July 16, 2006

Such large eyes

When I look into your eyes, I get butterflies in my stomach.

Ah c'mon, you know it's funny dammit. [same girl as below and here]


  1. dude -- you need to increase N.

  2. Ha, I'm actually freakishly high in N. But there are a couple things that manage to calm me down and want to do or say utterly silly things. This girl, for example. :)

  3. Wait, did you mean "N" as short for the trait Neuroticism? Or as in, I need to sample lots more individuals?

  4. the latter.

    N up = idealization down = likelihood of scoring way up

  5. Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I figured that one out the hard way. Permanent scars. I can't help but think this way, but at least now I know better and to keep it bottled up. But remember, this girl lives in Barcelona, so it's safe to sigh from afar. I'd never actually say stuff like this to her, as I wouldn't have the chance.

  6. Whoever that anonymous poster was -- I just deleted your comment, as I'm sure it was a poster I've already banned. You are not welcome here.


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