being female, like being catty, bitchy, whiny, immature, perfectionist, etc. They *are* all those things!

    No, they reject the good parts of being female, which any good male should also have -- caring about others, having a sense of humor that doesn't scare anyone, mirroring others' pleasant behavior (smiling back when someone smiles at you), and all that other warm-and-fuzzy stuff. The cooperative, collectivist, pro-social stuff.

    Incel-dom ultimately leads to a warped Ayn Rand crypto-tranny personality -- needless to say, that will not only never get you laid, it will repel all girls from even being your friend and flirting with you and valuing your existence.

    If you're a Millennial, it's too late, you're probably set in your ways. But if you're a Zoomer, especially a late one, it's not too late to turn back. Your personality doesn't harden into place until around 30.

  76. And while a large percentage of Millennial women may also be set in their man-belittling, fag-hagging, red-flag-hunting ways, Zoomer girls are not. Nor are Gen Alpha girls.

    IDK how old you are, but if you're a late Zoomer, some of these Gen Alpha girls will be willing to flirt with you in the next coming years. Better practice getting along with girls now, so you can hit the ground running in a few years.

    And nobody can get more psychotically competitive between the sexes than Millennials or Zoomers (again, I think even Zoomers are less bogged down in the battle of the sexes). Gen Alpha girls *will* be less battle-oriented, having imprinted on the peak of social chaos and saying, "Yeah no, we are NOT going any further down that cursed path..."

    They'll be more John Hughes-y, I promise. Admittedly not a high bar to clear when compared to Millennials.

    At first it'll feel like the late '70s -- gears shifting, but not at the next peak of harmony. That's fine, what a relief it was by the late '70s to be past the recent peak of civil breakdown.

    THESE -- ARE -- THE -- GOOD -- TIMES!

    Our most recent peak of civil breakdown is already in the rearview mirror -- don't let the current pendulum swing toward harmony pass you by!

    But to reiterate, that means girls will be willing to flirt and befriend you, and you cultivate your relationship from that foundation. Not throwing themselves at you sexually, LOL -- you'd already know if that were an option for you.

    Time to humanize girls -- since they are suddenly willing to humanize you in return. The woketard 2010s and early 2020s are over, not coming back for another 50 years. You'll be too old to care about that next breakdown anyway!

  77. Not so fast, the edgy right wing is rooted in that same 1900s, '10s, and early '20s climate. Eugenics, scientific racism, etc. That hit its peak in the late '10s and early '20s, dwindled throughout the '30s -- outside of Nazi Germany -- and was gone by the '40s.

    Speaking of F. Scott Fitzgerald, the book that Tom Buchanan is reading in The Great Gatsby is based on The Rising Tide of Color: The Threat Against White World-Supremacy, published in 1920.

    The idea that you were going to skull-measure or population-segregate your way out of internal imperial collapse was a very popular cope back then for their plummeting levels of asabiya, mainly in the collapsing Euro empires -- not so much here, since we were still an expanding empire.

    But now that the American Empire is collapsing, it's become a widely popular cope on the right.

    All that stuff that Nazi Germany carried out, did not reverse their empire's collapse. It had been many hundred years since their ethnogenesis got kicked off by the Prussians getting encircled by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. By the 19th C, that entity didn't even exist -- and the German Empire was one of the powers that carved up its corpse.

    No common meta-ethnic nemesis, no reason to keep cohering as an empire. So they collapsed, regardless of their attempts to save their empire through eugenics, genocide, segregation, etc.

    Same with the Ottomans -- driving out the Greeks, genociding the Armenians, did nothing to stop the collapse of their empire, which had grown in opposition to the meta-ethnic nemesis of the Byzantine Empire, which bit the dust many centuries ago.

    Britain was into the same trends, although didn't carry out a huge population transfer, ethnic cleansing, or genocide. Still, all their attempts to Social Darwinize their way out of imperial collapse failed, and they fell just like the Germans and Ottomans.

    Today's edgy right-wingers are trying the same failed cope. They're not doing it for academic reasons, out of curiosity, etc. -- that's no big deal. They're specifically trying to shore up the buckling foundations of the American Empire, to no avail. Cucked by Hezbollah in Israel, shut out of the Red Sea by the Houthis, driven out of Afghanistan by the Taliban, annihilated by Russia in Ukraine, on and on down the line.

    You can't skull-measure and racist-post your way out of imperial collapse. Our meta-ethnic nemesis was wiped out over a century ago, when the frontier against the Indians was closed circa 1890. We had a little extra tension from a further out-West enemy -- Japan -- but we beat them in the mid-1940s. Cold War was fake & gay, and even that's over as of 1990.

    We have no nemesis left to hold us together, so we are splintering apart, plunging into a hangover after a soaring dizzying high.

    1. also the KKK was at its height during the 10s' and 20s'.

  78. In fact, in the one empire where the revolution circa 1920 *did* succeed -- Russia -- they kept expanding as an empire for another 70 years, as opposed to collapsing beginning in WWI (or earlier, as in the Ottoman case).

    After subduing much of Central Asia, Russia finally got hold of their original meta-ethnic nemesis -- Mongolia. They didn't annex it outright, but it became a Soviet client state, after it was broken off from the collapsing Qing Empire in China.

    So if anything, it was better to have a crazy left-wing revolution than a crazy right-wing revolution, if the goal was to prolong the empire's lifespan by a few more generations.

    I don't expect right-wingers to learn anything from that, though. They'll just cope and try to have it both ways -- yes, we want the empire to collapse, also we want to expand our sphere of influence through (threat of) force in multiple theatres simultaneously.

    Write more coherent fanfic, dorkwads.

  79. It merits its own post, but briefly on the occasion of Ukraine's de facto surrender to Russia, Ukrainian separatism from Russia is the Russian Empire's auto-immune disorder, fragmentation, black hole of asabiya, etc.

    Similar to Ireland's War of Independence during British imperial collapse, in the 1910s. But Ukraine is too important for the core of the empire to allow it to break off, so they reconquered a decent amount of it, possibly all of it, we'll have to wait and see. Whereas Britain ended up saying Ireland can go fuck off if they really don't want to belong to the same polity anymore. They didn't wage a huge war of reconquest.

    Russia losing its imperial conquests in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Eastern Europe are just typical loss of the periphery. Not an auto-immune disease, not a black hole of asabiya, not a hangover after a soaring high.

    Ukraine, aside from Galicia, has always been Russian, as long as the Muscovite state began expanding in the face of the Turko-Mongol meta-ethnic nemesis, along the steppe frontier. In fact, Ukraine means "frontier" or "borderland".

    Kiev has always been Christian, Orthodox, and specifically Russian Orthodox. They've been Russian speakers. They belonged to the same polity as Moscow.

    So when the Russian Empire finally collapsed in the 1990s, and Ukraine broke off in a bitter separatist fashion -- *that* was the empire's auto-immune disorder. That wasn't a loss of the periphery, it affected a region close to the core.

    Political separatism, military separatism, and cultural separatism -- pretending to speak Ukrainian (de facto still speaking Russian), and severing their church from the Russian Orthodox Church, thanks to neocon moron Mike Pompeo during Trump: Season One.

    And Ukrainian separatism was not exclusive to the Galicians in the far West -- a decent share of those bordering on Russia in the East were seduced into separatism as well. Not nearly as many as in Galicia, of course, but Russian imperial cohesion in the Donbass fell to such levels that even some Eastern Ukrainians joined the Azov types.

    And until 2022, Moscow had allowed Eastern Ukrainians to fall victim to the Ukrainian separatists. So the decline in cohesion went in both directions for most of the 21st century, until the recent war to reconquer Ukraine.

    If the region were not so strategically important to Moscow -- like Ireland to Britain -- Moscow probably would have let Ukraine, including the Donbass, just continue to slide off into separatist lunacy, poverty, and disintegration.

    But given how much Moscow's enemies were dumping into Ukraine to weaken Moscow, they couldn't just sit idly by and let the Donbass stray further out of their minds, and their hands. They had to take it back, for self-defense.

    Still, before 2022, the story of Ukrainian separatism was the main example of the collapsing Russian Empire's auto-immune disorder, where even places close to the core become a black hole of asabiya. Much like the parts of Italy close to Rome got swamped and occupied by the Byzantine Empire after the Roman Empire collapsed.

  80. Someone asked before what the Russian form of heritage-hating iconoclasm is, during their imperial collapse -- it's Ukrainian separatism, which has been cultural as much as it has been political / military.

    They severed their church from their eternal mother church, the Russian Orthodox Church.

    They pretend to disavow the Russian language.

    They rename streets to deprive Russian figures of being in the name.

    They topple statues of Russian emperors.

    They purge Pushkin or whoever else from their literary archives.

    And so on and so forth -- hating their Russian heritage so much that they go on an insane crusade to destroy and erase all traces of it. And as usual with heritage-hating iconoclasm during imperial collapse -- not putting anything equal or better in its place!

    I can't wait to never hear Ukrainian whining again, as they get annexed back into Russia.

  81. I'm not exaggerating, my grandfather legit got rid his first wife and requested another teen virgin, he didn't even know any girls, just told his family "get me another girl". His own grandfather also took an orphan girl as his second wife(polygamous). The men ate first, and the women ate their scraps, literally.
    It's just not in our instincts to "treat women like women". This is
    not how life was meant to be. This stuff about just being yourself, connecting with gurls, etc. never sat right with me, then it all made sense when I started looking into the past, especially my own. Of course I focus on virgins. Until a few generations ago, girls would be executed on the spot for not being virgins in their wedding night and the police would be told the girl committed suicide.
    If you do not feel in your bones that you are entitled to a female like you would any other property, this instinct has been beaten out of you and worse, you submitted, leaving you a childless fashionista in his 40s!

    "no father would want to give his daughter away to some dead-end girl-hating porn-brain, get real."
    They are giving away their daughters to 80 iq street thugs and drug dealers brother. They don't get to choose. Those guys really get along with the cuties. What's their compliment routine I wonder.

  82. Oh you're a shithole dweller, LOL. Or recently descended from one. Nobody else knows the marital status of their grandfather's grandfather -- tribal low-trust shithole society with only clan-level cohesion. Why didn't you say so to begin with?

    It's like that vague "in my country" BS -- just say which shithole you come from, so we know it's irrelevant to us.

    And no, you're still a porn-brain and fag-brain for framing marriage as being passively delivered a teen virgin -- that only happens in porn, and of course there's some producer paying the girl to show up there with no effort on the part of the guy, who you're identifying with. She's just a rental.

    If you were actually focused on le traditional marriage, you'd be focusing on fulfilling your duties as a patriarch -- materially, not signaling online, in order to provide for your multiple teen virgin wives and your many children with them. It's not cheap, it's not a passive thing that you are delivered, and you have to mainly do it on your own, even if you get help from others.

    And you'd be focused on building a strong social network with your in-laws -- in a shithole clannish tribal society like the one your grandfather's grandfather belonged to, only half of your clan is related to you by blood. The other half is your in-laws. Those networks are like alliances, and allow you to navigate that kind of society.

    But you're not looking for high-quality in-laws, putting their material provisions under a microscope, and whining about how in the here and now, your would-be in-laws can only provide 5 goats on your wedding night -- whereas in the good ol' days of your grandfather's grandfather, he could easily find in-laws who would deliver 50 goats as a dowry!

    All this le trad marriage BS is just pure cope, you're laser-focused only on one aspect of the old ways -- "teen virgin sex delivered literally into your lap effort-free by others", which is imaginary anyway. But even if that were real, you're ignoring all the other requirements and duties of the old ways in the old country.

    Whether or not this describes you exactly, you sound like a Muslim of recent immigrant background, living in a first-world country, and totally alienated from it, longing for the imagined paradise of the old country, but unwilling to do your part to fit into that paradise.

    You're the typical profile of a radical Islamic terrorist who leaves London for Idlib. Again, maybe you're some Balkan counterpart to this general pattern, not literally Muslim. But that's your basic profile, and something that 99% of the readership here is going to write off as irrelevant. Sucks that your parents deracinated you from your homeland and its culture, but we don't have that problem.

  83. And to be fair, we Americans (of longstanding roots) do have a lesser degree of that problem, due to our parents getting divorced and moving us around a lot while we grow up.

    Now, moving around America is not the same as moving from Pakistan to London, Toronto, or New Jersey. But it is still socially and culturally disruptive.

    And I'm guessing that the incels are more likely to come from this kind of deracinated familiy background -- even for long-time citizens, not just those of recent immigrant background.

    This is the flipside that the edgy right-wingers do not want to tackle, and if it's brought up, they will vehemently defend the neoliberal deracinated yuppie phenomenon, cuz that's what they are, and who they're appealing to -- helping the next wave of yuppie strivers secure the bag, hustle, work their way through the grind, etc.

    They're fine with saying we need closed borders at the international level -- but we need closed borders between states, or at least regions, within a nation. Maybe we can trade and be economically interlinked, but you need to grow up where you were born, generation after generation.

    Otherwise we're only dealing with the external aspect of our problems, not the internal ones -- which are more difficult to root out.

  84. You're also a ghetto-dweller, LOL. Or close to one, anyway. The high-status incel whines about hot sluts being scooped up by "bad-boy bikers" or "football captain jocks". You're whining about them being scooped up by street thugs -- that's your lived experience confessing itself there.

    Of course, hot sluts are not being scooped up by anyone these days -- sluts don't exist anymore, meaning highly promiscuous women. Showing skin IRL means nothing, posting your tits online means nothing. Actually being easily picked up for casual sex IRL -- does not happen anymore. Even if the guy is hot, so it does still happen, it's less common than it was for hot guys trying to score random sluts in the '80s and '90s.

    And hot babes are either married off to hot guys, high income-earners, or are going through life as sexless spinsters. Highly online hotties are of the sexless spinster / femcel type. Once they get a bf IRL, they disappear from online.

    By now, everyone knows this -- I don't know why you're still trying to sustain the illusion that there are legions of eager horny sluts out there, they're just choosing the jock / asshole / thug instead of le trad marriage guys like you. They're not out there, they're choosing nobody, they're just bedrotmaxxing and doomscrolling on their phone, while indulging in a little schlicking to fujo fanfic.

    You're trying to be a PUA guru, but nobody is fooled by that anymore. You have to promise that there are eager sluts out there to be scooped up, otherwise there's no point in following your advice on how to scoop them up. The "just act like a thug or give up altogether" is your advice on how to scoop up sluts, or retire from the game if you don't want to act that way.

    I'm telling the truth -- as of the last few years, there are girls out there who are eager to chat, flirt, and befriend you even as a stranger in public, and you can cultivate that relationship however far it goes. But they're not sluts, they're not waiting to by bamboozled by PUA tricks and cheat codes like they're just a walking pile of video game code.

    And they are not giving it up to thugs, jocks, assholes, etc. on the side. That's not your male competition. Birth rates are plummeting around the world, and within every demo inside a nation -- and most precipitously among the urban poors of color, who you are insanely trying to spin as super-fertile. That's a crazy fabrication from the "welfare queen" propaganda of the '80s. Thugs these days are just as incel as you are, and are being demographically replaced just as much as white middle-class suburbanite incels, and are coping with pornographic opium just like you are.

  85. Who's the most fertile demo in America? Mormons -- the polar opposite of thugs, assholes, and jocks. They are actually athletic in the sense of physically fit, not obese, etc. But they're not the stereotype of a bully jock football captain who shoves nerds inside lockers and grabs his hot slut cheerleader's tits in front of others just to rub it in their faces.

    Mormon guys are stereotypically Nice Guys (TM), they compliment Mormon girls, and are more likely to say a girl is wearing a nice outfit or her hair looks pretty, not trying to neg her into insecurity, which in reality would close her up and lower her fertility.

    And they used to be polygamous, but still today have very large families by American and global standards. That's an actual alpha / patriarch outcome -- not being a bitter girl-hating incel online who tries to neg e-girls into insecurity.

    One of my cousins, an early Gen X-er, and a very conservative Christian, has a huge family, and each of his kids is having a large family.

    How did he seal the deal on his wedding day, in the early '90s (during the max of social harmony)? By turning to his bride and singing to her, before the whole crowd. I don't remember what song exactly, but it was a sentimental / vulnerable / sweet kind of song, not a wannabe alpha trying to put a woman in her place by growling nu metal in her face, or whatever insane delusion an incel would fantasize about as a "power move" (i.e., cutting off your own dick move).

  86. Assholes and thugs don't have high fertility, cuz they wear out their welcome quickly. Only supportive, compromising nice guys hang around long enough to ensure lots of babies are made and get provided for -- and long enough for the grandchildren to be provided for as well.

    In the old days, maybe a thug could get laid with a ghetto slut easily -- but if she got pregnant, she'd have an abortion. After awhile of that, they get tired and just withdraw from interacting with the opposite sex altogether, in their own separate man-hating / girl-hating bubbles.

    But times are changing as of the last few years. Guys can compliment a girl on how she looks (clothing, make-up, and hair, not sexual body parts), or serenade her, or other humanizing behavior, and they'll be receptive to it.

    Again, the Millennials out there seem to be a lost cause, for both sexes, they've hardened into shape and can't undo their "every interaction is a battle" mindset. But if you're a Zoomer, especially a later one, or a Gen Alpha person, guy or girl, you don't have to go down the cursed closed-off path of the Millennials.

    You're probably already sensing how insane they are, and wanting to steer away from their fate -- take it from someone who remembers the last peak of social harmony, your intuition is correct, and you can take your fate into your own hands! Well, to a certain degree, but that's enough to avoid the Millennial doom of permanent social warfare.

  87. Mormons are also prototypical Americans cuz they're out-West frontier people, who literally battled the Indians at a fairly late stage in American history.

    When there's a strong external threat, it makes the in-group cohere and cooperate more intensely. If Mormons wanted to survive on the Indian frontier, they had to drop all their petty bullshit with each other, and cooperate -- that includes shutting down the battle between the sexes, from both directions.

    Mormon girls are not man-belittlers -- they don't think, feel, or act as though "men only think with their dicks," or "men are so easy to manipulate," or "men are dumb and clueless, but occasionally useful or perhaps even indispensable, but god are they dumb," and so on. They're man-respecters.

    And Mormon guys are not girl-haters -- they don't try to neg girls into insecurity, don't try to interpersonally put women in their place, beat them, do honor killings, cruise the streets for casual sex from sluts, or otherwise treat girls like the only thing they're good for is a fleeting physiological release.

    As the American Empire has lost the raison d'etre of its sky-high asabiya -- a meta-ethnic nemesis (Indians, and later Mexicans, somewhat the Japanese toward the end) -- the motivation for suppressing the battle between the sexes is coming undone as well.

    So we're witnessing real fin-de-siecle levels of man-belittling and girl-hating, that we haven't seen since the collapse of the Euro empires around the turn of the last century.

    However, that's a very long-term cycle that we're descending. There are medium-term cycles within that as well, like the 50-year one Turchin identified. We had an eruption of social chaos even during our good ol' days -- two of them after our integrative civil war, in fact, circa 1920 and 1970.

    The Roman Empire went through an eruption of social chaos around 70 A.D., and that was long after their integrative civil war had wrapped up with the ascent of Augustus.

    The flipside of these "eruptions of medium-term chaos, within a long-term expansion and cohesion" is the current American "return to medium-term harmony, within a long-term imperial contraction and implosion". Another example being Diocletian's rule at the end of the chaotic 3rd Century.

    We can't do anything to reverse our long-term imperial collapse. But as of the past several years, we can at least return to medium-term social harmony within that broader collapse. That's nothing to complain about -- it was way worse in the 2010s and early 2020s, when we were suffering from both long-term stagnation and outright collapse, *plus* the peak of social chaos in the medium-term!

    Silver linings...

  88. Brief, eternally timely reminder to ignore all Roman Empire references from people who never discuss the bad days of the empire, from the second half of the 2nd C AD, through the Crisis of the 3rd, and the de facto shift of power from Latium to Thrace over the course of the 4th -- well before the final end in the 5th.

    Wannabe, failed management consultants for the wannabe, failed propper-uppers of the collapsing American Empire, will only ever refer to the empire in its expanding period -- not after it reached its max extent, stagnated, then contracted and disintegrated internally, centuries before the Germanic barbarians picked over its corpse in the 5th C.

    Gee, what ever happened between Julius Caesar, Augustus, Trajan, all those famous good guys -- and the Ostrogoth hordes bulldozing over Italy?

    Failed wannabe consultants cannot, in their own interests, mention any of that stage of Roman imperial history. It would reveal the close parallels to our own time, and show how fruitless it is to try to stop imperial collapse once it's begun.

    They need, in their own interests, for our time-and-place to resemble the Roman Empire of the 1st C. BC or AD, maybe the early 2nd C AD -- when there was still a cooperative spirit overall, unchallenged dominance in their neighborhood (only falling off at the Persian border), and seemingly bright sunny skies ahead.

    Sorry, dorks, nobody sees America that way anymore. You can drop the act like we're still America of the pre-Korean War or pre-Vietnam War era. It's over, and it's been over. Only references that resonate with reality will be accepted by people with actual power, looking to address the reality.

    All these failed wannabe consultants can peddle is copium for the elites, or more likely their downwardly mobile peers, who just want to be told what they want to hear, about how promising the future is -- if only the right consultants are heeded.

    GTFOH. Welcome to irrevocable imperial collapse. This is Rome of the 3rd Century AD, not the 1st BC or AD, or even 2nd AD.

    1. What did iconoclasm in the Roman Empire look like?

  89. Back to Russia for a moment, I neglected to mention that the success of a crazy left-wing revolution circa 1920 not only allowed them to expand all the way into Mongolia (de facto, client state), but also survive the interwar, WWII, and post-WWII era, to swallow up large chunks of the collapsed Austrian, German, and Ottoman empires, in the form of the Warsaw Pact.

    If only Austria, Germany, or the Ottomans had successfully carried out a crazy left-wing revolution circa 1920, instead of a crazy right-wing revolution, maybe they too would have survived for 70 more years and not gotten swallowed up by the crazy left-wingers of the Russian Empire.

    I know, it's correlation, not necessarily causation. And Stalinist USSR was conservative socially and culturally, etc.

    I'm just talking about the lazy dum-dum right-wing view of the Russian Revolution as some kind of medium-term doomed path they took, unlike the nations that tried but failed a left-wing revolution at the same time -- who got swallowed up by the left-wing revolutionaries of the Russian Empire!

    You can't argue against success, and the right-wing edgy racist empires from the 1920 era went on to get defeated and occupied by the Commie-nists.

    This is yet another example of right-wing edgelords doing a motte-and-bailey argument about how Social Darwinism and other forms of amoral competition are the great universal sorting hats between losers and winners... except when their side loses to their rival side, in which case the rivals must have cheated!

    Well, there's no cheating in an amoral law of the jungle.

    OK, so they can't / didn't cheat... well, that just shows how the amoral law of the jungle is a terrible standard to uphold, it should be about who are the moral or aesthetic superiors. They may lose in the amoral material struggle for survival, but they are beautiful truth-defending losers, and beauty and truth matter more than winning and surviving.

    Then they circle back to Social Darwinism when nobody's looking, and then when they're the ones getting demographically replaced, they whine about being the beautiful losers all over again, it's so unfair that the ugly winners are reproducing so much.

    Pathetic. Pick a standard and stick with it.

  90. Some older comments and posts, from the outset of the Russian re-annexation of Ukraine, just to remind people I never fell for any of the propaganda and knew who would win.

    First, a comment raking the Red Scare ladies over what I called a "rare miss" by bringing in some obvious warmongering glowie. I think they dropped the pro-Yuke position after that, which became more associated with Biden and libtards.


    A background post on Russian ethnogenesis and the central role that Ukraine occupies, going back centuries, meaning Russia would be highly motivated to keep / claw back that territory, not cede it to the Euros or Americans.


    And on that broader topic, a post on how the EU will never be a real polity or culture, cuz they aren't facing a shared meta-ethnic nemesis. Without that external "kill or be killed" pressure, they will never cohere and cooperate internally.


    Balt-wads, non-Orthodox Slavs, and others from the Butthurt Belt can whine all they want, but Western Europe will never feel like Russia is a dire threat to their survival. Some of their elites may go along with the charade or become true believers of the death cult. But sooner rather than later, they'll drop the pretense -- like America is beginning to do already, and the dickless Euro vassals will follow.

    Former members of the Warsaw Pact may remain fearful of their neighbors' ambitions, but Western Europe will go back to not giving a shit about Russia one way or the other.

  91. The most darkly humorous thing in this whole Ukrainian separatist affair is that Moscow is so directly responsible for building up the myth of the glory of Kiev in the old old days, which in a way provided a basis for Yuke separatism.

    In reality, Moscow built up this myth in order to establish their own claim to legitimacy, as they were starting to throw off the Turko-Mongol yoke circa 1300. That was when Yury of Moscow was contesting his uncle, Mikhail of Tver, over becoming the Grand Prince of Vladimir -- the highest vassal status under the Golden Horde's occupation.

    Mikhail had a traditional claim, through his male ancestors having already held the office. Yury had no such blood claim, and allied with the Khan and married the Khan's sister -- highly anti-traditional way to climb to the top, by Slavic customs.

    So once Yury and his descendants became the ruling dynasty -- the Daniloviches -- they had to legitimize their rise to power in some other way. So they made up the myth of the Kievan Rus descending from a Viking / Varangian prince, Rurik, and claiming blood descent from him. This was a claim of blood descent, rather than marrying into the enemy's clan as Yury had actually done, but it was descent not from a previous Grand Prince of Vladimir -- but from the Kievan rulers and ultimately the Viking royalty.

    But because the Vikings and the Rus did not build their base in Moscow, the Muscovite myth-makers had to trace the lineage of the Daniloviches indirectly, via Kiev, to the Viking royalty. This meant they had to hype up the status and glory of Medieval Kiev, when it was in reality more of a glorified trading post between the Vikings' homeland and the Bulgarian, Byzantine, and Khazar empires.

    However, given how far the Daniloviches extended their rule over the centuries, until replaced by the Romanovs after the Time of Troubles in the early 17th C -- the Muscovite elites had to commit to the bit about tracing their origins to the mighty, glorious Kievan Rus and Viking royalty.

    They're still committing to the bit -- Kiev was elevated to Hero City status during the Soviet era, and Moscow is doing its best to claw the Ukraine back after its imperial disintegration began in the '90s. Some losses are acceptable, like the recent additions in Eastern Europe or Central Asia. But not Ukraine -- and not Kiev itself.

    Russia will not only control the Donbass, they will have their way in Kiev itself, as well as Odessa, another Hero City of the Soviet era, and another site of heritage-hating iconoclasm by Yukes of the collapsing stage of Russian imperial history.

  92. A related darkly humorous thing is Israelis claiming to be the bastion of civilization, or specifically the West, or Europe, or in the latest branding Judaeo-Christian (a fake & gay meaningless buzzword).

    The founding Israelis were not from Western Europe -- they were from Eastern Europe. And not from one of its civilizational centers like Moscow or Sophia. Some random-ass place in Lithuania or Poland or Ukraine or Romania or wherever.

    Sorry bitch, you're not Western. Your territory never belonged to the Carolingian Empire, and aside from some of the Balkans, did not belong to the Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire either. Nor a successor to the Franks, like the French or British or Germans.

    German Jews (the most civilized Ashkenazis) mainly went to America, England, etc., not to Israel. There are some German-surnamed Jews in Israel, but they're usually from Eastern Europe.

    So, no, Israel is not a bastion of Western civilization in the Muslim world -- it's a bastion of shitty collapsed Eastern Euro empires, which nobody cares about outside of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

    And in fact, that's exactly what the Gentile Euros from those shitholes say today -- a bastion of European civilization vs. the Asiatic Muscovite hordes.

    Sorry bitch, you didn't belong to the Roman, Byzantine, Frankish, French, British, or German empires -- you're just non-Orthodox Slavic backwater, as far as Western Europeans are concerned. Maybe the Czechs, Slovaks, and Hungarians, and the northern part of the Balkans, think they're hot stuff just cuz they belonged to the Austrian Empire, and enjoy a link to the patrons of Mozart et al.

    Maybe, but nobody credits the non-Austrians with Austrian imperial culture like Mozart -- that guy was Germanic.

    But at least it's a noble attempt at branding -- if they were honest, and said they wanted to restore the glory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, real countries would laugh them right out of the room, assuming they even knew what polity / culture was being referred to...

    But there was no Pol-Lith Mozart, neither of their languages became imperial lingua francas (cuz it wasn't an empire), no distinctive architecture that everyone ooh's and aah's over, no Shakespeare or Goethe or Virgil. Nobody is aware of that whole Eastern Euro region, and if they were made aware of it, they'd just shrug their shoulders like "what's worth defending or restoring there?"

    Sick of posers trying to act like the real thing...

  93. Too much political discourse today, gotta cleanse the thread, probably will just start a new post -- on the topic of friendship during the rising-harmony vs. rising-chaos phases of the 50-year Turchin cycle. Same-sex friends and mixed-sex friends.

    Getting very nostalgic watching some of these old early-mid '90s shows like Clarissa Explains It All and The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Not cuz I'm reliving the watching of those shows -- I never watched them when they were on. I was a few years too old for their target demo.

    Although I do remember their theme song and intro title sequence, including the very early version of the Pete and Pete opening, where Ellen is narrating it.

    I mean, nostalgic for the social zeitgeist that those shows are channeling, which I actually did live and enjoy IRL.

    I'm not going to watch the ones from the second half of the '90s -- too much of proto-2000s climate, especially the introduction of the frenemy phenomenon, which was absent in the first half of the decade.

    I might consider the first season of Dawson's Creek, I didn't read about any frenemies or weirdos in the cast. And it's not le supernatural teen show, tracing back to the movie The Craft, which I reviewed earlier in some comment thread. Did not like that. Definitely will not be watching Buffy.

    Anything cooperative and sentimental, that's OK. Might consider it -- early seasons of Friends, Party of Five, Dawson's, etc. Now that the pendulum is swinging way from frenemies and social chaos, I definitely don't want to revisit it with its embryonic forms from the late '90s.

    Now it's all about reviving the harmonious phase, to match the current pendulum swing.

  94. I'm also coming to understand the appeal that SNICK had for Millennial kids. They were the first victims of helicopter parenting during the cocooning phase that began circa 1990. They have few memories of real life, it's all pop culture reflections or creations. Wrote about that in the early 2010s -- Millennials getting nostalgic for not having a life as kids.


    And Zoomers feeling nostalgic for the no-life-having lives of Millennials:


    So, if your parents locked you inside the home all day, every day, I can see the appeal not just of TV in general -- you'd want it to be a vicarious escape to the outside world, where you did have friends and a social life.

    Hanging out together with friends on a Saturday night -- well, not with friends IRL, but your parasocial friends hosting the SNICK block, and the characters in the shows. I notice they're big on the main characters addressing the audience while looking into the camera, which only Saved by the Bell did extensively before (still mostly a '90s show, at the same time).

    It invites you into their world, like they're catching you up on what's going on in their, and by implication, your world. Why else would you care, unless you were also part of that world? You don't want to be caught up on what's going on among some North Korean teen's daily social life. Or some Ancient Roman teen girl's social life.

    Clarissa and Pete are catching you up directly, personally, cuz you're part of their world.

    Same with the social atmosphere simulated by Are You Afraid of the Dark? You may not have a regular group of friends to huddle around a campfire and tell scary stories, but now you do. You're one of the members of their audience, just as much as the in-show listeners are when following along to what the storytelling character is saying.

    The only one that's a little bit outside of that framework is Ren & Stimpy -- which I actually did religiously watch, from the outset. That's standard late night variety show kind of entertainment, even if it normally aired on Sunday afternoon (making us race home from church to catch it).

    The other show I did used to watch was The Roundhouse -- well, watched for an episode or two, to pick up on dancing tips ahead of my first middle school dance in the fall of '92. But it's a highly choreographed kind of stage dance show (with comedy / theater kid sketches), not social dancing like at a school dance. Thank God I didn't have to do a running kick-flip off of a wall at the middle school cafeteria!

    And SNICK's mascot being the Big Orange Couch, inviting you to hang out with them on a typical living-room piece of furniture -- not like the bleachers at a stadium, or rows of seats in a theater. No no no, that's where there's a wide chasm between the performer / stage and the audience members. This was you sharing a living room together, just hanging out, maybe to watch TV programs, but among friends in the home -- not at a performing arts venue, since your parents kept you locked indoors your whole life.

    I would never prefer that life to the unsupervised raised-by-peers Gen X childhood and adolescence that I actually got to enjoy. But now I do at least understand you Millennials and appreciate why you're so attached to SNICK -- not just the individual shows, but the whole package they were wrapped up into, and the whole entire social simulation that it was, on what would otherwise by a very lonely Saturday night.

  95. One final brief note -- video games were only shown once per commercial break, during the SNICK blocks I've watched from VCR-made tape transfers. Millennials who later got addicted to video game opium ("gamers"), wrongly attribute that level of vidya obsession back into 1994, when it was scarcely there. Maybe by 2004, certainly by 2014. But in '94, not so much -- not even among helicopter parent victims who had to entertain themselves at home all day, every day.

    Perhaps cuz vidya wasn't so highly based on simulators and parasocial relations back then. The ads I saw were for Wario Land on Game Boy, the Super Scope light gun for Super Nintendo, stuff like that. Not 3D first-person POV simulators. That was what really sucked in the helicopter parent victims -- sims, especially social sims like The Sims. But that game didn't come out until -- that's right -- 2000.

    Video games in '94 were still Japanese-made games, not sims, 3rd-person POV, with a highly stylized anime / illustration aesthetic, not digitized photography or photorealism of any sort. Like good ol' Wario Land. You can't get sucked into that world for 17 hours a day for 7 years in a row until the next digital escapist opium den is launched.

    Other than being victims of helicopter parenting, you Millennials actually didn't have it tooooo bad in the early '90s.

  96. Not reading any more of that incel slop, you've got your own platforms for girl-hating and man-belittling -- literally all of them, lol.

    I don't think incels are evil / need to be witch-hunted, but it's dumb, played out, and boring, as well as fake & gay (as it always was).

    I feel sorry for you if you're a Millennial hardened into place. At least you can do like me and re-visit some pop culture from your childhood to re-experience the good ol' days, before feminazis and girl-haters, even if you don't want to revive them IRL now that the social mood has started to shift.

    Once more, for those who are young enough not to be hardened into place just yet -- the mood *is* shifting, and you can be a part of it, and be shaped by it, before your personality is fixed around the time you're 30.

    I just had another wonderful day of serenading college babes on campus, and getting great reactions. For no special occasion either, other than the weather was in the 50s today instead of freezing. They're anticipating the arrival of the mating season...

    But really, it's the friendship season. Time for making new friends, reconnecting with dormant friends, taking friendships to a new level even...

    The whole "people are sexual pieces of meat" thing from the Millennial era is over. These babes are libidinal, hormonal, and eager to interact -- but not as pieces of meat, in either direction.

    Clueless incels always lambasted "the friend zone" as a demotion -- when in reality, for incels it would be a promotion, to a level where romance and sex is within the realm of possibility.

    Being friend-zoned is only a demotion if you were already fucking each other on the regular, and she says, y'know, let's just be friends instead. Ouch.

    If she literally didn't even know you existed a few weeks ago? -- her welcoming you as a friend is an upward trend. You'll just have to follow it to see how far it goes.

    You're not going to fuck most of your girl friends (unless you're super-hot, but you're not). But even those who you max out at friendship with -- that still leaves flirting, yapping, touching, eye-contact, annnd having a social rec on your behalf when you're pursuing some girl.

    Being recommended by a cutie is very powerful -- another tool in the kit of the Gen X PUA's that the Millennials and Zoomers totally memory-holed. Like, "ewww getting a GIRL to vouch for you? that's beta shit, that's putting pussy on a pedastal, that's begging a girl for permission, that's giving foids power over your fucking-fate". Okie-dokie then, rec-less...

    Spring is almost here, love is already in the air. Friend-love, but that can evolve into something much more! ^_^

  97. The playlist today was some early-mid '90s power-pop -- "I've Been Waiting" and "Sick of Myself" by Matthew Sweet, and "Hey Jealousy", "Mrs. Rita", and "Allison Road" by the Gin Blossoms.

    NB: when serenading babes, they don't want to hear low-pitched metal growling, as though you were trying to intimidate another guy in the homoerotic gym you work out at.

    They want a middle or even higher-pitched tone, vulnerability, yearning, pining... but short of whining, complaining, wallowing in self-pity, etc. There's a difference, and it's not a fine line -- it's a mile-wide chasm that anyone who isn't autistic can instantly intuitively identify.

    But to spell it out for the sake of analysis, I think the main difference is that yearning and pining is mainly focused on the other person -- what a great prize they are, and how much it hurts not to have them.

    Whereas whining and complaining is self-focused -- woe is me, I'm maidenless, girls don't talk to me, I'm a however-year-old virgin, etc. You barely even talk about anyone else, let alone in glowing elevated terms about what a prize they would be to win over. You just want to stew in your own misery.

    Yearning and pining is goth, whining and complaining is emo.

    Emo is over, goth -- true goth! -- is coming back. ^_^

  98. Sometime this friend-love season, I'm totally going to sing the Smiths' classic, "There Is a Light That Never Goes Out" for the campus cuties. I don't have it on CD for the car stereo, so I'll have to go on a little second-hand treasure hunt first!


    Anyway, see what I mean about focusing on the other person, what a great prize they are, how much it hurts not to have this specific prize? Not just being prize-less in general, as though you were erasing all the other sex's individual identities, or equally, treating them all as a single fungible mass of foids / moids.

    You may have a few specific individuals in mind, it may not be literally just one... but it's not dozens.

    With this narrowing down to just a few individuals, singing a song like this makes them feel like it's being addressed to them specifically. If it's about girls as a whole, well there's no hook for her individual mind to latch onto and feel addressed directly and personally.

    But if it's yearning and pining? Well, no one yearns and pines for women-in-general. You pine for that one cutie who sits next to you in English class, the one who lives down the street from you and rides your bus to school and back every single day but is two years older than you so you know it's hopeless -- but she's just so damn cute and mysterious, as an 8th grader to a 6th grader, that you can't help crushing on her!

    I mean, just hypothetically speaking... ^_^

    Contrary to their being adopted / hijacked by the emo crowd in the 21st century, I don't think there's much that's emo / whiny / self-focused about the Smiths, at least their iconic songs anyway. Yearning, pining, and other '80s goth-like emotions, for sure. And into Morrissey's solo career as well. There's no anger, angst, resentment, bitterness, or self-focus. At least up through Irish Blood, English Heart, the last album of his that I followed.

    And with that, I now return to Pete-and-Pete-maxxing and being Clarissa-splained. Hehe.

  99. How's your health lately, Agnostic? Things getting better? You sound better.

  100. You Are the Quarry is the title of that Moz album from 2004.

    Luckily the friend-love-seeking babes won't be quizzing me on the titles of the albums that the serenade playlist was selected from. ^_^

    And yeah, doing better lately.

  101. The Muslim Brotherhood are going to be the realigners in Egypt, realigning away from pro-American secular neoliberalism towards anti-American Sunni religious conservatism and autarky.

  102. X and /pol/ were Something Awful
    Now they're X and /pol/, not Something Awful
    Been a long time gone, Something Awful
    Now it's serfs who slapfight
    On a goon-filled site

    Every account from Something Awful
    Posts on X and /pol/, not Something Awful
    So if you wanna flame on Something Awful
    Now it's burning down X and /pol/

    Even ghost-town forums were once Web 2.0
    Why they changed it, I can't say
    People just liked it faker and gay

    So press Escape for Something Awful
    No you can't escape to Something Awful
    Been a long time gone, Something Awful
    Why did Something Awful get the nerf?
    Ask the social media serfs

  103. Pronunciation guide: SOME-thi-hing AW-ful, to extend the first word an extra little syllable to match Constantinople.

    I never lurked or posted on it, barely aware of it until well after its heyday. Was not a forum guy in general -- hence my 20th anniversary of blogging this year. ^_^

    Was just listening to Flood again after seeing the poster for it on the wall of Clarissa's room, and the indie / college rock soundtrack of Adventures of Pete and Pete.

  104. I actually did post on a discussion group / bulletin board related to TMBG way back in the pre-2000s internet era. America Online's own boards, baby, not even visible on the worldwide web. Those were the days...

    Followed them around for several years as a teenager, met up and made friends (there's that word and concept again) with people from the board IRL, even got a gf during high school from posing a missed connection about some cutie I saw on the metro as we were both on our way to see TMBG play the Taste of DC outdoor festival.

    I actually got a response to that missed connection! The respondent said it wasn't her, but her friend fit the description -- the good ol' "my friend likes you and wanted me to tell you for her" ritual. ^_^ Well, she didn't know who I was, but was interested enough to set up a date -- the two of them, plus me, just to make sure I was cute / cool / not a hoe-scarer / etc.

    We met up at a mall, hit it off, and became gf + bf after that, and I stayed friends with her friend as well. The mutual friend's mom drove me and the friend all the way up to New York for our biiig IRL meet-up for the discussion board.

    Another word to the wise for incels -- girls are valuable purely as friends, for all these sorts of things that friends do for each other. Act as a go-between for you and some 3rd party babe, invite you on a road trip that their parent is driving, hosting you overnight in their UWS townhome so you don't have to pay expensive New York hotel prices (that was obviously a different girl friend, but from that same discussion board), and so on and so forth.

    If you faggotistically cut out "foids" from your social circle, there goes 50% of the people who you can count on for life-saving favors like these.

    Luv girls. ^_^

  105. To clarify, my eventual gf wasn't the one I saw on the metro that day, she just resembled the vague description and destination I gave. But given the resemblance, I still thought she was a cutie, and we still shared that interest, so all we had to do was meet up and hang out to see if we had any chemistry -- and we did!

    I was the move-maker throughout that relationship, just to balance all these other stories I'm relating / pop culture references about girls making a move or taking the initiative.

    It wasn't gender-based, is all. Whoever was the most confident and eager, took the initiative -- and quite often that is the girl. These days, the girl may still be the more confident and eager one of the two, but since they hate each other and treat all interactions as battles, she doesn't approach him, he keeps his feelings to himself, and nothing ever happens. Sad.

  106. I miss the prehistoric internet days when there were no gays in public forums. I'm trying to remember if anyone on that board I frequented was gay... not to my knowledge, and if there was one, he kept it to himself, didn't try to creep on the guys / solicit dick pics, didn't try to act as a gay eunuch BFF for fag-hags (who we didn't have any of anyway), etc.

    Even the blogging / forum era of the 2000s was pretty fag-free, or they kept it hidden / didn't creep / didn't act like eunuchs.

    It was the woketard 2010s that turned the tables for good. Not the social media tech per se -- Japan has the same tech, adopted at the same time, but their social media sites aren't only for "girls and gays" like they are in the West.

    Social media platforms just coincidentally happened to be the tech du jour of the woketard 2010s and early 2020s.

    In the good ol' days, I don't recall any public internet forum / board having fag-hags, outside of weird niche ones like slash fanfic or something. Normal girls and women, girls who would meet up and be your friend IRL, girls who would drive you on a road trip, girls who would even become your gf.

    Back before girls started hating guys, and guys started hating girls... it was so cool. ^_^

  107. Social-cultural "progressivism" increased all throughout that last reversal of social chaos, namely from the second half of the '70s through the first half of the '90s. Including the mass-marketing of porn, no-fault divorce, whatever else you want to complain about.

    And yet, social chaos was reversed for 25 years, half of the cycle length. Then it went back into rising-chaos mode. Now it is reversing toward harmony again -- with or without tattoos, porn, etc.

    All that shows is that you're pointing to non-essential window-dressing facets of the cycle. They belong to some other cycle, like imperial breakdown, on a much longer time-scale.

    But they don't counter-act each other, they superimpose. So now we're getting a period of mainstreamed porn and tattoos, as well as greater social harmony.

    All that means is porn will change, as it did in the last reversal -- from pretty bizarre and gritty depictions from the early days of hardcore porn in the '70s, to the innocuous stuff parodied in The Big Lebowski.

    And tattoos will change from something antagonistic to something friendly. And the way people display and talk about their tattoos will be more about enjoying the same activity, rather than making it a Darwinian contest to sort out winners and losers.

    Plus Zoomers stopped getting tattoos -- and even Millennials stopped getting tramp stamps, formerly the main complaint about "free women getting sexual tattoos".

    I don't know what out-of-touch generation you belong to (Gen X divorced dad, from the sound of it), but the world has already passed you by.

  108. Rome's heritage-hating iconoclasm during imperial collapse was mainly the replacement of their religion / mythology by Christianity -- both the ideological part and the ritual / practice part.

    It wasn't just their religion being replaced by another -- the new religion tended to paint the Roman Empire, and its god-emperor or his agents like Pontius Pilate, in a negative light. It also emphasized the role of the local Judean religious elite in persecuting Jesus, but at the end of the day, it's the Roman officials who arrest, try, and execute Jesus.

    Also among the Judean community that gave birth to Christianity, they were angered by the Roman Empire's destruction of their Second Temple, without which their religion no longer made any sense, and had to create a whole new post-Temple religion with no temple priest and Holy of Holies and so on (one of which became Christianity, another of which became Rabbinic / Talmudic Judaism).

    And early Christianity, most fiercely in the book of Revelations, depicts the Roman Empire / Rome itself as the Whore of Babylon, corrupter of nations, killer of saints, etc. Not just killing Jesus, but killing saints and martyrs broadly, before the Edict of Milan (313) which called for Roman imperial tolerance toward Christians. And the Roman Emperor and his agents and his cult were depicted as the Beast of the Sea and Beast of the Earth in Revelations.

    Worse, these anti-Roman depictions are targeting the empire of the 1st C AD -- when it was at or near its height. They're not lamenting the anarchic and disintegrating Crisis of the 3rd Century, or the declining stage of the empire. It's like targeting the WWII or 1950s era of the American Empire, and portraying it as the most vile, evil, corrupting abomination on earth -- how much more anti-American could you get?

  109. Even the de-Christianized emperor, Julian the apostate (circa 360), was more of a Greco-LARP-er than a pro-Roman restorationist.

    He was born in Constantinople, spoke Greek as his first language, and barely set foot on the Italian peninsula.

    While raised as a Christian, when he left it for the old ways -- which old ways were they? Something from the Italian peninsula during the Roman heyday of roughly 50 BC to 150 AD? Virgil, the Aeneid, the myth of descending from the Trojans rather than the Greeks, Latin language, gladiator sports, etc.? No!

    He was a "philhellene," AKA Hellenistic LARP-er. He thought the supreme god was Helios -- the Greek sun god. And the mother of the gods for him was Cybele, also Greek / Anatolian. He was initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries -- a pre-Roman Empire mystery cult in Athens. He tried to revive the oracle of Apollo at Delphi, also Athenian and Greek rather than Roman. Philosophically, he was a Neo-Platonist, reviving someone from before the Roman Empire was its own culture, and from the Athenian Golden Age.

    So, while that was all anti-Christian or pre-Christian or de-Christianized -- it was not a RETVRN to Roman tradition. Rome certainly inherited some things from Ancient Greece, and some it shared with a common ancestor (Indo-European). But as of their integrative civil war in the 1st C B.C., the Romans were no longer just Greco-LARP-ers or mere passive inheritors and stewards of Hellenistic civilization.

    They rewrote their founding myth to be about a TROJAN (Aeneas), the enemies of the Greeks in the Trojan War. They brought Latin into full literary usage, not Greek. They adapted their poetic meter and structure to fit Latin rather than aping Greek. They got rid of strictly rectilinear architecture, birthing the arch, vault, and dome to replace the post-and-lintel / flat roof style of their Greek precursors. They invented new sports like gladiators, not just imitating the old Greek sports of the Olympic games.

    They were an entirely new culture, after their integrative civil war.

    Also, the Greek colonization of Italy and its neighbors did not touch Latium or Rome -- it was mainly Southern Italy and Sicily. Given that it was the Romans, not the Oscan-speakers in the South, let alone the Greek-speaking Sicilians, who were uniting everyone around them into an empire, that was even more reason to sever the connections with their Greek precursors and emphasize being a new, distinctive people and culture.

    Therefore, Julian imitating the Golden Age of Athens was not a pro-Roman restoration, it was strictly a Greco-LARP -- and the whole point of Roman ethnogenesis was "We're not Greek, we're something distinctive and new -- and to the extent that we descend from some ancestor over in the east, it's actually the enemies of the Greeks, the Trojans, who we descend from."

    So, Julian was also a heritage-hating iconoclast, in the context of the Roman Empire anytime after 40 BC. He was attempting to undo all of Roman ethnogenesis by reviving the Athenian Golden Age instead. He was anti-Roman, not pro-Roman. Just a different variety of anti-Roman compared to the Christians -- Julian was a pre-Roman LARP-er, the Christians were post-Roman realists.

  110. In the American context, Julian was like the Euro-LARP-ers we have today, who are not post-American, but pre-American -- and yet, still anti-American. The tradtards who want to pretend American culture never separated itself from Euro culture and became its own distinctive thing, during the late 19th and 20th centuries, after our own integrative civil war.

    People who want to iconoclastically erase ragtime, jazz (and descendant forms like swing and ballroom dancing), even rock depending on who you ask, in order to restore Baroque or Rococo or whatever from their imaginary ancestors.

    Or who want to bulldoze Brutalist and Midcentury architecture generally, so they can put up a Baroque or Rococo imitation -- but in reality, it's just another post-American glass box, cuz like the Christians of the late Roman Empire, today's post-Americans are realists, whereas the pre-Americans are just LARP-ers.

    In either case, they want to destroy America's unique architecture that traces back to our grandfather, Frank Lloyd Wright (a generation earlier than Euro modernists, and always several decades ahead of his own time even in America).

    In the case of Brutalism, it traces back to the first truly American building -- Wright's Unity Temple in Chicago. Poured-in-place concrete with the woodgrain impressions left on the facade from the formwork. Fortress with hardly any openings except small clerestory windows. Not aping Classical or Neoclassical, if anything Bronze Age temples -- and using that word, temple, not church or cathedral or whatever.

    The imitators of effete 18th-C French aristos are not pro-American RETVRN types. They hate America, and always have, embarrassed that it ever separated itself from le Early Modern / Enlightenment European aristocracy. Just like Julian being embarrassed at Roman culture of the 1st C AD having severed its links to Ancient Athenian culture.

    All these anti-American wannabe have to remember:

    >ywnb European

  111. No arches, vaults, or domes in the Unity Temple either! Brutalism and Midcentury Modern did occasionally use some curvilinear forms, but not always, not extensively, and never just aping Roman imperial forms or more to the point the Neoclassical Euro styles that our LARP-ers are fixated on.

  112. Reminder of which religious architecture is truly American -- Mormon temples. Not called churches or cathedrals, deliberately.


    They're not Christian, not European, but American and New World. Neither the religion nor the architecture, which was consciously adapted from Wright's Prairie style at an early stage and canonized as "traditional" for Mormon temples.

    That's right, in America, "traditional" means the early 20th C, not 19th C or before -- that's pre-American, therefore not American, and now that we do have a distinctive American style, that would be downright anti-American.

    Good ol' Mormons.

  113. Digital snitching is not tech-determined (no social change is). Thinking back some more on that prehistoric internet era, y'know what practice did not exist at all? -- leaking. I.e., transmitting someone's communication, to various others.

    Believe it or not, the screenshot function was not invented in the smartphone era -- way back in the pre-online era, pre-Windows 95 era, on Windows 3.1 you could press a single key (the same one as today, Print Screen), and it would create an image of the screen, which you could then paste into an image-based program like Paint and save it as an image file, which could be sent around to anyone else electronically.

    Once we got online in the second half of the '90s, we could send that image very easily through email, or post it online if we had our own website (pretty cheap even back then, and not hard to code -- they were all very simple in design), or upload the image to our page hosted by someone else like GeoCities or Angelfire.

    The blabbing potential was enormous!

    And yet... nobody did it. Not in a million years would it have even occurred to us to do so, let alone go through with it, let alone all do it as part of a pervasive new practice, let alone rationalize it as "just part and parcel of life in the online era," blame it on technology, etc.

    If the communication was an email, that was even easier to leak -- just forward it to whoever you wanted to leak it to. Not only was it simpler, it was more credible than a screenshot image (cuz back then as today, you could claim the image was a fabrication, but a forwarded email is not an edited or fabricated thing).

    This proves that the rise of snitching by screenshot is an entirely social change in how people behave, what morals they operate by, etc., which changed independently of any technological change. If the tech did it, it would've done it to us back in the '90s -- but it didn't.

    Leaking DM's etc. didn't happen until the 2010s, or maybe the 2000s? IDK, I wasn't a Millennial in the 2000s, so maybe you guys were already applying your me-first battle orientation toward online interactions back then, and I was just unaware of it.

  114. Did Millennials snitch / leak emails by forwarding them to people who were not supposed to read them?

    "omg you'll never believe what this guy said to me, just look at this email!!!!"

    I'll bet you did, you anti-social snitch generation.

    I *do* know that you snitched or leaked private details by taking a digital picture at some IRL event and uploaded it to your social media account (early Facebook). Often you went out of your way to tag someone who would've been embarrassed by the photo, and sometimes you didn't even remove their tag after they explicitly asked you to!

    I never got into that situation, but again, I'm not a Millennial. I have heard you complain about these things for 15 years, though.

    Yes, this would have been technologically possible for Gen X-ers in the '90s -- take an analog picture, and show the print around to various people IRL. Maybe even have multiple prints of it made, and distribute it broadly.

    Or photocopy something and distribute it broadly -- leave piles of the copied paper lying around, taping / pasting it up in public spaces, etc.

    Or speaking of online, digitally scan the print and upload this digitized image file to a GeoCities, Angelfire, etc. page online for the whole world to see.

    Sorry, none of these things happened at all -- it would have mortified us to even consider them, not as the snitchee, obviously that's mortifying, I mean as the snitcher. You freaks are so fucking anti-social and antagonistic.

    And once digital cameras and Web 2.0 came around, Gen X-ers could've used them in anti-social / leaking / embarrassing ways -- but we did not. That's what Millennials used them for. Tech is neutral, does not care how it's used, and has no will or force of its own. It all depends on the pre-existing wants and goals of the human beings using it.

  115. Same goes for video -- I posted all sorts of links to old camcorder videos of the last day of school, school yearbook, etc. from the '90s. And nobody acted like it was a violation, cuz the person taking the video was not doing so in an anti-social / gotcha / fail compilation kind of way.

    And those videos were explicitly going to be seen by a broad range of your peers, as the video yearbook for your school, perhaps even preserved in a time capsule / documentary for future classes at your school to watch.

    Uploading them to online was not possible back then, but you don't care what randos on the other side of the world think -- you're most worried about what your IRL peers think about you. At the relevant scale, it was absolutely possible to spread something embarrassing about you to the "whole world" (your school).

    And not just using tech, but the prehistoric act of word-of-mouth rumor-mongering. I'll get to that later, with friends vs. frenemies.

    The point being, Millennials being such snitches and backstabbers is an attitude change, not a tech change. It's not against their morals -- perhaps even required by their morals -- and their emotional baseline is right in tune with it, as well as their behavioral follow-through and counter-reactions.

  116. The idea that IRL teens from the era of Saved by the Bell and My So-Called Life would "leak the nudes" of their current or more likely ex-gf, or some other embarrassing picture of their bf / gf / supposed friends, by having multiple prints made of the negative, or photocopying them, and physically placing them all over the school or community or neighborhood... it would've been the most hideously anti-social act ever.

    It would've been treated as worse than a school shooting -- another thing that was technologically possible from the late '70s through the mid-'90s, but in reality only began with the me-first resentful emo battle orientation that emerged in the late '90s. Columbine was 1999 -- inconceivable in '94, just five years earlier.

    There's another prediction -- school shootings will decline from now until the mid-2040s, as the social mood swings back toward harmony.

    I mean the prototypical, angry at others, unhinged / undirected venting, not like members of one gang shoot a rival gang, or some guy has a beef with a guy who stole his gf and shoots him.

    I mean the type where it's "me vs. everyone else," where their peers are just an undifferentiated and fungible blob of "everyone else being against me", as though all of life is a constant contest of all against all.

  117. The most infamous school shooting from earlier, of the recent "lashing out at everyone" type -- 1966 at U of Texas, Austin. Just about at the peak of the previous eruption of social chaos circa 1970.


    The perp wasn't a current student, but neither was Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary. Charles Whitman was 25, Lanza was 20 -- young enough to still be hot-headed, yet not a current student. Killed 15, injured 31 others. Killed by police, as usual.

  118. Much like the current norms in Glorious Nippon, where social enforcement heavily suppresses people from taking random pictures and video of random strangers in public places, I think the pendulum in America will swing in that direction from now through the 2030s and first half of the 2040s.

    It won't be illegal -- it's not illegal in Japan either. But social enforcement, individual establishments -- public or private -- and so on, will suppress the "gotcha!" mode of taking pictures and video. Up to, and including, getting a public beatdown by norm-enforcing strangers.

    So, whereas club-goers of the 2010s and early 2020s had to worry about "am I being photographed or recorded?", those of the 2030s will not. Assuming anyone still goes to a club, but you know what I mean -- house party, whatever.

    Maybe there will be a public phone collection like a coat check at the entrance, maybe you'll be allowed to keep it on your person but will be shunned and kicked out of the group if you're caught taking pictures / video in an anti-social way.

    Group photo, say cheese, etc. -- fine.

    Getting in someone's face with a camera, antagonizing them -- kicked out, banned. Nobody will care if the target breaks your phone, you were asking for it.

    Aside from Gen X living free-range lives unsupervised by helicopter parents, we also enjoyed a totally unsurveilled life -- outside of the would-be Panopticon that the state of tech would have allowed for at the time. And as I said, tech would have allowed for plenty, including into the online era.

    But that was totally against the norms, so there was no Panopticon -- and as a result, the most anxiety-free generation in world history. We just had the typical baseline troubles of human beings, not all the additional layers of insane bullshit that the Millennials and even Zoomers (to a lesser extent?) have perpetrated against their gen-mates, as part of their war of all against all.

    Gen Alpha will start the RETVRN outside the Panopticon, although it won't reach its max extent of surveillance-free -- by peers, who knows about the Deep State -- until the early 2040s. Still, the pendulum is swinging in the anti-surveillance direction already.

  119. There's an ancient viral YouTube video from like 2005-6, where a probably 13 year-old girl is filming herself and her girl friend hanging out in public, at a place where the girl made a move on some boy a week or so before. And the girl recording is teasing the hell out of her, telling the camera that they're returning to "the scene of the crime", retelling the whole episode while filming the location, etc. They get into a little petty name-calling too.

    Just totally trying to shame the hell out of her friend and embarrass her, *and* then upload it to YouTube for the whole world to see. It wasn't a hidden camera, she's openly holding it and talking to it, so the target girl knows what's going to happen.

    I know I've linked it before on the blog, but can't find it right away... I'll try to track it down on YouTube later.

    It's the perfect embodiment of the very early attitude change by Millennials regarding "publicly recording someone for the purpose of spreading it around and embarrassing them".

    We could've done the same thing in the '90s with a camcorder and lending the tape around, or making dubs of it onto several other tapes to pass around. But did not. Or we could've just blabbed about it by word-of-mouth re-enactment in front of the crowd we wanted to leak the deets to. But did not.

    Again, not just sharing info among friends who already knew about some girl making a move on a guy -- but the broad general public, like the whole school.

    Not only would that have been perceived as pathologically anti-social on the part of the snitch, the audience would've have cared anyway. There was no demand for embarrassment, fail compilations, gotcha moments, or other such "content", whether in a media format or an IRL re-enactment / word-of-mouth.

  120. The only embarrassing videos that were in-demand were good-natured ones like on America's Funniest Home Videos or Candid Camera. Those are just slapstick humor, caught in the wild rather than scripted and acted out.

    These moments happen to everyone, so there was nothing special about that one particular fail. You're not being singled out.

    They were not mean-spirited, not targeting a specific individual, to shame or lower their status, not leaked w/o their consent to a bunch of strangers, and all the other hallmarks of Millennial / Zoomer digital snitch / social sabotage culture.

  121. "Nobody wants to gawk at your gotcha! screenshots, you wannabe snitch" -- that's the blunt response that Gen Alpha and their successors need to use whenever they encounter screenshots.

    They can make it happen! It's not totally ingrained in them like it is with Millennials and Zoomers (to a lesser extent?).

  122. Also, joke's on whoever wants to feast their eyes on leaked DM's etc. targeting me -- I don't communicate that way! Perhaps cuz I've always hated it, perhaps cuz I sensed the potential for anti-social sabotage during the woketard 2010s and early 2020s, coming from "me vs. everyone else" Millennials.

    Regardless of why, everything I say is public, here on the blog.

    The only other comms I have are voice calls over a landline telephone, and the occasional greeting card sent through snail mail.

    Voice calls are not only far more efficient -- communicating more (including emotion) in less time and effort -- they're less subject to recording and leaking, if you're the paranoid type.

    BTW, Gen X-ers in the '90s could've totally recorded our very frequent and wide-ranging phone conversations that we had with each other.

    Either through a dedicated device, or just holding up a microphone attached to a tape recorder, to either end of the phone's handset. Some tape recorders had a built-in mic, just like today's smartphones. Not new at all. And they were easy to find, not expensive either -- and they doubled as tape players, AKA Walkman, so you could just rationalize the purchase that way too.

    Every kid in journalism class / school newspaper had them, and used them for interviews.

    But using it on our phone calls? Or hiding them during our IRL interactions? We would've rather DIED -- not just as the snitchee, that's obvious, but as the snitcher too! No way would we want to be known as that type of person around the school.

    With the Millennial attitude change, uncaused by tech, suddenly the entire school became shameless snitches.

    This calls for some major palate-cleansing by Clarissa and Pete and Pete ("and me -- Ellen!"). So that'll have to wrap things up for now.

  123. Found it! Two 8th-grade girls from 2006. Mean Girls was a documentary, not a hallucination about a galaxy far far away a long time ago.


  124. Why would you direct message somebody when you can just call them?

  125. To emphasize how different the Trojans were from the Greeks, since it's not widely appreciated, they did not speak a language in the same branch of Indo-European -- Greeks spoke a Hellenic language, Trojans spoke an Anatolian language, in the same branch as Hittite (though more like Luwian, in the western part of Anatolia, whereas Hittites were in the center / east).

    Troy, Ilion, Priam, and Paris all have Anatolian roots and are attested in Anatolian languages.

    So this was not a case of one group of Greeks fighting a neighboring group of Greeks -- the two sides of the Trojan War could not understand each other's languages.

  126. Paris, from the Trojan War, is not related to Paris, the city in France, etymologically. It's a coincidence. The Trojan prince's name is similar to the Hittite personal name Parizitis. The city in France comes from the Celtic (Gaulish) tribal name Parisioi, rendered in Latin as Parisii.

    I need to do a separate post on Frankish ethnogenesis, but suffice it to say that they, too, conjured up a legendary foreign founder myth after their integrative civil war. And just like the Romans, they traced this founder back to Troy, not Greece. They exploited the coincidental similarity between the names of the Trojan prince and an old, major city under their control, in constructing this myth. This anticipated the British foreign founder myth of nearly 500 years later, which was also Trojan rather than Greek.

    This whole notion of "the Greek origins of Western civilization" is total BS. Greeks were, and are, Easterners. The Westerners traced their legendary origins deliberately to avoid Greece, and indeed pit themselves in opposition to Greece, by claiming descent from the Trojans -- the Romans, Franks (and their successor culture, the French), and the British.

    That covers basically all of what we consider Western European civilization, since the Frankish Empire included modern Germany as well as modern France.

    The Greco-LARP-ing is more of a late embellishment on national origins -- more like the Enlightenment era. And since American Euro-LARP-ers imitate Enlightenment-era Euro aristos, Americans Olde Worlde LARP-ers also promote the "Greek origins of Western Civ" BS.

    If they wanted to be true to the empires they're so fond of, though, they'd emphasize the Bronze Age brothers of the Hittites, also residing in Anatolia -- not the Greeks.

    But LARP-ing is never rational and logically coherent, it's always just an emotive urge seeking the most convenient outlet, whether it "makes sense" or not. So, despite the Romans, Franks, and British all making the Trojans their legendary foreign founders, American Euro-LARP-ers imagine their origins as the enemies of the Trojans, the Greeks.

  127. I'll briefly drop a few crucial details for now on Frankish ethnogenesis, their integrative civil war, and their legendary foreign founder myth, without going into any details -- just to establish that it fits the general pattern I've discovered relating these processes together.

    The source of the myth of the Trojan origins of the Franks is the Chronicle of Fredegar, written in the second half of the 7th C.


    That followed on the heels of the integrative civil war within the Frankish nobility, involving decades of collective, violent feuding between two factions, loyal to their respective rival queens, Brunhilda and Fredegund, during the late 6th and early 7th C.



    This civil war was integrative, leading to a more unified, cohesive, and expanding polity (and a new culture to match), not a disintegrative civil war like the one following the death of Charlemagne's son Louis the Pious in the mid-9th C, which led to the break-up and collapse of the Frankish Empire.

  128. To clarify, that Millennial frenemy video from ancient YouTube does not use a camera in order to capture some embarrassing event as it's happening. It's more about using the camera to set up a witch hunt or show trial, accusing and trying the friend of some crime, even if the accused isn't being caught in flagrante delicto.

    The recorder uses the terms "science" and "exhibit" to allude to forensic evidence at a trial. "Site" is another jargon word, refering to the site of a crime. At the end, she emphasizes it's a "true story," not just rumors or gossip or hearsay -- and the camera filming the site of the crime is meant to add to the credibility of the accusation.

    The poor defendant is caught totally by surprise -- not just on this occasion, but probably for the first time in her life or her awareness of societal norms.

    She has no idea how to respond, and only objects in irrelevant ways -- she says the accuser wouldn't know about kissing cuz she's never had a bf, then later says the accuser is exaggerating or lying, but without backing up that counter-accusation, mocks the accuser's mispronunciation of some word, and ultimately says "I'm going to pour this drink on your head".

    Other than the claim that the accuser is lying / exaggerating, which she doesn't back up, none of those will exculpate her in the minds of the jury. She's so desperate and flailing, treating it more like an interpersonal beef, and threatening the accuser, rather than appealing to the third party -- the jury -- who this trial is being held in front of.

    There is no neutral dispassionate judge in these social crime trials -- just the accuser / prosecutor, who often serves as a witness as well (in this case, both an eyewitness and a forensic investigator witness), and the defendant, who must represent themselves without a lawyer. The jury is the crowd / mob watching it.

    These witch hunts are totally lawless, and that lack of a higher authority ruling over the accuser / prosecutor / witness, is a major source of the anxiety felt by the accused.

    It's not a civil case involving an aggrieved party and the one they're claiming caused the grief. The recorder isn't saying, this hussy caused me harm and damaged our friendship by making a move on the boy we both had a crush on. We have no idea how the supposed crime affected the accuser. She is more like a prosecutor in a criminal trial -- enforcing norms by trying the perpetrators of social crimes, regardless of whether or not the prosecutor was personally affected by them.

    She uses the term "molesting" to connote it being a crime, not just a faux pas or a matter of poor taste.

    And because the prosecutor is the friend of the accused, this makes it part of the frenemy phenomenon -- it's not a girl from a rival clique, but her supposed close friend (on the YouTube account, these two appear in many videos together on otherwise friendly terms).

  129. Sorry if this gives early '90s births a case of PTSD, but it's necessary to document the rise -- and the reality -- of the frenemy phenomenon.

    At the same time, it's somewhat early in the evolution of the phenomenon, and when she uses the term "molesting," it's clearly meant somewhat tongue-in-cheek -- though also, totally seriously, as a social crime -- and the accused does giggle somewhat at that term, while also being shocked and anxiety-ridden about being accused of something criminal.

    It's not as thoroughly negative, vindictive, and mean-spirited as the cancellations of the woketard 2010s and early 2020s would become. But you can clearly see the winds blowing in that direction by the 2000s.

  130. So, "snitch" isn't really the right term, which suggests snitching to some higher authority like the cops, who will get the criminal trial ball rolling against the accused -- or not, it's the cops' decision, not the accuser's.

    The leakers and blabbers are more like witch-hunters, I think that's the best common term to use when you see confidential screenshots or hear confidential audio or video or image files.

    "Nobody wants to gawk at your 'gotcha!' screenshots, you wannabe witch-hunter."

    I think that would also reinforce Gen Alpha's opposition to the whole peak of social chaos circa 2020 -- witch hunt sums that climate up far better than there being snitches.

    The message should be, "We're not going back to that whole witch hunt climate of the 2010s and early 2020s, so any wannabe witch-hunters better STFU, cuz we don't want to hear their insane and mean-spirited show-trial accusations and their forensice evidence -- tHe ReCeiPtS -- anymore."

  131. I did watch Ladybugs (1992) a couple weeks ago, after seeing how popular it was in the yearbook profiles of my 5th grade class. A few observations on why it was so popular, and how much it fit the zeitgeist -- peak of social harmony -- and how different that zeitgeist would become just 5 years later. And therefore, how little it might resonate with Millennials or Zoomers -- except for the purposes of "discovering what previous times / generations were like".

    Well let's start with the superficial. Here's something you can't show anymore, a 15 year-old actress and model all sexified in a swimsuit / underwear, ripe bod rippling in slo-mo while running toward the camera.


    But notice, sexified in order to play a girlfriend and eventual wife role, not just to be sexy on her own, or to be a hot one-night stand. And also shown with a wide welcoming eager smile on her face, not bitchy or smug or haughty or aloof or whatever other anti-social expressions sexy girls were restricted to displaying as the social mood swung toward anti-social chaos during the late '90s.

    When the girls are introducing themselves to their coach (played by Rodney Dangerfield), one of them says she's "12 going on 13" and "turn-ons include..." You can't talk about pubescent girls getting turned on anymore, and they certainly can't be aware of their own turn-ons and spell them out to others. And that character is played by an actress who was actually that age, not an 18 year-old playing her.

    In the tone of the movie, though, it's not lewd or perverted. She's just saying what she likes in a potential boyfriend, as she's getting ready for hunt for a steady boyfriend. It doesn't come off as precocious sexuality, but showcasing that eager butterflies in the stomach feeling as she gets ready to court or be courted for a relationship.

    In one of the comic misunderstanding scenes, the boy-dressed-as-a-girl protag gets invited over to the house of one of the girls, where the whole team has gathered in order to go skinnydipping. Uh-oh, what would happen if the boy got roped into *that* activity? Hijinx ensue as he frantically calls the coach to come pick him up ASAP, lest their ruse be discovered.

    Again, something that is played in a more lighthearted comedy of misunderstandings way, and as though skinnydipping were just one of those innocent and wholesome rites of passage that every 13 year-old girl participates in, at least among other girls. The other girls are scurrying around calling out the protag's female name, more like mischievously trying to rope "her" into their coming-of-age ritual -- not sexualizing it.

    Toward the end, one of the girls and the coach are chatting about why she's down in the dumps, and he encourages her to take off her glasses and let down her hair -- the classic trope -- and tells her she's cute as a button, and if he were her age she probably wouldn't go out on a date with him. To which she earnestly replies yes she would, he's a great guy, etc.

    It's shown in an innocent and wholesome tone, not like he's actually trying to hit on her, or as though she's trying to make a move on her much older coach. He ends up saying she's gonna knock all the boys dead with her new looks, etc., turning her away from himself and toward kids her own age again. With her newfound confidence, she's able to play much better on the soccer field.

  132. So it seems like a big part of the appeal to mainly girls but also some boys was the naturalistic, innocent, wholesome depiction of pubescent sexuality. Not shaming the girls for getting boy-crazy, but not sexualizing them either (again that dream sequence is *his* imagination, not how she actually presents herself, and even then it's in the context of them becoming a stable couple).

    There was an obsession in pop culture of that time of portraying contempo phenomena as "rituals", as though the filmmakers were ethnographers. And this belongs to that trend, even if they don't use the word ritual. It's more about rites of passage and coming of age, in a naturalistic way, and lighthearted / comic rather than dark / brooding / etc.

    The point is, this movie made the intended audience of pubescent girls, and some boys, feel normal for feeling how they were feeling -- not trying to egg them on into objectified, sexualized personas, nor trying to shame or inhibit them. Just saying, "It's not weird to be normal!"

    Wow, what a relief! I'm not such a weirdo after all, I'm just a normal 12-13 year-old going through what people that age go through! Nothing to be insecure or self-doubting about!

    And unlike later trends about feeling confident due to individual traits, like good looks or getting into shape at the gym, in the socially harmonious period, confidence came from the feeling of having social support -- from peers, family, community, other adults like coaches and teachers, etc. -- and being socially connected and attached to others, like your peers, coaches, etc.

    Confident, deriving self-esteem, from knowing that others care about you, value you, and want to be in long-term stable relationships with you -- not just a romantic one (although that too), maybe friends, teammates, coaches and players / teachers and students, parents and offspring, and so on.

  133. On the theme of confidence and self-esteem, the girls on the team don't like it when the boy-dressed-as-a-girl dominates the field, even if it gives their team an easy win. The coach takes him aside and says he has to start including the others, so the whole team wins.

    Initially, the protag just wants to win at all costs, but he quickly goes through some character development and acts more like a same-age coach or mentor to his teammates, going out of his way to personalize his motivations to the girls.

    Like putting butterfly stickers all over the ball, when giving it to a girl who's always too distracted by looking at butterflies around her to play the game. The stickers make her focus on the ball, and presto, she can play better. She smiles in appreciation at this personalized help.

    They don't just train on their own to become better. It's more like having the right guide or instructor, and feeling confident because someone is there to help you through the process of realizing your full potential. The source of confidence is a social connection and relationship, not some individual trait like "can put the ball in the net".

    When the protag ultimately unmasks himself and stays off of the field, the girls are taken aback, then panic about how they're doomed without the star player. He then gives them a pep talk about how great they've become by now, they don't need him out there any more. That gives them the encouragement needed to play well on their own, which they do. It's one of those "time to take the training wheels off" moments when you're coming of age.

    So, the girls not only feel confident because they win the game, but because they did so deservedly and on its merits, and after having the right encouragement from someone they formed a bond with, and while playing as a whole team instead of a star hogging the ball.

    That's why this movie resonated so much with coming-of-age girls, and some boys, during the peak of social harmony. Not just feeling comfortable with the coming-of-age changes, but wanting to derive their self-esteem from social connections and support from others.

  134. The movie also shames hyper-competitiveness, despite belonging to the yuppie / neoliberal era. It was at the height of social harmony, so that over-rode the material / yuppie influences.

    The star player starts as a ball hog, dominating the whole field, and unfairly due to him being a boy playing against girls. He is shamed and corrected by the coach, not in a harsh way, but appealing to pro-social norms and empathy -- think how rotten they feel to be over-shadowed by a ball hog, etc., try to include them all.

    He does undergo this character development, to the point of not competing on the field at all by the end.

    The sponsor of the team, a prototypical yuppie, is also the father of one of the girls (the smokin' babe from the dream sequence). However, his daughter is one of the worst players, and eventually he demands that the coach pull her from the game -- he'd rather score another W and put another trophy in his display case, even if it means threatening his relationship with his own daughter.

    While acceding to his heartless competitiveness at first, the coach and the protag bring her back out onto the field for the championship game, over the father's protests. The sponsor and the coach get into an argument, and the sponsor implores the coach about, "I just want to be the best" -- to which the coach responds, "What's the point of being the best, if it brings out the worst in you?" Damn, very socially harmonious message!

    The sponsor backs down, and the girls win the game, with his daughter scoring the winning goal.

    And even the coach has to swallow a dose of his own advice, since he only began the role as coach in order to suck up to his boss (the sponsor), hoping for a promotion, a bigger house for his girlfriend who he wants to marry, and so on. He ropes his girlfriend's son, the protag, into the role as a girls' soccer player in drag, out of this competitive drive.

    But he comes to see how much that competitiveness has endangered his relationship with his girlfriend, who is aghast when she finally catches her son dressed as a girl and at the behest of her boyfriend. It also endangers his already uneasy relationship with her son, the protag. He only wound up in this crazy predicament due to his careerist competitiveness (although that is leavened somewhat by his wanting a promotion in order to marry his girlfriend and give them a comfortable lifestyle).

    So, girls, and some boys, of that time would have resonated with the message of not letting individual competitiveness endanger social harmony, which was at odds with the neoliberal morality in the material domain of that time.

    As of the late '90s, competitiveness became praised as a goal in itself, not just team vs. team but individual vs. individual, including individuals within the same supposed team. That's where frenemies came from -- not just clique vs. clique competition, but vicious sabotaging competition even within a single clique.

  135. There's a central message of "just be yourself, and you'll be accepted, valued, and appreciated". This is applied to the girl players, who do change by realizing more of their potential as soccer players, but that's not changing who they are -- nor is taking off your glasses and letting your hair down.

    The girl who's distracted by butterflies remains the ditzy distractable type, she just finds a way to channel or harnass that in a way that lets her focus on the ball.

    The girl who wears glasses and her hair up remains who she always was, but now she feels appreciated when the coach says she looks cute as a button with the glasses off and hair down.

    The smokin' babe remains bad at the game throughout, even if she does score the winning penalty kick (after some encouragement and support from the protag). The point is that others, like her teammates, coach, and competitive father, have to accept her as a friend despite not being a good soccer player. Her social value to them is not conditional on her improving her soccer skills to pro-level -- they should, and do, seek a social and emotional attachment to her, whether she's good or bad at soccer.

    And most centrally to the plot of the movie, the protag must become comfortable being a boy in front of the girl players, instead of disguising himself as a girl. This was all pre-woketard era, so he's never portrayed as having deviant sexual orientation or gender identity. He's roped into a harebrained scheme by the competitive boyfriend of his mother.

    Even if someone were to read a tranny-type message into this movie, the moral of the story is to de-transition rather than keep up the charade. Although initially shocked, the girl players still value him as a friend and mentor cuz that's the role he has played with them, and the relationship they have formed. It doesn't matter that he was a boy all along. So they accept him for who he really is, and value his relationship still.

    In fact, the smokin' babe ends up becoming his girlfriend, which is an even stronger validation of "I'll value you no matter who you are". He's rewarded with not just unconditional friendship from the others, but a romantic relationship from one of them as well.

    How do you get promoted from "just friends" to lovers, according to Ladybugs? By dropping the charade and Just Being Yourself. ^_^

  136. So you can see why pubescent girls, and some boys, would've resonated with this movie so much at that time. Social harmony requires accepting people for who they are, as long as it's not deviant or anti-social in some way.

    That's a two-way street, of course -- you accept them, and they will have to accept you for who you are, and everyone joins a great big happy cooperative group or community that can act with a collective purpose.

    It's very different from the "acceptance" that goes one-way, from the normies to the weirdos, but not the reverse, which became the new model for acceptance only during the late '90s and after. And even then, acceptance didn't require forming social bonds and stable relationships with each other -- just like, "refraining from bullying them" or something non-committal and socially avoidant.

    It was not exploited as a way for anti-social deviants to impose their insane harmful bullshit on the healthy normie majority.

  137. Finally, and back to the topic of Sadie Hawkins dances and girls taking the initiative with boys in harmonious times, the smokin' babe is the one who furthers their friendship and romantic relationship along, at multiple steps.

    Even in that dream sequence, *she* begins running toward *him*, and it looks more like *he* is leaping into *her* arms when they embrace. Although like I said, everything was balanced between the sexes, not inverted -- he's leading her by the hand as they race onto the private jet, and he's ordered for her at the outdoor dining area.

    On the field, he takes the lead of course, as the experienced player tutoring the noobs. Even there, she's the first to give him a hug on the field, albeit one she thinks is with another girl.

    But off the field, their friendship begins for real when she shows up at his front door unannounced, just cuz she wanted to hang out with his female persona. She has already made a note of his route back home, that's how she found the place.

    He is constantly reacting to her rather than the reverse, inviting her in once she's already there, asking her to watch TV when she's looking around like "when are we gonna do something?", running to the kitchen for some cokes when she's thirsty, etc.

    And she is the one to invite him out on a movie "date" (with someone she thinks is another girl) in the future, as they're about to end this particular episode of just hanging out.

    And once he finally takes off the mask, the two of them try to navigate the awkwardness of "Oh, so you were actually a cute boy all along, huh...? Hmmm, how should I feel about that...?" He's more paralyzed than she is, cuz he's the one who has more reason to be embarrassed.

    And yet, she's the one to prod the relationship forward -- "Well, I *did* have a movie date at the mall with your female persona..." To which he responds, yes, of course I still want a date with you! Not just "cuz you're a smokin' hot babe," but because they've grown close and attached throughout their losers-to-winners journey on the soccer field.

    She still values his friendship -- and now, pretty boy looks -- because he was willing to stick with her as a teammate, despite her being a bad player, and was the one to give her the final encouragement needed to score that winning penalty kick. She's rewarding him for being her white knight -- not in shining armor, but under his princess dress... which he can now thankfully swap out for normal guy clothing, Be Himself, and head toward their happily ever after fairytale ending together.

    In a climate of social harmony, girls feel comfortable making moves on boys, perhaps cuz they don't fear the sting of rejection so much when the climate is so pro-social and supportive, and perhaps cuz they feel obligated out of a sense of fairness -- sometimes the boys make moves on us, it's only harmonious that we make moves on them sometimes as well.

    As in, "Why should boys be burdened with 100% of the risk and anxiety of asking someone out? Plus they're so emotionally clueless compared to us girls anyway, we *should* be the ones to knock them over the head since they can't read our subtler cues... ^_^"

    That's why this movie resonated so much with audiences of the time.

  138. Earlier than Ladybugs, but still a girl-initiating anthem, "He's So Shy" by the Pointer Sisters (1980).


    It echoes "He's So Fine" by the Chiffons from '63, but that one is not quite as initiative-taking, more like saying she hopes they get together, without saying that he's the shy one so I have to make the first move. That one was closer to the peak of social chaos.

    The Pointer Sisters song is not from the peak of social harmony, but was in the rising-harmony phase, after the peak of chaos circa 1970. By then, the theme of boys and girls forming a cooperative team, and making up for each others weaknesses, was becoming more widespread.

    So if your boy teammate was the shy type, well, make up for that by making the first move. It's the cooperative team spirit. Wherever you're weak, he'll make up for it in his way.

    Boys and girls as a team with a shared goal, not antagonistic cootie-avoiders... it really was such a different time.

  139. I've mentioned this core memory from childhood before, but the Pointer Sisters song being from the early '80s just made me think of it again. I didn't mention it in relating what happened to me in the '90s as a teen.

    It was the first time a girl and I played "I'll show you mine if you show me yours..."

    It was sometime between '83 and '85, let's say '84. At the daycare center I went to, in the class for toddlers.

    One day the daycare lady began the naptime procedure -- turning off the lights, telling us to find a little rug for ourselves, and to take a nice nap for awhile.

    As I was looking around for a rug, I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye -- at the table nearest to me, the hanging part of the tablecloth was moving around, and out popped a girl's head, who was underneath the table.

    She quietly and secretly invited me under the table with her. With the hanging parts of the tablecloth forming a curtain all around the perimeter, we had total privacy.

    She was also the first to ask me point-blank the title of the game. I said, OK, sure, why not? There was nothing sexual about it, just being friendly and accomodating to one's peers.

    After I took mine out and she took a good long look, her curiosity was satisfied, and she began to uphold her end of the agreement. But as she took down her underwear, she kept looking down there and fumbling around with her hands like something was wrong --

    "...I think it's stuck..."

    Silly girl, you don't have the thing I have! xD What I'm seeing down there, *is* what you have down there! I didn't say that to her, of course, but we were both satisfied that both sides upheld their end of the agreement.

    And then we hung out under the table together, secure in our little tablecloth-wrapped bubble, until naptime was over. And that was that! We didn't become bf + gf -- we were just toddlers. But we stayed friendly in the daycare center.

    Even at "too young to feel attraction" ages, during the rising-harmony phase girls were comfortable and eager to initiate some kind of boy-girl relationship with the boys, whatever was age-appropriate.

    Yeah, the good ol' days... ^_^

  140. Also, the tone of voice and expression on her face, when she (mistakenly) thought she wouldn't be upholding her end of the agreement, was apologetic and trying to ask me not to be disappointed with her -- her thingie was just stuck, so sorry, please don't be upset with me.

    Aside from being mistaken, it's notable that this was her attitude toward interacting with boys in a boy-girl relationship. Wanting to please them, not wanting to disappoint them, being apologetic if she felt that she was disappointing them.

    No way would her counterpart of 2004 or 2014 have reacted the same way. First, far less likely that she'd initiate the game in the first place.

    But also, they'd be more sex-segregated and antagonistic between the sexes, so if she felt she was letting the boy down, would've just blamed the boy instead, or said what's the point of this stupid game anyway, etc.

    She wouldn't have felt bad for disappointing a boy, and tried to act apologetically in order to say, "Please, let's stay socially connected, don't think of me like a deal-renegger".

    Or maybe she would've felt ashamed and embarrassed, as though the boy were negatively judging her or angry with her, so why doesn't she just run off to avoid that feeling.

    But the girl who invited me under the table in '84 was not ashamed or embarrassed, didn't feel like I was judging or criticizing her -- just like, "Oh man, I promised something that I apparently cannot deliver, I'm letting someone down and have to make it up to them somehow." It was reaching out to connect all the closer with me -- rather than bolt away from me in shame and anxiety.

    Gen X girls were so reaching-out rather than withdrawing, around boys. But maybe Gen Alpha, and their successors, are about to change boy-girl relations back in that direction, after the hostile segregation of the childhoods of Millennials and Zoomers (to a lesser extent?).

  141. Y'know, the earliest Millennials must have experienced boy-girl cooperation as tiny kids, if not at the pubescent / adolescent stages.

    The peak of social harmony was not the first half of the '80s, when my first experience happened. It was the first half of the '90s. Toddlers in the late '80s and early '90s were Millennials, not X-ers.

    Perhaps it was even more likely for them than it was for my cohort -- for experiences at the toddler stage, that is. All bets were off once the second half of the '90s swung the pendulum around, segregating the sexes as the early Millennials were barely or not even pubescent.

    That must've been quite the social whiplash -- not just the ordinary growing pains attending to puberty, but having been fairly cooperative between the sexes during early life, and now becoming avoidant and antagonistic instead.

    Late X-ers like me felt that whiplash, too, but it was more like college experiences, which is well after your first milestones with the opposite sex anyway (well, until the average college student was a virgin like now).

    I won't dwell on that vibe shift, which really struck me in the early 2000s during college, since we already know how things changed as of the late '90s. Just suffice it to say, mixed-sex peer groups were starting to wane, and felt less and less like a John Hughes movie. Not eliminated 100% overnight, but definitely starting to fade.

    And the whole "secret admirer = stalker" thing began spreading already by that time. We had an online discussion board for just our school, and it was common to read girls talking about "stalkers" and guys worried if something would be "stalkish". It was all over but the shouting at that point.

    I never heard boys and girls talk like that in middle school, or most of high school. Fucking 2000s. What a mistake of a new decade, century, and millennium -- cursed across three orders of magnitude in time!

    And with that, back to Clarissa and Pete and Pete ("and me -- Ellen!") to re-live some good memories instead. ^_^

  142. There's an episode of Clarissa where her guy best friend Sam spends an entire week staying over at her home, while his single father is away on business and Sam wants to avoid the dreaded mega-bitch babysitter who usually supervises him on such parental absences.

    Her parents are totally OK with it, don't hem and haw over him being a boy in the home with their daughter, and so on. He stays in a guest room, and even ingratiates himself with her parents, so much so that it introduces a little rift between him and Clarissa, who doesn't want her parents stealing her best friend from her.

    It's almost played as though he's their son-in-law, the unusual type who gets along well with his parents-in-law, to the exasperation of his wife. Clarissa uses the term "son" to describe the feeling that her parents are getting with him around the home.

    And he *is* a guy in the home, he's not sexless just cuz he and Clarissa are best buds. The main interest he takes in her parents are with her dad's comic book collection, which he and the dad bond over.

    Very Gen-X social dynamic, and when the parents are discussing whether or not to let him stay over for so long, they use the term "latchkey kid" to describe Sam. The whole neighborhood and community was one great big extended family -- everybody was someone else's in-law, just waiting.

    That reflects not only the peak of social harmony, where people you weren't related to by blood or marriage were still expected to host some guests if the latter found themselves in a tight spot.

    It also reflects the absence of sex segregation, where a boy staying over in his girl peer's home for a week was NBD. He didn't stay in her room, let alone sleep in her bed. The sexes were still segregated at that level. But they were not socially segregated, he didn't need to stay in their shack in the back yard or anything like that.

    As the chasm between the sexes began widening closer to the turn of the millennium, this storyline would become far less plausible, and far more concerning to the parents of the children watching. Boomer parents of the audience for Clarissa wouldn't have thought it problematic or forbidden or taboo to see a boy staying over for a week with their daughter -- as long as it was not sexual.

    Helicopter parents in the 2000s, though, would've been scandalized by such a story, no matter what lengths the writers went to in portraying the guy and girl as just friends / best buds rather than romantically or sexually attracted to each other.

  143. And yes, this was real, not just a fanciful hallucination from the writers. Tying this back into the pro-social era of the internet (due to the broader social mood being social, not due to any tech diff), and fandoms being IRL rather than strictly online, let me reiterate:

    A bunch of us regulars from an AOL discussion board for They Might Be Giants met up IRL in New York, not just to see the band perform, but to meet up and hang out and get to know each other IRL, not just through online boards and chatrooms and emails and Instant Messages. This must've been '97 or '98, one of the last times such an event would've been possible.

    Meeting up from online? Maybe that lasted a little longer before vanishing, but not staying over at each other's homes -- let alone if they were the opposite sex, and those involved were in high school or their 20s.

    The first night that we all met up, we crashed the night at some hostel in a single big room with sleeping bags, the cheapest way we could've spent the night in New York.

    Well, not cheaper than free -- that's where the locals pitched in! One girl, in high school, asked her parents to host several of us in their UWS townhome, including me and IIRC at least one other guy, maybe a girl or not. And they were fine with it!

    Of course, we didn't sleep in her room, let alone in her bed -- but we were not planning on that anyway, cuz we were not bf + gf anyway. That wasn't her parents forbidding it, that was both of us not wanting to anyway, since we weren't romantically involved. So we slept on their foldout couch, ate a little breakfast there the next morning (instead of NYC prices for breakfast), and that was that.

    A different night during this same trip, we ventured further away, into New Jersey. I don't even know where, I'm assuming somewhere in the northern part within the NYC metro area. More lower-middle class -- everyone pitched in, regardless of their class, and no one felt embarrassed about it, like "Oh man, don't want them to see my neighborhood after they just spent a night in a UWS townhome." Friends are friends.

    And she was a high school girl as well. Staying the night there was me, a guy in his 20s, and maybe a third person whose gender I don't recall, or just the two of us guys. And her parents were cool with it, too! Again, I slept on the living room couch and the other guy might've stayed in a guest room, or in his sleeping bag somewhere else -- not the girl's room.

    If we had really needed to, we could've spent the night at another high school girl's house in the area. She lived on Long Island, probably the part closer to NYC. We did make a trek out there at night to see her perform in her school play -- she was in the drama club. And we hung out a little before and after, although I don't think we actually went to her home -- we already had a place to crash that night. And we were three guys and I believe a girl. I'm pretty sure she offered to put us up for the night if we needed to, we just already had somewhere to crash.

    We weren't random strangers, yet we weren't community members or neighbors either. We had only known each other online before then. But we did become friends enough online, to be treated like neighbors offline when we did eventually meet up IRL.

  144. And unless the guests and hosts were in high school, none of your examples count from the 2000s or 2010s. I know couch-surfing lasted a little longer among 20 or 30-somethings. And maybe a fandom from MySpace would meet up with their local scene IRL.

    I'm talking about high school kids staying over at someone's house for the night and into the next day, with mixed sexes under the same roof. And after having traveled across state lines -- and international lines, there were a couple Canadians there, too. Sorry, that's a Gen-X experience from the '90s, not a Millennial one from the 2000s or a Zoomer one from the 2010s.

    I know you guys get really touchy when someone from Gen X points out how awesome it used to be, and how shitty you had it, cuz you want to blame everyone but yourselves for how bad you've had it. And in the material domain, like the economy, that's true -- you're not to blame for NAFTA, open borders, downsizing, yuppies, QE, etc.

    But in the social domain, you *are* largely responsible for how your lives unfolded. No one made or steered you into becoming so antagonistic and hyper-competitive in your interpersonal relations. I'm not talking about your parents wanting you to be competitive in your studies to get into a good school.

    I mean treating your friends like frenemies, hating the opposite sex, hating yourself for not living up to the insane delusions of grandeur that you set as your perfectionist standard, lower-casing and de-punctuating your textual communication to play a game of "who can be the most performatively uninvested emotionally in the convo?", staring down at your phones in public to play the same game -- you're paying attention to me, but I'm not even going to possibly be noticing you -- and so on and so forth.

    You only have yourselves to blame for the pendulum swing toward anti-social chaos, when your early childhoods unfolded during the peak of social harmony. Sad and deprived lives, but in the social domain, your fault -- and something that Gen Alpha and their successors should consciously try to steer away from, to enjoy more fulfilling and less miserable lives.

    Blaming tech is a cope, too, since Japanese people don't behave interpersonally the way Americans do, despite adopting the same tech by the same makers and the same platforms.

  145. One favorable change, even among Millennials, but also among Zoomers, is the re-introduction of capitalized words, all-caps words, and extensive punctuation to convey emotional tone.

    I've never not written that way, but until fairly recently, in the past year or so, Millennials and Zoomers never adopted it. Now they are!

    Some things I will pride myself personally on, like the spelling "cuz" and the trailing ellipses. To some extent the all-caps words and use of asterisks around a word for emphasis, as well.

    That's not for bragging rights -- that's to welcome the changing social climate evident in other people's behavior, where these long-time staples of Gen X textual communication are FINALLY being broadly adopted, now that the pendulum is swinging away from performatively emotionless boredom and haughtiness.

    You'll feel a lot better just expressing yourself naturally, not trying to saw off every bump and branch of emotion from the tree of your communication.

    Lower-casing and de-punctuating was, in hindsight, yet another form of self-harm mixed with performative emotional vacuity -- typical Millennial bullshit.

    Now, though, self-harm is out, self-esteem is in. Emotional detachment is out, emotional engagement is in. ^_^

  146. One last little observation on boy + girl friends sleeping over together, without it being romantic or sexual -- we *never* would have mentioned that fact overtly, let alone tried to gain the upper hand in some sick twisted deranged social-emotional contest.

    If Millennials, as part of "we're still kids but adulting," held mixed-sex sleepovers for themselves these days, they would all make a loud and extreme display of:

    "Just to clarify, we're not actually going to sleep in the same beds, right? Perhaps not even in the same bedroom? Because, y'know, that would be like reeeeaaaallllyyy creepy and weird. Can we *not* make it weird? Can we *not* violate other's consent? How hard is it to respect people's boundaries? Huh huh huh huh!"

    STFU, dehumanizer. That's all that BS ever amounted too -- trying to minimize your emotional investment in others, trying to not-care more than everyone else's level of not-caring.

    It would've been treating everyone at the sleepover as though they were potential rapists, molesters, etc., by having to spell out these laws and rules beforehand. Yeah, no shit we're not going to sleep in the same bed, if we aren't already dating, dipshit. You don't need to make a huge display out of it, it's just something that went totally unsaid, and explained very matter-of-factly --

    "OK, I'll get the guestroom ready for you" or "All right, we have the living room couch, a guestroom, and some floor space for a sleeping bag, we'll let you decide amongst yourselves who sleeps where". It literally went without saying that "our daughter's bedroom and her bed are off limits". What kind of insane freak would spell that out overtly? That would just be trying to neg or humiliate or dehumanize the guests, as though they were creepy rapists or stalkers who need to be cordoned off from their daughter.

    Matter-of-fact, and not saying something humiliating out loud when it's already understood, was the tone for both that episode of Clarissa where Sam stays over for a week, and every occasion where I spent the night at a girl's home who I wasn't already dating, during high school.

    The whole obsession over policing personal boundaries from the 2000s and 2010s and early 2020s, and perhaps germinating in the late '90s, had nothing to do with respect, a la "respecting others' boundaries" -- it was a form of DIS-respect. You scum keep away from our daughter. Well, I guess we can sleep over, but keep far away from me, I don't trust you to not molest or rape me.

    Not based on any previous violations, or other ReD fLaGs -- just as a pre-emptive salvo of dissing missiles toward your frenemy's ego, to cut them down to size for no reason, and to gain the upper hand, the most important goal of hyper-competitive freaks.

  147. It's the same goal of humilating and dehumanizing as "she's not gonna fuck you bro". Imagine a girl's parents saying that to a boy guest of hers who's spending the night, as an overt reminder of why he's not going to sleep in her bedroom but on the couch or in a guestroom instead. That'd be the most insanely disrespectful thing ever!

    But everyone started saying that toward each other, by the late 2010s and early 2020s, within the Millennial and Zoomer gens.

    And even worse, they started saying it in the 1st-person -- "you know im not gonna fuck you, rite?" Such a presumptuous ego-inflating and disrespectful cut-down toward the other person. And that just triggers the other side into an arms race of disrespect -- "well who wants to fuck your weirdass / ugly / used-up ass anyway?"

    That would be... *not* the way to initiate and maintain a friendship between boy + girl. God, you two generations are so fucked in the head... but that may thankfully be on the decline now.

    Aside from the disrespect within the frame of sexual relations, there's a meta-level of disrespect -- presuming that either side is pursuing the other sexually. Boys and girls can be friends, too, without pursuing each other.

    Throwing the sexualized framing onto it is meant to humiliate the accused side, like "all you would possibly want from the other side is sex, you're just a base life-form like a dog, hell, worse than a dog, at least dogs are into companionship!"

    This framing of disrespect, and the further disrespect within the framing -- "you're only interested in sex, and even then, she'd never let you hit it" -- would have been the most flagrantly scandalous thing during most of the '90s. Whether said in the 1st or 3rd person, from a peer or from a parent, no matter what, it would've blown up social harmony -- so they didn't even think it.

    Not that they thought it but kept their lips sealed to placate the would-be target of their diss -- the thought literally never entered their mind in the first place.

    It's so crazy how chaotic and antagonistic social relations got during the 21st century, but hopefully that's turning around now, at least with the Zoomer or post-Zoomer generations.

    In this way, as well as many others, the incels and man-belittlers are finally being left behind.

  148. For any Gen Alphas out there looking for a comeback when some bitter dead-ender Millennial or Zoomer incel / man-belittler says "she's not gonna fuck you bro", make it something that values friendship and also calls them a bitter loser (true, not a pointless cutting down to size). These freaks deserve ostracism, and they really need to be given a definitive HARD shove now that they're on the back foot, as the social mood pendulum has started to swing away from their mindset.

    Maybe something like,

    "Project harder about not having any funny, smart, or cool girls who'd want to be friends with you..."

  149. I mean that line as something a girl as well as a guy could use! Not just the guy target of "she's not gonna fuck you bro," but the girl target as well.

    The incel / man-belittler is trying to humiliate and disrespect the girl as well as the guy with that line -- "guys don't actually value you for anything above sticking their dick in your hole / all you're good for is being someone's cum dumpster".

    So girls need to fire back as well, and that comeback works for both targets of the bitter loser haters!

  150. A breath of fresh air -- hippie chick from 1996 Phish concert interviewed by MTV. Thinking back on going to live music shows in the mid-'90s made me remember this. This type of personality was common back then, even if the girl wore different clothes and styled her hair differently from the particular example shown below:


    This clip went semi-viral, and not just cuz she's cute. There are still plenty of cute girls out there. But for her personality and demeanor -- which has all but vanished by now, although it may be turning around as of the mid-2020s.

    I know, for the girls reading the reactions to her, that actually stings more. It disproves the man-belittler / incel lie that guys just think with their dicks, it's all about girls' looks, etc. No, there are still girls as cute or cuter than her these days -- that's not what's making us yearn to RETVRN.

    They really don't want to hear:

    "Sure, you're cute, but you're mind-numbing / have a repulsive attitude / your personality sucks / why can't you be friendly and smiley and engaging like a hippie chick from 1996?"

    Whether it stings to hear or not, that *is* the reason why this clip makes us pine so poignantly for the good ol' days.

  151. To spell out what some of those bygone personality traits are, from the peak of social harmony in the mid-'90s --

    Not argumentative or adversarial, at all, whether in a blunt or passive-aggressive way. No attempt to gain the upper hand. She's treating the interviewer, and others around her, like they're on the same great big team, only strangers in the sense of "team / family members I haven't met yet". Camaraderie.

    At the same time, not a doormat or yes-man (yes-babe?) or performatively submissive. She freely speaks her own mind, and is too busy Being Yourself to worry about saying the right or wrong thing to the other. That doesn't mean no manners or politeness, it just means not having a fragile ego and doing the doormat / yes-man / submissive routine out of desperation / anxiety about displeasing someone. Her self-esteem is too high to fall into that trap, and yet she doesn't come across as an egomanic or narcissist either.

    Not socially or emotionally avoidant, but engaging and attending to the other, including eye contact and open body language. Not using "I'm so le shy" as an excuse to not interact or engage with others. The other side has her undivided attention, respect, and validation -- and she expects, and receives, the same from the other side. No gotcha! questions or snarky wannabe authoritarian tone from the journo, but also no performative ass-kissing tone if she sensed they were from the same political coalition (this really was the old days).

    Striking a balance between security in what she's saying, vs. being full of herself or speaking with unwarranted certainty and definitiveness or conviction. Her answers tend to be more open-ended and imprecise, like a diplomat but again without there being an adversarial relationship, so it's not a forced requirement of her job description, just how she naturally is.

    Same with the frequent giggling or chuckling after each statement -- lightening the mood, making sure that this isn't treated like a deadly serious matter for a criminal court or scientific research lab.

    Overall, I'd sum it up as she acts in a very friendly way, and people generally don't act like that anymore, especially between strangers. Genuinely, openly friendly -- not putting up her guard, not just humoring the other or being polite, certainly not being adversarial in any way.

    Not trying to put the other side in their place -- but maybe more to the point with her being a girl, not asking to be put in her place by the other side.

  152. The valorizing and glamorizing of submission and masochism among girls is a rising-chaos thing. Did not exist from the late '70s, '80s, or early-mid '90s. Compromise, getting along, give-and-take, sure. But not fetishizing submission, self-harm, etc. Nobody was a cutter in most of the '90s, nor did they eroticize getting slapped or hit.

    And while Lana Del Rey fans may have heard her sing about "he hit me, and it felt like a kiss" in her 2014 song "Ultraviolence" -- that line is literally the title of a song from 1962 by the uber-popular girl group the Crystals, better known for "Da Doo Ron Ron" and "Then He Kissed Me". However she feels about that line herself, LOTS of her fans, such as the Red Scare ladies, eroticize it.

    But then, the '60s and the 2010s were both periods of rising-chaos, indeed the final decade until the peak explosion was reached circa 1970 and 2020.

    About the closest that the intervening period of rising-harmony came to this attitude among women was "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar from 1980. It's clearly meant metaphorically, and in a joking-around tone, not to eroticize getting slapped. But it does contain the phrase "you'd better make sure you put me in my place".

    But 1980 was still an early gear-shifting stage of the rising-harmony period. That already watered-down level of bratty submissiveness would decline even further throughout the '80s, and was invisible by the mid-'90s -- yes, even among the alt girls, the sad girls, and the goth girls.

    I don't recall the rise of branding oneself as "I need to be put in my place and forcefully corrected, cuz I've been a bad bad girl" until the late '90s -- "Criminal" by Fiona Apple ('97). That was the original anthem of that type of bratty sub girl. Also unlike the Pat Benatar song, the tone was more dark and brooding and emo, foreshadowing the 2000s rather than echoing the '80s or early '90s.

    It always traces back to the late '90s in embryonic form. I never did like that song, or her others. Eroticizing the battle of the sexes -- a girl breaking a man just because she can, and now she needs to be forcefully corrected by cop / priest / daddy, etc.

  153. If '80s and early '90s goth and alt girls, who listened to the Cure, wouldn't have resonated with it, it's emo rather than goth or alt. It's anti-social, and the Cure babes were pro-social and romantic rather than eroticizing abjection, decay, and violent interpersonal conflict.

    Or the early-mid '90s alt girls, who were into Juliana Hatfield -- who I *just saw* on an episode of Pete and Pete tonight! ^_^ She was a lunch lady, young and free-spirited unlike the other ones, and she broke free from her shackles, not just for her own sake, but to serve as a role model to big Pete.

    Total Manic Pixie Dream Girl role, and sure enough it was the restless phase of the 15-year excitement cycle (first half of the '90s), and sure enough she was born during a manic phase of the cycle (second half of the '60s). As per yoozh.

    I remember her from her other TV appearance that year, on My So-Called Life, but that was not an MPDG role.

    I instantly recognized her, too... I had something of a crush on her for a bit. Got to see her at the HFStival in '95. ^_^


    She looks friendly even when giving double middle-fingers, not adversarial or argumentative or haughty. Good ol' Gen X chicks...

  154. A final palate-cleanser of confident, initiative-taking alt girls from the early-mid '90s. Perennial faves of mine, and every other late Gen X-er who remembers the pre-emo, pre-battle of the sexes days.

    "Spin the Bottle" by the Juliana Hatfield Three (1993), with cameos by Scott Thompson from Kids in the Hall, Tanya Donelly from Belly, and the cast of Reality Bites, whose soundtrack this appears on (including Ethan Hawke and what looks like Winona Ryder).


    "New York City" by Cub (1994), covered a couple years later by TMBG on Factory Showroom and always a huge hit during their live shows. Smiley, confident, playful -- and with a bit of hard rocker edge! They're too cute in this video, and really showcase the romance that New York had before the 21st century.


  155. Sidebar, until I get the full post up on dance cycles. I've been listening to one TMBG album a day lately, to re-familiarize myself with that era. Today I got to John Henry, and when "No One Knows My Plan" came on, a flood of '90s alt dance memories were unleashed!

    Wait a minute, wasn't there a dance to this one at the live shows...? It wasn't just imitating the choreography from the music video, cuz there *was* no music video for this song...


    Holy shit, I'm the type who remembers everything, but I'd totally forgotten about that until today. I googled just to be sure, and no, I was *not* crazy.

    The fan wiki even has a contemporary photo from the time during the concert when it was taking place! This is from '95, but I remember doing this throughout the rest of the '90s.


    Right before this song in the setlist was a jamming set-up song, "Everybody Conga" -- to get them in the mood, and in the body motion.


    It's got that '90s self-awareness, but it was not irony-poisoned, it was more tongue-in-cheek. "Put your hands on the hips of a stranger!" lol. And forming a great big line that moved as a single collective unit throughout the venue. That's the whole point of these dances! Very high-trust behavior, only during periods of maximum social harmony, not during social strife and chaos.

    Here's what it sounded like, from a 2001 clip:


    The caption says few actually did the conga at this particular show -- another sign that during the 2000s, the high-trust dance mania was dying down. I remember doing the conga to this song throughout the late '90s.

  156. And no, girls did not care if a guy was in front of them or behind them -- that would shatter the social harmony, re-ignite the battle of the sexes, etc. The mood was all about getting together, getting along, and having fun as a crowd, not an individual.

    Girls used to go crowd-surfing back then, too -- but I'll have to wait for the full post on high-trust dancing and social harmony to get back to that practice. Suffice it to say, chicks wanted to be hoisted up and sent around in a wave of supportive hands.

    So did dudes, for that matter. We didn't drop the dude crowd-surfers just cuz they offered no sexual-ish gratification -- it was about literally, physically supporting each other, regardless of sex! The fact that it felt titillating when the crowd-surfer was a girl, well, that was just icing on the cake, not a requirement.

    And you can see in that picture that the conga line sometimes did have same-sex connections -- it's just a fun social dance, it's not dry-humping to simulate sex. But yes, it felt even better when the person in front was a cute alt girl with a crop top and sweat-glistening skin to hold onto. ^_^

  157. Without going into the full history of the conga for now, and waiting until the separate post on dance cycles, suffice it to say that like the whole rest of the jazz dances and ballroom dances and pre-rock / pre-WWII dances, the conga was born and flourished in America after the peak of social chaos circa 1920 began dying down -- late '20s, '30s, early '40s, then trailing off gradually after that.

    Getting back to the topic of ethnic antagonisms dying down, this period of the late '20s through the mid-'40s also saw the widespread adoption of "Latin" music and dances and lyrical themes. Could've related to Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, anywhere we'd had close contact recently.

    Not Brazil yet -- that was more during the '60s with bossa nova and samba, and appropriately for its time period of rising social strife, was not paired with a high-trust social dance style like the conga or swing or crowd-surfing.

    However, once the peak of social chaos circa 1970 had died down, the conga and related jazz / Latin / ballroom dances came back seemingly all of a sudden. It wasn't a mere fashion cycle -- it was tracking the social mood, and now that the social mood was rising-harmony, like it was from the late '20s through the mid-'40s, well, why not revive some of the music and dance styles of that pre-WWII era?

    Most notably with the 1985 mega-hit "Conga" by the Miami Sound Machine (Gloria Estefan).

    There were tons of conga line examples throughout the '90s, in addition to the TMBG live shows.

    In the 1995 episode of the Simpsons where Lisa becomes a vegetarian, her family forms a conga line and chants to the conga beat, "You don't win friends with salad!" while preparing to host a bunch of guests and making a great big meat dish.

    As early as 1991, Little Caesars ran a very '90s wacky / absurdist commercial, entirely about a conga line and playing old time-y conga music -- nothing to do with pizza -- and followed up with another one sometime by '94:



    Again, not going into the full history of the original conga craze and its revival. Just outlining it here to show how the TMBG dance fit into that broader cultural revival and social mood of everybody getting along instead of having their guard up, clashing with others, trying to gain the upper hand, etc.

    1. A 2012 article by Steve Sailer on how the peak of fascination of many bohemian/creative types with Mexico was in the 1940s and mid-century generally:


  158. The '90s were flush with outright revivals of American culture originally made from the late '20s through the mid-'40s -- movie adaptations of Dick Tracey, The Rocketeer, The Shadow, The Phantom, stylistic adaptations like The Mask, not to mention the swing revival I've covered many times before.

    A few years earlier, in 1988, the music video for "Smooth Criminal" has a very '30s gangster / noir aesthetic -- and high-trust choreography, where they lean extremely far over without falling on their faces.

    I just picked up the Swing Kids soundtrack today (1993, but set during the Nazi era), which I used to have in high school but lost or sold along the way. Only one dollar at the thrift store!

    Also picked up Zoot Suit Riot by the Cherry Poppin Daddies for a dollar -- another staple from high school that I lost or sold along the way. I saw 3 copies of that album in the clearance section alone at a used media store, so if you want to dip your toe into '90s swing revival, that's an easy first choice.

    I wish I could find that Phish concert babe and ask her what kind of dances they used to do back then. My impression was that Phish was more a revival of the psychedelic era (she says the concert might be them covering Pink Floyd), and didn't go further back into jazz or swing or ballroom. But they were a jam band, and you can certainly jam out and get your groove on to pre-rock music too. So IDK!

    But TMBG, the whole third wave ska scene, and the swing revival were all reviving that older sound and dance style. Then there was the mainstream dance pop that was very of its time, but still reviving the same spirit -- just not an overt reference. More like a reincarnation where your self-awareness doesn't transmit between incarnated bodies and minds. When the social mood is similar, you can't help but invent dance styles that are similar as well!

    But the cyclic nature of these things is even easier to tell when there are outright revivals like conga, swing, and so on.

  159. I'd like to do a separate post on how danceable TMBG's music is, at least from the '80s and '90s (I didn't keep up with them much after that). I didn't think of it at the time, but in hindsight that must've been a major reason why I was drawn to them vs. other indie or alt bands of the time. Very dance-oriented for an indie or alt band, many of whom were downright morally opposed to dancing, or at dismissing it under their irony-poisoned don't-care affectation -- puritanical woketards. Oddly enough, TMBG are originally from Puritan central, Massachusetts.

    And most of their music videos, at least the early ones, had choreography in them -- not surprising for '80s videos in general, but for an indie or alt band? It was unusual. They started out in new wave, though, so perhaps retaining those dance-able roots.

    In "No One Knows My Plan," it's not only conga music -- there's a persistent hi-hat accenting the offbeat, just like disco. Or the UNH-tsss techno music of the same time, but in the jazzier arrangement of the song, it reads more as disco than techno.

    There's also a groovin'-around chicken scratch guitar in "The Guitar" from Apollo 18. Very disco. Not something I appreciated back then, not having listened to much or perhaps any disco at the time.

    But now at 44, it really strikes me how many historical styles are incorporated throughout their oeuvre. Sometimes within a single song, but at least within an album, song-to-song. Multiple decades and genres of jazz, disco and funk, rock, folk, country, right up through whatever was the new thing at the time. Neat!

    Very unlike the indie or alt bands of that time or since.

    And not merely "eclectic" -- that could mean sampling other cultures a la the huge world music trend of the '80s and '90s, or New Age which did the same during the same time. Specifically mining the distinctive AMERICAN musical treasure chest, and alchemizing various pieces into something new and distinctive but also familiar and nostalgic. Or sometimes just a straight-up revival or reference or allusion, but just as often, a truly original sound albeit made of some familiar elements.

    The typical indie / alt band was more on the cerebral side, not the corporeal / dance side, and since music is inexticably linked with dance, the cerebrals just don't get musical styles from before their own era, let alone further and further back. But if you're an average ballroom dancer from Anywheresville, USA, of course you're familiar with pre-WWII American music, and other pre-rock genres.

  160. Final note from one of TMBG themselves in a brief interview before a performance of "No One Knows My Plan" at the House of Blues in Chicago, John Linnell emphasizes that they are not "weird" or trying to make "weird" music. It's trying to throw different things together, make something interesting and new -- not weird.


    His vocal and facial expression makes it clear he doesn't even like "weird" as an aesthetic goal, and like it's an insult for others to suggest that that's one of their goals.

    Going back to the whole "weird vs. cool" shift, TMBG was definitely on the cool side, however much they and their fans would've denied it if asked. But when you're non-ironically reviving dance-y beatnik jazz on "Lie Still Little Bottle", and poo-poo-ing "weird" as an aesthetic goal -- you're aiming for cool, daddy-o.

    I had this performance on a VHS tape back in the '90s, dubbed from someone else's recording of it in fact. But that's how it was back then -- no YouTube, but we made do.

    Lots of YT comments on how hot he is, something I remember hearing a lot from the girl fans back then... "hot for indie / alt band" or "hot-hot"? I could never figure that out, but unlike girls, guys can't tell who the other hot people are among our own sex (unless they're gay). All I can tell is that he has large eyes, which are attractive on both sexes.

    Whatever the case, a little extra motivation for the ovulating readers here to click on that video...

  161. There's also a brief conga line in The Mask, where Jim Carrey is in the Cuban Pete persona and forcing everyone who's against him (cops, etc.) to start dancing in the streets to various Midcentury styles, including conga.


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