Before getting to how to visualize a hypercube, let's note that this is not the same thing as "visualizing in four dimensions." Allow me to rain on the parade as follows -- see picture below: by visualing a 2-D cube (that is, a square), we can proceed to visualize all of 2-D space by fusing together the (n-1) dimensional "faces" of a square with those of another square (that is, the line segments that make up the perimeter). Say we fused the right side of square A with the left side of square B, making two squares side-by-side; we could do this infinitely in the left-right dimension. Then we could fuse the top of square A with the bottom of a third square C, and again stack as many others as we wanted in the up-down dimension. In this way, we'd fill out all of a 2-D coordinate system, like everyday graph paper.
To visualize all of 3-D space -- see picture below -- we'd start with the (n-1) dimensional faces of a cube (that is, the squares making up the surface) and fuse them just as we did before. Since there are 3 dimensions we can travel in, we'd fuse the square sides of a bunch of cubes left or right, up or down, and toward or away from our viewpoint, filling up 3-D space. Note that the picture only shows this in one dimension to minimize clutter -- the top of the left-hand cube would be fused with the bottom of a cube on top of it, and the back of the left-hand cube would be fused with the front of a cube behind it.
The problem comes when we try to do this in 4-D: the "faces" of a hypercube are (n-1) dimensional cubes -- that is, 3-D cubes -- and we have to fuse these between adjacent hypercubes in four dimensions. You can't do this in 2-D, anymore than you could visualize 3-D space using only 1-D, so you'd need to build a 3-D model. The trouble is that, unlike fusing a bunch of square faces in a 2-D picture to imagine what 3-D would look like, which you can do with a special kind of graph paper, building a 3-D model of a 4-D coordinate system in the same way would require too much effort to be worth it, unless you were a real geek. So, the best we can do without really slaving away is to visualize just a 4-D (hyper)cube -- as if we could only visualize one cube in 3-D or one square on 2-D graph paper. Pretty myopic, but do-able.
In Part 2, we'll take a necessary detour through some graph theory, which will greatly aid us in thinking about how to go from 3-D to 4-D, which we'll do later on still.
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