August 21, 2019

Political junkies are all busty women and boob men

I've had a hunch about this for awhile, but three posts today drove the point home (here, here, and here). Political junkies are either busty women or the boob men who are drawn to them, rather than what you'd see in the population at large -- some boob men and some ass men, some buxom women and some bootylicious women.

Those three are from the anti-woke part of the Left, but you see the same boob orientation on the Right, where they're fixated on AOC and Ben Shapiro's sister (e.g., here, and the MAGA grifter women who show off their front rather than backside).

The only ones from Twitter who I recall carrying some meat in the seat are "haramgirlfriend" and "as_a_woman". But they're both busty, too, so it's not such an exception to the rule. And most of their reply guys focus on their boobs, not their asses. I don't read many accounts, so there could be others, but the basic point remains. I can't think of one who is a member of the IBTC, while having curvaceous hips-ass-and-thighs, which is a common body type.

You see this with political figures as well: the majority of junkies obsess over AOC's chest, while Tulsi's apple bottom goes sadly unnoticed.

The only place I've seen ass appreciation is in the subreddit for Cumtown, but then they're the least strictly political. Some of the Chapo Trap House hosts use "PAWG," though only ironically, as far as I can tell. (If they really are ass men, they're using an ironic tone to cover that up, being surrounded by boob men in their social / online circles.)

In what way is the political junkie world unusual, so that it's far more boob-oriented than the ordinary world? Not something that distinguishes Left from Right, since this holds across the ideological spectrum.

The main difference to me seems to be cerebral vs. corporeal, with cerebrals being boob people and corporeals being ass people. Wanting to engage in online discourse all day long could not be any less kinesthetic of an activity, compared to wanting to work with tools / crafts, play sports, or go out dancing.

The link is how animalistic their inclinations are -- using tools, physically playing around, and dancing are found throughout the animal kingdom, where the default sexual position is from behind, hence the focus on the hips-ass-and-thighs. Symbolic language, abstract concepts, logical arguments, rhetorical tricks, irony, meta-ness, etc., are uniquely human, as are the face-to-face sexual positions, and the focus on the front-facing body parts.


  1. With all due respect(I enjoy many of your posts), your analysis seems off on this one. The reason internet political junkies obsess over boobs isn't intellectualism, it's infantilism. Babies see boobs as sources of nourishment and comfort. They know nothing about hips and ass, more properly associated with adult sex. Both the internet political chattering and the breast worshipping are signs of neoteny. It's not that preoccupation with symbols (the world of the intellect) leads to a focus on breasts, it's that a failure of socialization leads to myopic intellectualism and breast fetishism. I don't find stunted nerds venting about politics and slobbering over tits particularly intellectual, though it is fair to say they're most likely physically useless with no manual skills or even interests.

  2. There's an old post of mine somewhere saying the same thing about boob men being infantilized and ass men being more grown up in which part of the body they focus on.

    But that doesn't account for the women -- having huge tits is not neotenous. You could say they're catering to others who are (boob men), but that doesn't require them to be infantilized as well. Why not be more mature, the better to manipulate the naive boob men?

    And a lot of what these women are talking about is to one another, esp. regarding feminism / Me Too / and other sex-related parts of the woke movement. In those remarks, they're not aiming primarily at men, whether boob men or ass men. Sometimes primarily at other women, sometimes at men and women both. You don't need a big rack to discuss matters with other women.

    "Cerebral" does not mean intellectual, it means "as opposed to corporeal".

  3. lol I wonder if any of your female readers will opine on this observation..

  4. quibbling over labels.

    1. Agnostic! This whole thing has killed me! Slayed!!!

  5. Here’s my take on this: look at the top of your page. Politics revolves around talking, talking is a face-to-face activity. You can slip in some cleavage or a tight shirt and padded bra under your face on your Twitter profile, you can’t show off your ass and your face at the same time without doing a contortion act.

    Will expand on this more later.

  6. To expand on that, most women I can think of who get attention for their ass are more physically oriented, people who are doing things more than they are talking. Female athletes, action movie actresses, Instagram gym booty models. Running, crouching, crawling, lifting, anything but standing still facing a camera. That or they’re bimbos like Kim Kardashian where no one cares what they have to say about anything.


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