Typical causes of girls not reciprocating the feeling are:
- That boys don't possess enough social savvy to approach and treat girls the way they want to be approached and treated.
- That boys are so helplessly attracted to girls that their eagerness and desperation turn girls off.
- That boys have only a crude idea of what girls like -- they believe that driving a flashy sports car will work better than practicing how to flirt better.
- And that boys are more given to magical thinking, believing that if only girls would act like boys and share the same interests and leisure activities as boys, the problem would be solved! * This innate tendency is only exacerbated by moronic feminists telling boys that "girls have the same thoughts, feelings, and actions as you do." But in the same proportions?
Girl-lovers, ages 25 - late 30s. Guys finally get over the expectation that girls are only worth dating if they like hardcore punk, extreme sports, and James Bond movies. Their levels of the personality trait Neuroticism settle down, so that they are less touchy and desperate. Not being as socially adept as girls, they require more experience to figure these things out, and they have enough experience by the mid-20s to better understand how to treat girls.

Also, because male-male competition is considerably less macho than it is from 15 - 24 (when males are most likely to commit violent crimes), they feel more at ease learning how to cook or prepare a few things that will excite girls, how to dance well enough to feel at ease in a club, and similar things that girls are truly attracted to. For one thing, they invest more money in professional clothing and a "good zip code" than in sports cars or expensive athletic shoes.
I haven't seen the numbers, but I'd bet that 99.9% of pickup artists are between 25 and 40. It is odd that their writings never refer to what a guy in college should do -- presumably, under-25 guys are chemically incapable of getting into the right mindset. **
Girl-piners, early 40s - death. I've been referring to how males react to "girls," and that's deliberate -- as in, females who are roughly 16 to 25, and particularly 18 to 23. *** By their early 40s, only the richest, gorgeous, and most powerful men can hope to date or be intimate with a girl. Mankind's trusty deus ex machina emotion, self-deception, swoops in to rescue him from becoming depressed over what he can no longer enjoy, even in principle. He tells himself that he's "too old to bother with the drama of younger women," that he's "been there, done that," or has simply "grown wise enough to perceive the beauty of older women," which youthful lust had blinded him to up till then.

Scarlett Johansson is 18 in that movie, by the way.
Now, clearly the age ranges above are schematic and represent averages. There is still variance: some males may become suave earlier than usual, or bloom later, while some never leave the girl-hating stage. In the last case, either a propensity to hate girls throughout the lifespan has a negligible genetic component, so that natural selection is unable to weed these males out of the genepool, or girl-hating is heritable but such men somehow find a way to reproduce. Being undesirable, they could only hope to attract undesirable females. That, or they would have to excel at something and find unbelievably forgiving females, in the same way that shorter men find mates if they stand out (in a good way).
* The personality trait Openness to Experience shows an upside-down U shape over the lifespan: it increases during adolescence, reaches a peak during college, and declines after 25 - 30. I'm sure I wasn't the only retarded college student who thought of polyamory as a solution to the problem of pairing off. "Gee, if only we all had multiple boyfriends or girlfriends, then we wouldn't feel so nervous asking someone out or rejecting them, since that's easier to do when you've already got several partners. Plus it makes you more likely to kick bad partners to the curb if you've got a reserve." For some reason, girls never bought into this idea (though I never proposed it to them!).
** Based on my observations of under-25 guys -- I eat one meal a day in the college dining hall and attend a weekly 80s night, where almost no one is older than 25 -- their natural reaction is to stare at a girl they like, to show too intense of a demeanor if they manage to approach her, to brag often without softening the blow via self-deprecation, and worst of all, to be utterly inept at interacting with her once she starts flirting. He takes a playful tease personally, proceeding to puff up his chest in defense, and sends her a cluelessly cutting remark in return. And as I pointed out here, college guys will do the most humiliating things, in public, as long as a pretty girl tells them too, in the despicable hope that it will win them points with her. All of these examples show why it would be futile to design a pickup manual for college guys.
*** The evolutionary reasons for this are not hard to understand. For one thing, girls are more fecund than much younger or older females. Apart from ability to conceive, they are naturally more healthy, and this is as important as conceiving in the first place. In fitness terms, always miscarrying is tantamount to infertility. Finally, a girl's expected contribution to a man's fitness is higher than is that of a much older woman, for the simple reason that she has decades longer to live, during which to help him out.
I'm now in the "girl piners" category and couldn't disagree more with your stereotyping. No, I can't speak for everyone, but I can reasonably say that few men past age 40 are really interested in "girls." There are too many cultural differences, for one thing, and when people get into their 30's and beyond they become more concerned with personality and maturity than with fecundity and fertility.
ReplyDeleteI already said that men in that category claim not to like girls, but that if they meet that unusual someone, it wakes them up.
ReplyDeleteAs for personality and maturity -- personality always matters. In fact, that's one of the strongest reasons for why guys like girls: they're more care-free, fun, and try to flirt with you.
And maturity never wins to signals of youthful vitality when we're talking about falling for someone. You want the mother of your kids to be mature, but you fall for someone way before they're going to raise your kids.
Maybe you shouldn't listen to pick-up artists so much. Not everyone has had to go to a seminar to learn the one-night-stand. Not everyone believed the feminists (a lot of people can spot PC nonsense for what it is once they're in their early teens) (for me, a good part of teenage was about arguing with feminists over the internet and getting massive attention from girls by bringing my arguments to girls my age - attention that I didn't know how to use, then, but hey). Not...
ReplyDeleteIn fact, for some guys many first experiences are about girls who chased them, not the other way around. (That doesn't have to mean a long history of adolescent sex, it can also mean a long history of cursing yourself for being a social retard that keeps failing to exploit the chances properly.... aaaaaaaargh, the memories!)
Nice article. Where is that 3rd picture from? I remember seeing it before.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if these stages in a woman's life could parallel what you wrote about men's life stages:
ReplyDeleteBoy-Ignoring (1-12)
Boy/Man-Fearing (13-22)
Man-Loving (23-28)
Man-Managing (29-death)
- PA
Pic is from google image search for "passionate kiss." Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams at MTV Movie Awards 2005.
ReplyDeleteAs for female stages, I'd rather leave that to a non-deluded female like Irina to say. Off-the-cuff, though:
1 - 11: boy-ignorers
12 - 13: boy-noticers
14 - 17: young-guy-lovers
18 - 21: young-and-elder-guy-lovers
22 - 24: young-and-elder-guy-seducers / ensnarers
25 - death: man-resenters
As you can see, females go through a much more complex and dizzyingly rapid metamorphosis, but it ends / becomes stable much earlier.
"Boy" means a male 1 - 20. "Young guy" means a male 21 - 26. "Elder guy" means a male 27 - 34. "Man" means any post-pubescent male.
If a female gets married and raises a family "on schedule," you won't really notice that she's a man-resenter since she won't be out on the mating market, being too busy with family life.
Still, she'll let slip the occasional "Well, it looks like I'm getting older and hence less worthy in the eyes of society, while you [husband] become more attractive as you age. Of course you'll die sooner." (Paraphrased from the attractive mother in My So-Called Life.)
I have a post in the works for female stages. It's easier to see in graphs.
To clarify, there's no single reference point in female maturation, since what they need from males changes a lot over their lifespan.
ReplyDeleteMales just need fecund and healthy baby-makers, and so are always focused on those 18 - 23 y.o.s, if cognitive dissonance doesn't prevent it. You see this in the "allure of older females" as a male ages:
From 12 - 17, you lust primarily after older females (though these only go up to about 25 -- not "old old"). From 18 - 24, you lust primarily after females your own age. And from 25 onward, you lust primarily after younger females, and the ideal becomes even younger than you as you age (this is shown in studies of "preferred age difference").
Am I the only one who really liked girls from 2-5 years of age, then went into the girl hating / girl ignoring phase?
ReplyDeleteI also came out of that phase at about 9 when I developed a huge crush on a girl in school (kinda obvious, where else do you meet chicks when you're 9?).
-Steve Johnson
"25 - death: man-resenters"
ReplyDeleteYou are wrong with this. Maybe it is a cultural difference again, but a huge minority of women keep living like young adults till they are 30 or more. And they don't look like babuskas.
Where did you get the data that men would prefer 16-25 year old women? I heard (Buss) that for a short term relationship men generally prefer a woman who is 25 (25 is the peak of fertility, NOT 16-20). For a longer term relationship the preferred age is before the peak of fertility because of the extra years' advantage (you can have a couple of babies in a few years).
(You can make a test for yourself and see pics of hot female celebs from different ages. I bet that you will prefer the looks of 25 year old to that of 18 year old of almost any woman and it is not only about make-up. Scarlett Johansson is hot because she DID'N looke like an 18 year old but rather something like 25.)
Also: We should not over emphasise the "ferility" part. For instance Buller has pointed out that one of the main components of a relationship is that it works well. That's why 45 year old guy probably prefers a 35 year old rather than 17 year old wife. Raising a child succesfully is not the same as having a baby. The preferred age difference goes up as man gets older but not as much as fertility alone would predict.
About the stages of men: you are mostly correct. There are many factors effecting the fact that young boys don't get that much. One of them is the fact that a big percentage is involved with their own personal problems in those ages; they don't even think (or want) about a relationship with a girl that much.
I would say some guys learn how to become pick-up artists at 23-24...
but a huge minority of women keep living like young adults till they are 30 or more. And they don't look like babuskas.
ReplyDeleteThey may behave as though they were young adults, but no one would be fooled -- go to an 18+ club where the majority are college students, or a 21+ club where the age limit is de facto 25. Then go to one where there are plenty of late 20s+ people.
They're just shooting themselves in the foot, since it's the opposite of aging gracefully.
25 is the peak of fertility, NOT 16-20
It's more like 23 - 24, but you can't go straight from "hey how you doin'?" to "it's a boy!" If you move real fast, it still takes a year, typically longer.
Anyway, the point was why 18 - 23 rather than close to the guy's own age -- not to split hairs over 21 vs. 24.
It's true that 22 - 24 is the peak of raw physical attractiveness, but I'm talking about overall appeal. Good looks play a large role in that, but so does youthful charm. You have to get a large sample from personal experience, but interacting with 18 y.o.s versus 25 y.o.s is noticeably different -- the 18 y.o.s have more charm.
Scarlett Johansson is hot because she DID'N looke like an 18 year old but rather something like 25.
No way does she look 25. Her face, the tightness of skin on her legs, etc., all point to a freshman / sophomore in college.
And again, her appeal in that movie isn't physical -- well, partly, but it's more how refreshing her demeanor and energy level are, compared to his wife. That's why that movie really touches a nerve with some people: women could get over the fact that a 50 y.o. woman couldn't compete with an 18 y.o. in looks, since that's only a superficial quality.
But personality, energy level, etc., also matter -- and here too the 18 y.o. is more appealing than the 50 y.o. Older women want to at least hold on to their perceived superiority in these domains, but it's just not true.
Older women's comparative advantage is in caring for children and managing a family, whether their own, as allomothers, or as community helpers (teacher, nurse, etc.). If they try to specialize in attracting mates, they'll lose out to younger females, unless it's an old male with few options.
For instance Buller has pointed out that one of the main components of a relationship is that it works well.
Oh I agree, but the 45 y.o. male works better with a 35 y.o. female than an 18 y.o. female because the latter doesn't want anything to do with the average 45 y.o. -- she'd find it incredibly creepy.
If some 18 y.o. girls found the 45 y.o. guy appealing -- now we're talking a very elite level of middle-aged guys, like Bill Murray's character in that movie, or maybe a charismatic businessman, politician, or professor (hey, it could happen) -- then he'll start to be really torn. Their adolescent charm is very disarming and warming.
Am I the only one who really liked girls from 2-5 years of age,
ReplyDeleteNo. I had a "girlfriend" at 5 (the girl next door, the only girl I knew, of course) and we used to "kiss" and play "show me yours, I'll show you mine" when we could get a moment without parental supervision. But then, I don't recall ever having much of a girl hate phase. At the schoolyard they finally told me that kissing girls made you gay, so I kept running away and pretending that I hated it. (Hey, I actually thought I was a closeted gay, in a way.)
Maybe it is a cultural difference again,
Or a physical difference. To my eye, pale people in areas that were not meant for pale people look way more aged than pale people in northern Europe. The US, Australia and even the populated areas of Canada are on latitudes far below northern Europe and the sun exposure is far greater. In Eurasia & Africa, where the population is mostly what's evolved, the people on the same latitudes are rather swarthy.
You can make a test for yourself and see pics of hot female celebs from different ages. I bet that you will prefer the looks of 25 year old to that of 18 year old
ReplyDeleteOne reason not to trust this particular test is that hot female celebs are bound to look younger than they truly are. Nelly Furtado is a prime example. Goddamn that woman is hot.
A better test is just being surrounded by people of college age, mid 20s, late 20s, etc. You get a more realistic feel for what they look like.
i have never met a woman over 25 who resents men. women have too much to do to have time to think about you guys so much. seriously, men really don't understand the female psyche outside of what concerns them. eventually most of our attention turns to motherhood and taking care of everyone.
ReplyDeleteit seems like most ideas of 'older women' come from cougars and divorcees, especially ones who are not caring for children. this is a poor representation of femalekind.
go to another country (pref anywhere in asia, africa, s. america) and see what women are like there.
it seems like most ideas of 'older women' come from cougars and divorcees, especially ones who are not caring for children.
ReplyDeleteI quoted the mother from My So-Called Life, expressing a pretty typical sentiment. It's not seething resentment if they're married and raising kids, but it's lurking there.
That's why the extreme cases of cougars and divorcees are so useful -- often something is present in normal people but is masked. Extreme cases unmask that reality.
And c'mon, you have to know my tone is just a bit joking when I use the term "man-resenter."
OK, easier way to think of it:
ReplyDeleteWhen it really hits them that their value is rapidly dropping in the eyes of society at large, due mostly to fading looks, while their husband's value is rising due to higher status, do wives respond with or without envy in their voice?
Maybe "man-enviers" would be more accurate, since it doesn't have such a bitter connotation, but it's dangerously close to a Freud reference.
ReplyDeletedo you think that maybe you used that MSCL example to prove your point? You're projecting. A lot of people project. If you were an attractive woman and married a man and then stopped being attractive and your husband got more attractive, you would feel that way. but maybe...just maybe...most women don't.
i've gone out to bars and clubs with my boyfriend and there have been women who are as or more attractive than me who have cought his eye. i know that, and i actually encourage him to talk to them. yes, i am of the age and beauty where i am lucky enough to have men desire me at this club, too, but that will end in five or so years. at that point, i will only have him love me, and women will still desire him.
so? do you really think i will sit around envious of the father of my children? perhaps for a second, but i will cope and deal with it. if i don't, he will not love me, because i won't love myself. and that's the thing, though less and less men desire us as we age, we still are happy with ourselves. shocking, huh?
you'd be shocked and awed how so many things you think people feel are just your feelings projected onto them. that's okay, it's natural, you are seeking to understand these women, as i seek to understand you.
"Oh I agree, but the 45 y.o. male works better with a 35 y.o. female than an 18 y.o. female because the latter doesn't want anything to do with the average 45 y.o. -- she'd find it incredibly creepy."
ReplyDeleteYou seem to have an extremely narrow image of what is a well functioning relationship. It is about emotional bonding, cooperating with the other person. Not just calculating their looks. And divorce rates in high age difference couples are extremely high (and yes, divorce is not only about the value of the current mate but about other things as well).
So the explanation is mainly not what you are suggesting. Even most top-value males (French president Sarcozy) pick rather a 40 year old than 17 year old wife. If he himself would be 40 rather than around 60 he would probably pick something around 25, though... Got the point?
"You can make a test for yourself and see pics of hot female celebs from different ages. I bet that you will prefer the looks of 25 year old to that of 18 year old
One reason not to trust this particular test is that hot female celebs are bound to look younger than they truly are. Nelly Furtado is a prime example. Goddamn that woman is hot.
A better test is just being surrounded by people of college age, mid 20s, late 20s, etc. You get a more realistic feel for what they look like."
Well, I disagree. I think hot female celebs are mostly 30-40 year olds and they look as they where around 22-29. I don't really know any hot female celeb which would look 17-18. And I think Scarlett looked a lot older than 18.
As I look 16-18 year old girls, they are neither mentally nor physically as attractive as girls between 20-28. Many girls are almost children (mentally) even at the age of 20. Maybe it has something to do with the aging of the skin as Jaakkeli mentioned. Finland is very north and aging is slower...?
About the night clubs: you are very right in something. 25 year olds don't go to places which 18 year olds go. I bet no high status males even visit those places for 18 year olds. Usually what you see there is: not very stylish 17-19 year old (many of them virgin) girls and 17-20 year old mostly desperate (many of them virgin) boys. You wouldn't call that a fun party, would you?
I think there are big cultural differences, as I heard that in Japan >25 women are discriminated against. In Seychelles most "women" are active from a very young age, 15-16 year old girls are usually fully active and chased by 25-35 men.
Maybe you are just overgeneralizing your own taste of young women?
"One reason not to trust this particular test is that hot female celebs are bound to look younger than they truly are."
ReplyDeleteWhat I ment was to check the same celeb at different ages. Does anyone really claim that Christina Aquilera looked better when she was 17? Young girls might be cute but they really lack the sex appeal.
do you really think i will sit around envious of the father of my children? perhaps for a second, but i will cope and deal with it.
ReplyDeleteAh, here's the mix-up -- when you have an attitude or opinion about something, do you sit around and fixate on it all day? That is, about any opinion you have? No, but the opinion or attitude is still there.
That's what I'm talking about: what attitude to older women have toward men, regardless of how frequently they dwell on it, how nasty they are when they vocalize it, etc.?
Ilmari -- you're ignoring what I've already said, i.e. that physical attractiveness peaks around 22 - 24. You keep hinting that I think 15 - 20 y.o.s are the most physically attractive, but I've said that's not true.
Most hot celebs are in their 30s or 40s? You're either an older woman or a very old man. Obviously tastes differ, but randomly poll 1000 men from all cultures -- the majority will agree with me that 22 - 24 looks better than 30+.
BTW, the comment about French politicians choosing older wives is pretty hilarious -- the wife is just the public partner. A powerful French (or Spanish or Italian or English...) politician will have many mistresses who he falls for. Want to take a guess how old the mistresses will be?
ReplyDeleteThat's again, another projection. Who cares if I become less desirable? You say I do, and not only will I care but I will subconsciously be 'resentful' or 'envious'. The only truth here is that I will become less desirable. The others are emotions that come with a fact. Emotions are not latent, they are palpable, especially in women. So if I am not feeling it, then I am just living the fact, and not feeling envious or resentful.
ReplyDeleteYou may meet me in 10 years and assume that I am, but that is your assumption. That is how you understand me.
The flip side of this is just as common. I frequently meet older bachelors and assume they're unhappy. But that is my projection because to me having a family is what makes me happy. I cannot understand how someone does not feel like me. But just because an older bachelor lives the fact that he has not sired children, does not mean he has latent bad emotions about it. If he had those emotions, then he would openly feel them, and then perhaps decide to marry and become a father.
"Ilmari -- you're ignoring what I've already said, i.e. that physical attractiveness peaks around 22 - 24. You keep hinting that I think 15 - 20 y.o.s are the most physically attractive, but I've said that's not true."
ReplyDeleteYou are speaking about girls (16)18-24 and I was disagreeing with that. If the "peak" is around 24 and change is constant, it would predict that 28 year old is physically as attractive as 20 year old. (If people look older there where you live, I don't know.)
"Most hot celebs are in their 30s or 40s? You're either an older woman or a very old man. Obviously tastes differ, but randomly poll 1000 men from all cultures -- the majority will agree with me that 22 - 24 looks better than 30+."
What ages are Halley Berry, Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston, Kylie Minoghue etc. etc. (I am talking about Madonna, she is old.) They are about 30-40. (After 40 comes the menopausal stuff and make up is not enough.) And I said these people look as if they where about 25. Which is hot.
These hot celebes of course keeped their peak hotness for a longer time well into their 30s (it is not that typical).
"BTW, the comment about French politicians choosing older wives is pretty hilarious"
I am pretty sure that he would remain single if he would only do it for publicity...
Well, "projection" is one of those completely unprovable things. Saying something is "latent" isn't -- you just show when it comes out, which I admit is infrequent among happily married mothers.
ReplyDeleteAnd please, don't take what I'm saying personally. I'm always speaking of averages, the way you talk about hipsters or something.
"And please, don't take what I'm saying personally."
ReplyDeleteWell, you were making predictions about me... :) In fact I'm neither old nor a woman nor dating an old woman; I am 24, male and have a very attractive 20 year old gf.
this post was outstanding. right up my alley. just brimming over with ugly truths. older guys... and especially older women... have an illimitable capacity for self-delusion and a fortress full of bromides to help prop up their sanity.
ReplyDeleteyour description of a man's girl-hating stage is spot on. as was the "waking up" when a man is presented with an exceptional opportunity. this applies equally to celibate housebound nerds as well as older men.
and that's the thing, though less and less men desire us as we age, we still are happy with ourselves.
ReplyDeletethat's easy for you to say now, rina.
give it time. give it time...
ReplyDeleteThat's again, another projection. Who cares if I become less desirable? You say I do, and not only will I care but I will subconsciously be 'resentful' or 'envious'. The only truth here is that I will become less desirable. The others are emotions that come with a fact. Emotions are not latent, they are palpable, especially in women. So if I am not feeling it, then I am just living the fact, and not feeling envious or resentful.
Honestly, when I make a list of nastiest people met ever, it's old women. I can't even think of an older man who has even made the list. All time winner was an old woman WITH HER HUSBAND. Young men succeed in being punk/hoodlums, but many older women, especially past 50, are pure, total mean. They are used to rabidly biting people and then running behind the woman/old person screen. And I wasn't even DOING anything when they went nuts!
Of course, I live in America.
Secondly, the world isn't a very nice place. I'd like younger women who weren't from a completely disfunctional household because they are less insane. Of course, younger men are also normally less insane to. Insane people aren't fun.
[b]The flip side of this is just as common. I frequently meet older bachelors and assume they're unhappy. But that is my projection because to me having a family is what makes me happy. I cannot understand how someone does not feel like me. But just because an older bachelor lives the fact that he has not sired children, does not mean he has latent bad emotions about it. If he had those emotions, then he would openly feel them, and then perhaps decide to marry and become a father.[/b]
ReplyDelete"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit." -- Aristotle
The longer a man, or woman, lives alone, the greater difficulty they have dealing with living with someone else. At least with 'normal' people. They have deep ruts in behaviour, and these are not easily changed. Now, people who spent ten years doing this or that, could, suddenly leap into non-bacheolor hood and handle it pretty well. But could a normal, do-the-same-thing-every-day bachelor do it? Probably not.
That's one of the reasons telling 22 year old college students to 'wait' is insane. They will just get more used to being single.
On the other hand, alot of people are bachelors for very good reasons, and they may not like being bachelors, but the alternatives may suck even more.
Certainly almost all women in America have Expectations that the Bachelor may very well find unexceptable. Quite frankly, many American women are insane.
One of my cousins complained that this rich guy had married a quite little school teacher. She wasn't worth him! She had also had an episode of 'instant lust' with this rich guy, because he was very handsome. But he was 'to wierd'. So Mr. Bachelor was unwilling to give up himself to meet Miss I-Lust-For-You-And-You-Have-Money Expectations. She then complains that he found someone who would handle it, or pretended to.
Well, to bad.